Erlend Alfnes Trondheim


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Etablering av effektiv produksjon på tvers av landegrenser

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IT-Ledelse , 4.februar Dagens: forts. “Dagens Situasjon” i Y-modellen
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Globalisering og norsk bildelindustri.
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*BEST Coaching Strategi – Organisasjonsutvikling – Executive Search - Coaching 1.
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Gruppeundervisning /
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Slide 2:. Forretningsmodellen forklart på engelsk og norsk
Verdiskapning, produktattributter og målkostnader
Slide 2:. Forretningsmodellen forklart på engelsk og norsk
Hvorfor markedsføring? Morten H. Abrahamsen Førsteamanuensis BI
Databaser: dvs. data lagret i informasjonsteknologi
Del III: Relasjonsforhold mellom kunde og leverandør
Selge et produkt eller en tjeneste
Slide 2:. Forretningsmodellen forklart på engelsk og norsk
Slide 2:. Forretningsmodellen forklart på engelsk og norsk
Strategisk hierarki Regnskap AS.
Hvorfor markedsføring? Morten H. Abrahamsen Førsteamanuensis BI
Utskrift av presentasjonen:

Erlend Alfnes Trondheim 09.02.06 Framtidens forretningsmodeller hvordan skape helhetlige forretningsmodeller som gir et konkurransefortrinn? Framtida er her nå! Business models’ was one of the great buzzwords of the Internet boom, but a good business model remains essential to every successful organization, whether it’s a new venture or an established player (Margretta, 2002) The business model is what the business does, and how the business makes money from its activities. (Malone et. al. 2003) A new business model’s plot may turn on designing a new product for an unmet need, or it may turn on a process innovation, a better way of making, selling or distributing an already proven product or service (Magretta, 2002). Interest in business models is relatively recent, and mainly associated with the new economy. The popularity can be illustrated by a quick search on Google which indicated 4 326 812 entries. The business model is new concept. The business model provides a coherent framework that takes technological characteristics and potential as inputs, and converts them through customers and markets into economic outputs. The business model is thus conceived as a focusing device that mediates between technology development and economic value creation. The failure of firms to manage effectively in the face of technological change can be understood as the difficulty these firms have in perceiving and then enacting new business models. Magretta (2002) seems to agree, and state that a business model answers the questions: Erlend Alfnes Trondheim 09.02.06

Agenda Målsetningen er å gi en forståelse for begrepet “forretningsmodell” og hvordan slike bør analyseres og formuleres Dette innebærer å: Gi noen eksempler på fremragende forretningsmodeller Definere termen “forretningsmodell” og hovedelementene i en slik modell Gi noen retningslinjer for utvikling og analyse av foretningsmodeller Vise en metodikk for utvikling av styringsmodeller - som gjør det mulig å analysere foretningsmodellen på en systematisk måte To provide an overview of the research on business models What is an business model? What characterise a good business model? What are the elements necessary to formulate a business model? To provide some examples of outstanding business models To provide an overview on production control concepts , what the

Most Efficient Path to the Customer We believe that the most efficient path to the customer is through a direct relationship, with no intermediaries to add confusion and cost. We are organized around groups of customers with similar needs. This allows our teams to understand the specific needs of specific customers - without customer needs being "translated" by inefficient resellers and middlemen. Single Point of Accountability We recognize that technology can be complex, so we work to keep things easy for our customers. We make Dell the single point of accountability so that resources necessary to meet customer needs can be easily marshaled in support of complex challenges. Our customers tell us they want streamlined and fast access to the right resources; direct provides just that. Build-to-Order We provide customers exactly what they want in their computer systems through easy custom configuration and ordering. Build-to-order means that we don't maintain months of aging and expensive inventory. As a result, we typically provide our customers with the best pricing and latest technology for features they really want. Low-Cost Leader We focus resources on what matters to our customers. With a highly efficient supply chain and manufacturing organization, a concentration on standards-based technology developed collaboratively with our industry partners, and a dedication to reducing costs through business process improvements, we consistently provide our customers with superior value. Standards-Based Technology We believe that standard technology is key to providing our customers with relevant, high-value products and services. Focusing on standards gives customers the benefit of extensive research and development from Dell and an entire industry - not from just a single company. Unlike proprietary technologies, standards give customers flexibility and choice.

