CETL Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Orientering til Studiekomiteen 28.02.08 Kirsten Hofgaard Lycke Fagområdet for universitetspedagogikk.


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Utskrift av presentasjonen:

CETL Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Orientering til Studiekomiteen Kirsten Hofgaard Lycke Fagområdet for universitetspedagogikk

Bakgrunn CETLs er et av flere tiltak for skape endring i høyere utdanning Åpent mht hvordan CETLs utformes Unik mulighet til innovasjon – det er ingen tidligere mønstre eller modeller å arbeid ut fra

Hensikt The purpose of CETLs is to reward excellent teaching practice and to invest in that practice further in order to increase and deepen its impact accross a wider teaching and learning community Altså: Belønne god praksis og å investere i videre utvikling av denne!

Vide rammer Institusjonene skal selv definere området der de er fremragende Institusjonene må dokumentere på hvilke måter deres undervisning er fremragende og hvordan dette kan fremmes Forskningsbasert virksomhet

Centres of Excellence in Teaching and Learning 74 CETLs i England Totalt 315 millioner pund Hvert senter: Investeringstilskudd og årlig tilskudd

Eksempler på prosjekter Assessment Standards Knowledge Exchange (ASKe) Bristol ChemLabs CETL (Bristol Chemical Laboratory Sciences) Centre for Active Learning (CeAL) in Geography, Environment and Related Disciplines Centre for Career Management Skills (CCMS) Centre for Effective Learning in Science (CELs) Centre for Excellence in Dynamic Career Building for Tomorrow's Musician Centre for Excellence in Employer-Linked Engineering Education Centre for Excellence in Enquiry-Based Learning Centre for Excellence in Innovative Physics Teaching (piCETL) Centre for Excellence in Inter Professional Learning in the Public Sector (CETL:IPPS) Centre for Excellence in Media Practice (CEMP) Centre for Excellence in Preparing for Academic Practice

This CETL will focus on the development of postgraduate research students and postdoctoral researchers as the next generation of academics. It will build on Oxford's pre-eminent position as a provider of academics to the UK HE system, its development of graduates as teachers, and both pedagogic research and educational development support from the Institute for the Advancement of University Learning. The CETL will implement accredited programmes to develop the teaching, research and graduate skills of future academic staff for UK HE, across all academic departments, and support a national Preparation for Academic Practice Network involving eight institutions with large doctoral programmes.

Experiential Learning in Environmental and Natural Sciences The CETL arises from our existing excellence in fieldwork, laboratory work and work-based learning. We will enhance our provision in these areas by using innovative new technologies, applying inter-disciplinarity and embedding the skills associated with employability and entrepreneurship more firmly in the experiential curriculum. We will adapt our laboratories, curricula and procedures to ensure that large cohort sizes, or individual disability, do not impede access to a lively, extensive and safe experiential curriculum. We will develop an innovative Immersive Vision Theatre and an equally advanced Lab+ facility for the benefit of our students, visiting educational groups and the local community.

Inter-disciplinary ethics across subject disciplines (IDEAS) The IDEAS CETL builds on the established excellence in ethics teaching in the Leeds medical course where subject specialists and ethicists help students integrate the diverse ethical issues in the course into a coherent Ethics Theme which crosses subject and year boundaries. The CETL will transform student experiences by extending these successful features of ethics teaching to other programmes of study across the university, including biosciences, business, computing, education and engineering. Thus it will equip students to address increasing public concern about ethical issues in business and professional life. Furthermore the IDEAS CETL will contribute to national and international debates on these issues and their pedagogical implications.

Centre for Open Learning in Mathematics, Science, Computing and Technology The centre will build on the Open University's experience and innovatory work in open learning in the study of mathematics, science, computing and technology. The core objective is to improve the learning experience of students who have limited opportunity for direct face to face interaction with teachers. Although the potential development agenda is broad, there will be an initial focus on assessment and e- learning. The Centre will comprise an academic community of 'teaching fellows' who will refine their skills through action learning based on the OU's programmes. These fellows will be drawn from the OU academic staff and will occupy seconded roles temporarily.

Hva er oppnådd til nå? CETLs har medvirket til utvikling og videreføring av ekspertise Styrket oppmerksomheten mot læring og undervisning Men: Forholdet mellom forskning på undervisning/læring - og forskning på faget uklart CETLs må bli bedre integrert i institusjonene og få større spredningseffekt