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Presentasjon om: "DIGITAL PORTFOLIOS AS TOOLS FOR SHARED KNOWLEDGE IN TEACHER EDUCATION IN NORWAY. Phd.Student Mattias Øhra Training for Pre-school Teachers and General."— Utskrift av presentasjonen:

1 DIGITAL PORTFOLIOS AS TOOLS FOR SHARED KNOWLEDGE IN TEACHER EDUCATION IN NORWAY. Phd.Student Mattias Øhra Training for Pre-school Teachers and General Teachers in Norway N O R W A Y

2 DIGITAL PORTFOLIOS AS TOOLS FOR SHARED KNOWLEDGE IN TEACHER EDUCATION IN NORWAY. Introduction of digital portfolios has contributed to a change in relation to traditional assessment. Increased focus on assessment as learning versa assessment of learning N O R W A Y

3 DIGITAL PORTFOLIOS AS TOOLS FOR SHARED KNOWLEDGE IN TEACHER EDUCATION IN NORWAY. In an escalation of the ICT and New Learning Processes project (2000-2004), Vestfold University College has initiated systematic measures, where technology and learning processes are placed in a long- term perspective. All of the students are integrated into the new programme. N O R W A Y

4 St.meld 27 (2000-2001) Gjør din plikt - Krev din rett Kvalitetsreform av høyere utdanning Fokus: Formativ vurdering. 1.Departementet mener at jevnlige evalueringer som gir studentene hyppige tilbakemeldinger om utbyttet av læringsprosessen, skal inngå i studiene som en del av undervisningsarbeidet. Dette vil føre til en jevnere arbeidsfordeling gjennom studieåret og bidra til å flytte fokuset fra kortsiktig eksamenslesing på slutten av semesteret og være et uttrykk for hva studentene har forstått, framfor gjengiving av fastlagt pensum. Nye former for evaluering kontinuerlig gjennom studiet og mindre omfattende avslutningseksamen vil også bidra til at mindre tid går bort til eksamensperioder, og til en bedre utnyttelse av studieåret. 2.Vurderinger underveis i studiet kan organiseres på mange ulike måter, blant annet gjennom oppgaveinnleveringer, deleksamener, mappevurdering og annet. (St.meld 27 (2000-2001):31). (St.meld 27 (2000-2001):31). N O R W A Y

5 The Quality Reform -A Reform in Norwegian Higher Education 2000-2001 Formative assessment in Higher Education The students’ academic performance will be assessed both through final examinations as well as through various term assignments. To a much greater extent than previously, the academic courses will now be more structured. There will be regular guidance and monitoring of each student. An Individual Study Plan containing both the student’s and the institution’s mutual commitments, will be signed by both parties. This is to secure that the student receives adequate guidance, as well as to provide the institution with an overview to ensure proper use of resources. N O R W A Y

6 Increased focus on how ICT can help to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Better access to learning materials and the development of new and varied learning methods to stimulate activity, autonomy and cooperation Digital portfolios N O R W A Y

7 Digital portfolios can be understood as cultural tools, artefacts where practical tools are integrated with human functions. (Øhra 2004/2004a) Digital portfolios N O R W A Y

8 Portfolio as educational media ”Portfolio is a systematic collection of student work which shows effort, progress and performance in one or more areas. The collection must include student involvement regarding content, selection criteria and evaluation criteria and it must show student self- reflection. Paulsson, F. L., Paulsson, P. R. & Meyer, C (1991) N O R W A Y

9 A model of analyses for portfolio processes in the project ”Alternative assessments in Teacher education in Norway”. (Dysthe & Engelsen 2004). N O R W A Y

10 Learning perspective 1.The behaviourist perspective? 2.The cognitive perspective? 3.The sociocultural learnig perspective? N O R W A Y To legitimate the use of ICT in education, we are forced to question our basic understanding of the nature of knowledge.

11 Portfolios and collaborative learning Student and Teacher roles – Collaboration Digital portfolios give us the opportunities to shift between using technology to support the individual and using technology to support relationships. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). N O R W A Y

12 Collaborative learning Systematic Collaborative Activities Construction, manipulation of material N O R W A Y

13 Findings: A digital portfolio is more than a tool for evaluation and learning.  A key aspect of this project is the fact that ICT emerges just as much as a social measure, as it does a technological measure. A digital portfolio can function as an virtual infrastructure for formative assessment A digital portfolio gives us opportunity to deal with multimedia texts, linked together by a hyper textual infrastructure for communication and learning N O R W A Y (Øhra 2004/2004a/2003/2002)

14 Findings: Digital portfolios have impact on the social and pedagogical processes in the classroom. The students must have knowledge about each others work through the transparency in their portfolios. For the students, this has entailed a more transparent learning and work situation, where the individuals become more visible in the community. Through work with digital portfolios on the web, the students have been forced to get accustomed to a more open and cooperative method of working. (Øhra 2004/2004a/2003/2002) N O R W A Y

15 Findings: The infrastructure of digital portfolio give possibilities of collaborative learning and collective products and processes. Students must be trained in self-assessment and peer assessment. The assessments criteria must be clearly communicated to the students. Students should also be participating in making these criteria. The project maintains the hypothesis that ICT is a means of creating a social learning community and that the technology has the ability to "trigger" relational learning arenas. (Øhra 2004/2004a/2003/2002) N O R W A Y

16 Portfolios have two levels: Presentation portfolio Working portfolio Arbeidsmappe Martin Espen Ida Hanne Victoria Martin Espen Ida Hanne Victoria Mappeeksempler Kristins mappeappeeksempler Kristins mappe Borrevann Karmakongen Studentarkiv Presentasjonsmappe Eksempel Eksempel N O R W A Y

17 References: Dysthe, O. and Engelsen, K.S (2004) Portfolios and assessments in teacher education in Norway: a theory-based discussion of different models in two sites. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. Vol. 29, 2, April 2004 Paulsson, F. L., Paulsson, P. R. & Meyer, C (1991) What makes a portfolio a portfolio? Educational Leadership 48, 5. 60-63. St.meld 27 (2000-2001):31. Øhra.M. 2004: Kunnskapsdeling ved bruk av digitale mapper. I IKT og nye læreprosesser (red. Hildegunn Otnes). En artikkelsamling basert på erfaringer fra et prosjekt ved avdeling for lærerutdanning. Tønsberg, Høgskolen i Vestfold, 2004. Notat 2 / 2004En artikkelsamling Øhra. M. 2004a: Evaluering og rapporter fra prosjektet IKT og nye læreprosesser fra 1999 – 2003. Webportal for dokumentasjon av prosjektet IKT og nye læreprosesser. http://www- Øhra.M. 2003: Avsluttende rapport fra prosjektet "IKT og nye læreprosesser" ved Høgskolen i Vestfold. Høgskolen i Vestfold Avdeling for lærerutdanning. Avsluttende rapport fra prosjektet "IKT og nye læreprosesser" Øhra: 2002. Program for LærerUtdanning, Teknologi og Omstilling ( PLUTO). Rapport. Prosjektet IKT og nye Læreprosesser. Høgskolen i Vestfold. Avdeling for Lærerutdanning N O R W A Y

18 Educational media N O R W A Y

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