Dells direct model (cont) The key strategy is virtual integration, The individual pieces of the strategy – customer focus, supplier partnerships, mass customisation, just-in-time manufacturing – may all be familiar. But the way they are combined is highly innovative. Example Dell The firm has grown to over 20$ billion in annual sales in just 20 years, and has outperformed their competitors by over 3000 percent in terms of shareholder over the eight years period from 1988 to 1996. The company products include a mix of PCs, notebooks, workstations, servers, and software products. Their business concept (value proposition) involves selling customised computer solutions directly to customers at competitive prices. The business model also integrates strategic decisions, operational processes, and decisions related to economics. It is designed around elimination of intermediates, systems built to order, high responsive customer service, moderate margins, rapid inventory turnover, speedy integration of technologies, and a highly efficient procurement, manufacturing and distribution process. Adherence to these elements guides operational decisions making and the firm’s ongoing strategic direction. Dell is now evolving in a direction that Michael Dell calls virtual integration. The individual pieces of the strategy – customer focus, supplier partnerships, mass customisation, just-in-time manufacturing – may all be familiar. But the way they are combined is highly innovative. Virtual integration harnesses the economic benefits of two very different business models. It offers the advantage of a tightly coordinated supply chain that have traditionally come from vertical integration. At the same time, it benefits from the focus and specialisation that drive virtual corporations. (Margretta, 1998)

Zaras instant fashion model Zara kan tilby et stort mangfold av de siste designklærne raskt og i begrenset antall. Zara forretningsmodell er basert på tre prinsipper. Lukk kommunikasjons gapet Hold den samme rytmen gjennom hele verdikjeden Ha kontroll på dine anleggsmidler (capital assets) for å øke fleksibiliteten i leveransekjeden Kjernen i forretningsmodellen er en super responsiv leveransekjede. Example Zara The business model is based on a super responsive supply chain. The company can design, produce, and deliver a new garment and put it on display in its stores worldwide in a mere 15 days. Such a pace is unheard of in the fashions industry, where designers typically spend months planning for the next season. Go for a shopping trip to one of H&M's clothing stores and then compare with one of the shops of the Spanish chain Zara. You won't notice a hell of a difference between their business model. But there is! Zara, which is owned by Inditex, distinguishes itself by a number of clever business model building blocks that reinforce each other. At its heart the company is building on a vertically integrated demand and supply chain, while most other textile chains rely on outsourcing and cheap labour in China. Zara studies its customers demand in the stores and tries to instantely deliver. This allows them to have a particularly appealing value proposition: A collection that is in line with the very latest fashion. The Economist, for example, writes: "When Madonna gave a series of concerts in Spain, teenage girls were able to sport at her last performance the outfit she wore for her first concert, thanks to Zara". It takes the company only 5 weeks (!) to come up with a new garment from design to delivery and only 2 weeks for an existing model. Of course this business model design reaching from customer demand all the way to design and production has been refined to its best. Zara's shops use Information Technology to report directly to its production centers and designers in Spain. Shop managers use PDAs to check on the latest clothes designs and place their orders in accordance with the demand they observe in their stores. Thus, they directly contribute to a streamlined fashion collection of the entire company. I believe one of the strongest differentiators of Zara's business model is its closeness to its customers and its ability to transform this into a trendy value proposition... Other fashion chains simply can't follow this speed. Concept Zara offers the latest trends in international fashion in an environment of thought-out design. Its stores, located in the main commercial areas of cities across Europe, America and Asia, offer fashion inspired in the tastes, wishes and lifestyles of today’s men and women. Boundaries do not prevent anyone from sharing the same fashion culture. Thus, Zara has 626 stores in 46 countries. All of them have been designed to create a special atmosphere that will allow the client to feel the pleasure of buying fashion. In Zara, design is conceived as a process closely related to the client. From the stores we transmit to our creative teams, made up of over 200 professionals, the concerns and demands of the public. Zara walks at the pace of society, dressing ideas, trends and tastes that society itself has matured. Hence its success among people, cultures and generations that, in spite of their differences, share a special sensitivity for fashion. At one end of their product pipelife, Zara has created a very agile design process. As soon as designers spot possible trends, they create sketches and order fabrics. However, the company finalise designs and manufacture garments only after they get reliable data from the stores. That allows them to make products that meet consumer tastes and reduces the number of items they must sell at discount. At the other end of the pipeline, Zara has a super efficient distribution centre. They use state-of the art sorting and material handling technologies to ensure that the distribution doesn’t become a bottleneck when they must respond to demand fluctuations.

En mulig definisjon av forretningsmodell: “the totality of how a company selects its customers, defines and differentiates its offerings, defines the tasks it will perform itself and those it will outsource, configures its resources, goes to markets, creates utility for customers and captures profit” (Slywotsky, 1996) Begrepet forretningsmodell bygger mest direkte på Porter’s konsepter om verdikjede og strategisk posisjonering (Morris 2005) No generally accepted definition of the term business model has emerged. Definitions can be grouped within three categories: (based on 30 definitions found in literature) Economic level- the business model is defined solely in terms of the firm’s economic variables. Relevant decisions are revenue sources, pricing methodologies, cost structures, margins, and expected volumes. Operational level – the model represents an architecture of elements that enables the firm to create value. Relevant decisions are production or service delivery methods, administrative processes, resource flows, knowledge management, and logistical streams. Strategic level– definitions emphasise the overall direction in the market positioning, interactions across organisational boundaries, and growth opportunities. The major concern is competitive advantage and sustainability. Decisions elements includes stakeholder identification, value creation, differentiation, vision, values, and networks and alliances. Most definitions are on the strategic level. In addition, a an analysis of models frequently cited as being well conceptualised (e.g. Dell, Ikea, Wal-Mart etc.) suggest that these elements transcends the architecture of the firm and how it makes money. More than the sum of its parts, these models captures the essence of how the business system will be focused. Accordingly, the following definition is adopted: ”A business model is a concise representation of how an interrelated set of decisions variables in the area of venture strategy, architecture, and economics are addressed to create sustainable competitive advantage for the firm” (Morris et. al. 2005) Issues of theory represent another area receiving scant attention. No single theory can explain the value creation potential of a company. Morris (2005) suggest that the the business model construct builds upon central ideas in business strategy and its associated theoretical traditions. Most directly, it builds upon the value chain concept and the extended notions of value systems and strategic positioning (porter 1996). Also, Resource-based theory (Barney et al, 2001), Strategic network theory (Jarrillo, 1995), Cooperative strategies (Dyer and Singh, 1998), Strategic choices about firm boundaries (vertical integration, competitive strategy) Barney, 1999, and Transaction cost economics (Williamson, 1981).

Forretningsmodell og strategi Forretningsmodellen er en ‘proto-strategi’, for hvordan man leverer verdi til kunden, Den er basisen for flere forretningsstrategier for nye kunde segmenter og produkt kategorier. Den representerer en dominant logikk som styrer virksomhetens utvikling Når eksterne endringer underminerer en modell, må man ofte konstruere modellen helt på nytt. Source: Chesbrough & Rosenbloom (2002) Differences between strategy and business model The business model starts by creating value for the customer, and constructs the model around that delivering that value. The model focuses more on how value is created and less on the competition in a certain market. The business model is more of a proto-strategy, an dominant logic for how to deliver value to the customer, than it is a fully elaborated and defined plan of action. It is the basis for several business strategies for new customer segments and new product categories. Dell for example… The business model represents an dominant logic, that constraints the company’s sense-making process of which business opportunities to pursue. Hence the filtering process within a successful established firm is likely to preclude identifications of models that differ substantially from the firm’s current business model. In contrast, a start-up seem likely to be less constrained in the evaluation of alternative models. Research suggest that the process of adaptation appears to be either more highly motivated or more easily implemented in independent companies that in established firms. When external changes undermine a model, it typically can not be recalibrated, a new model must be constructed. Business model lifecycle: specification, refinement, revision and reformulation, adaption Example of new BM (Xerox) Hybrid (Dell) Reconstruction (Encyclopaedia Britannica Hard to beat (Southwest Air The Business model life cycle Involves periods of specification, refinement, adaptation, revision and reformulation. Although some entrepreneurs have a clearly formulated model when undertaking a venture, many starts with partially formed models and incomplete strategies. A process of experimentation may be involved as the model emerges (and a viable model may never emerge) An initial period where the model is fairly informal or implicit is followed by a period of trial and error, and a number of core decisions are made that delimit the directions in which the firm can evolve. At some time, a fairly definitive formal model is in place. Subsequently, adjustments are made and ongoing experiments are undertaken. A basically sound model will typically withstand economic downturns and modest disturbances but can become dysfunctional if major discontinuities occur. When external changes undermine a model, it typically can not be recalibrated, a new model must be constructed. (For example, Kodak .., or Yahoo’s business model was morphed from an provider of search functions to supplier of content to source of interactive services. (Rindow and Kotha, 2001) Example from Intel

Suksessfulle forretningsmodeller – noen retningslinjer De oppstår ofte i entreprenør enheter eller bedrifter De endrer radikalt på hvordan man gjør business De guidet av et visjonært lederskap De har en “åpen virksomhet” tenkemåte De er vanskelige å imitere Muligheter til å endre forretningsmodell oppstår veldig sjelden Bedrifter må utvikle evnen til å sanse og utnytte muligheter utenfor sin eksisterende forretningsmodell Source (Voelpel et. al. 2005) They often arise in entrepreneurial entities or companies (dell, amazone) They disruptively change the way of doing business (, Ryan air) They are guided by visionary leadership (Bill Gates, Michael Dell) The possess an “open enterprise” mindset (adopt fresh ideas from external sources) They are hard to imitate (why don’t everybody copy Dell). The new BM does not become the model for the whole industry because (this might happen) 1) competitors lack the entrepreneurial capability, 2) it is difficult to abandon old structures (contracts, established relationships to customers and suppliers, 3) rather than copy the newcomer, competitors chose to distinguish them selves by their own BM, and benefit form the increased demand. Business Model Change Opportunities emerge only very seldom. Most companies seems to be able to this “leap into the unfamiliar” – the revolutionary way of doing business – for a very limited number of times. This is because best business practices and efficiency approaches are very vulnerable when the industry environment becomes ripe for dramatic reinvention. A former leader of innovation might become a laggard and a victim of more innovative companies (fortune fra resilient org). Companies need to develop the capabilities to sense and exploit opportunities outside of the existing business model (either by spin-offs, by altering or reinventing the business model) More than the sums of its parts, the business model captures the essence of how the business system will be focused. How do you know if a business model is any good? When business models don’t work, its because they don’t make sense and/or the numbers don’t add up to the profit. Source. Margretta, 2002 Man må analysere og forstå sin forretningsmodell for å være konkurransedyktig over tid

Hva er din forretningsmodell? Verdien som tilbys Kostnadsstruktur og profitt potensial Markeds segmenter Eksternt verdinettverk og samarbeid Intern verdikjede og kapabiliteter Konkurransestrategi

Hvilken verdi tilbyr du? Partnerskap Kunde –Leverandør forhold ”Operational excellence” Verdi/pris Presis levering Disiplin/prosedyrer Produkt lederskap Beste produkter Sexy produkter Teknologi/merkevare ledere Kunde intimitet Intime relasjoner Kunde analyser Kontinuerlig tuning av produkter Marked Standard Kundetilpasset Skreddersøm av produkter

Varemerkeiere Verdien som tilbys: Kontorstoler med god ergonomisk design (Merkevare) ”Direct model” til forhandlere og store kunder Stoler som monteres på ordre og leveres raskt og presis Markeds segmenter. Skandinavia, Europa, USA (>20 land) Privatkunder og bedriftskunder Intern verdikjede og kapabiliteter Produseres på Håg, Røros, ca 600 stoler pr.dag Produksjon av stålkomponenter og sammensetting av stoler Kostnads struktur og profitt potensial ”Middelsmargin” segment, høye kostnader på arbeidsintensive oppgaver Eksternt verdinettverk og samarbeid med kunder og leverandører Global sourcing av standard komp og lokal sourcing av kundetilpassede komponenter Selges gjennom egne forhandlere Konkurransestrategi som gir et fortrinn i markedet Lager de beste sitteløsningene som gir bevegelse og variasjon på arbeidsplassen Varemerkeiere Analyse

Lette og solide hjuloppheng i aluminium Markeds segmenter. Verdien som tilbys: Lette og solide hjuloppheng i aluminium Markeds segmenter. Leverer til GM i Europa (Saab og Opel) Intern verdikjede og kapabiliteter 2 millioner per år produseres på Raufoss (3 varianter) Helautomatisert og effektiv produksjon av standard aluminiums chassis komponenter Kostnads struktur og profitt potensial ”Lavmargin” segment, strenge krav til kostnadsreduksjoner fra billeverandørene Automatisert linje som krever volum for lønnsomhet Eksternt verdinettverk og samarbeid med kunder og leverandører Global sourcing av materialer og komponenter En av 1800 leverandører til GM – kunden er sjefen, krav om 50ppm og 100% leveringspresisjon 7 års kontrakter og tett samarbeid om produktutvikling Konkurransestrategi som gir et fortrinn i markedet Utvikling og effektiv produksjon av innovative aluminiumskomponenter Analyse

Varemerkeiere Verdien som tilbys: Trappeløsninger i tre med god design og fornuftig pris Trapper konstrueres i tett dialog med kunden. Markeds segmenter. Hovedsakelig Norge og noe i Tyskland Bedriftskunder (byggeprosjekter), privatkunder Intern verdikjede og kapabiliteter Det konstrueres og produseres til sammen 6000 trapper i året Fire fabrikker (i Stryn, Gjøvik, og Trondheim) Effektiv produksjon av alle trekomponenter Kostnads struktur og profitt potensial Industritrapper i ”lavmarginsegment” Eksklusive håndverkstrapper i ”mediummargin segment” Eksternt verdinettverk og samarbeid med kunder og leverandører Global sourcing av trevarer og lokal sourcing av furu og komponenter i glass, stål, etc Uavhengige forhandlere, egne montører i Norge, uavhengige i Tyskland Konkurransestrategi som gir et fortrinn i markedet I front når det gjelder automatisert produksjon av tretrapper Varemerkeiere Analyse

Styringsmodellmetodikken – en måte å analysere og forbedre din forretningsmodell? Verdien som tilbys Kostnadsstruktur og profitt potensial Markeds segmenter Eksternt verdinettverk og samarbeid Intern verdikjede og kapabiliteter Konkurransestrategi

Styringsmodellmetodikken – fokus på produksjon og logistikk Forretnings modell Produksjon og logistikk Styring (prinsipper og teknikker) Organisering av produksjon og verdikjeder Materialflyt i fabrikker og verdikjeder Plassering og styring av buffer og lager Administrative prosesser (innkjøp, transportstyring, produksjonsstyring, ordremottak, etc.) Bruk av IKT-systemer i disse prosessene A new business model’s plot may turn on designing a new product for an unmet need, or it may turn on a process innovation, a better way of making, selling or distributing and already proven product or service (Magretta, 2002).

Lavest mulig kostnad Verdi (=pris) Produkter (varer og tjenester) Form og funksjon Image-renomme Kompetanse Ressurser Tilstedeværelse Etc… Leveringsytelse Varianter Tid Sted Presisjon Informasjon Ordre/bestillingsprosesser ..etc Lavest mulig kostnad

Ulike behov krever ulike løsninger !!

Styringsmodeller En styringsmodell er et modellsett som beskriver hvordan produksjon og logistikk er organisert og styrt. Modellsettet beskriver en AS-IS eller TO-BE status. Modellsettet representerer forskjellige perspektiv. Styringsmodellen er det sett av prinsipper, regler og prosedyrer som gjelder Den viser materialflyt, informasjonsflyt og ansvarsfordeling forbundet med produksjonsoppgaven. Modellen er uttrykt gjennom tekst, figurer og kart, og brukes i redesign, som daglig styringsdokument og til opplæring.

Styringsmodell/ Operations model Forretningsstrategi Produkter Produksjons prosesser Markedskrav 0. Styringsperspektiv Kunde ordrens dekoplingspunkt Styringsområder Styringsprinsipp Hovedprosesser 1. Geograpisk Struktur Kunder, Leverandører Transportører Fabrikker Warehouse Layout Bygninger Prosesser/ maskiner 2. Materialflyt av fysiske prosesser Flyten og bearbeidingen av varer visualisert med symbol 3. Administrative Beskrivelse/ visualisering av rutiner og håndtering av informasjon og beslutninger 4. Organisasjon Organisasjons- struktur form Myndighet vs. styring 5. Ytelses- målinger Hvilke parametere bedriften måler ytelsen på strategiske områder i sin virksomhet 6. IKT Bruk av ulike IT-system og hvordan de henger sammen Styringsmodell/ Operations model

Metode for utvikling av styringsmodeller Kartlegging av produkter, marked, vare- og informasjonsflyt, roller og samarbeidsmodeller Analyse av dagens situasjon: krav til levering, produktenes og prosessenes karakteristiske trekk, ytelse og løsninger Velge nye prinsippløsninger Detaljert beskrivelse og dokumentasjon av ny styringsmodell Implementere They often arise in entrepreneurial entities or companies (dell, amazone) They disruptively change the way of doing business (, Ryan air) They are guided by visionary leadership (Bill Gates, Michael Dell) The possess an “open enterprise” mindset (adopt fresh ideas from external sources) They are hard to imitate (why don’t everybody copy Dell). The new BM does not become the model for the whole industry because (this might happen) 1) competitors lack the entrepreneurial capability, 2) it is difficult to abandon old structures (contracts, established relationships to customers and suppliers, 3) rather than copy the newcomer, competitors chose to distinguish them selves by their own BM, and benefit form the increased demand. Business Model Change Opportunities emerge only very seldom. Most companies seems to be able to this “leap into the unfamiliar” – the revolutionary way of doing business – for a very limited number of times. This is because best business practices and efficiency approaches are very vulnerable when the industry environment becomes ripe for dramatic reinvention. A former leader of innovation might become a laggard and a victim of more innovative companies (fortune fra resilient org). Companies need to develop the capabilities to sense and exploit opportunities outside of the existing business model (either by spin-offs, by altering or reinventing the business model)

Styringsmodell Forretningsstrategi Produkter Produksjons prosesser Markedskrav Styringsperspektiv Kunde ordrens dekoplingspunkt Styringsområder Styringsprinsipp Hovedprosesser Geografisk Struktur Kunder Leverandører Transportører Fabrikker Warehouse Layout Bygninger Prosesser/ maskiner Materialflyt av fysiske prosesser Flyten og bearbeidingen av varer visualisert med symbol Administrative Beskrivelse/ visualisering av rutiner og håndtering av informasjon og beslutninger Organisasjon Organisasjons- struktur form Myndighet vs. styring Ytelsesmålinger Hvilke parametere bedriften måler ytelsen på strategiske områder i sin virksomhet IKT Bruk av ulike IT-system og hvordan de henger sammen Styringsmodell

Plassering av dekoblingspunkt Production Assembly Suppliers Order Management Procurement Final goods Customers Components Raw materials Manufacturing planning and control ? Kundeordrens dekoplings-punkt er det punktet i produktstrukturen eller materialflyten som skiller produksjon basert på ordre og produksjon basert på prognose eller ferdiglagernivå Før dekoplings-punktet fokuseres det på kostnadseffektivitet, etter dekoplings-punktet er fokus rettet mot kundekrav. Ledetid er ordretid+leveringstid. Leveringstiden er tiden det tar å produsere og levere et produkt. Denne kan reduseres gjennom flytorientering, reduksjon av lager, hyppige just-in-time leveranser (m/mindre batchstørrelser), cross docking osv. Ordretid er tiden det tar å prosessere en ordre/bestilling. Denne kan reduseres gjennom integrasjon av prosesser og elektronisk informasjonsoverføring via EDI/XML.

Forretningsmodell – konklusjoner Bedrifter kan gjøre suksess i det samme markedet med ulike forretningsmodeller Det finnes ennå ikke noe ferdig ”rammeverk” for å vurdere styrker og svakheter ved en forretningsmodell Foretningsmodeller representerer en dominant logikk som styrer alle virksomheters utvikling Klart forståtte og formulerte forretningsmodeller gjør bedrifter bedre rustet til å takle endringer i markedet Styringsmodellmetodikken gjør det mulig å analysere forretningsmodellen på en systematisk måte (selv om fokuset er på produksjon og logistikk) According to Chesbrough & Rosenbloom (2002) the functions of a business model are to: Articulate the value proposition, i.e. the value created for user by the offering based on the technology; Identify a market segment, i.e. the users to whom the technology is useful and for what purpose, and specify the revenue generation mechanism(s) for the firm; Define the structure of the value chain within the firm required to create and distribute the offering, and determine the complementary assets needed to support the firm’s position in this chain; Estimate the cost structure and profit potential of producing the offering, given the value proposition and value chain structure chosen; Describe the position of the firm within the value network linking suppliers and customers, including identification of potential complementors and competitors; Formulate the competitive strategy by which the innovating firm will gain and hold advantage over rivals.