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RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management Manufuture Sundvolden 5november 2008 Odd Myklebust SINTEF/RTIM.

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Presentasjon om: "RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management Manufuture Sundvolden 5november 2008 Odd Myklebust SINTEF/RTIM."— Utskrift av presentasjonen:

1 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management Manufuture Sundvolden 5november 2008 Odd Myklebust SINTEF/RTIM

2 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management

3 Manufuture 2020 en av virkemidlene i LISBOA strategien MANUFUTURE 2020 –Teknologi plattform for EU’s 7. ramme-program og Strategisk FoU agenda Hovedmål: Kunnskapsintensiv og innovativ vareproduksjon, produkter og tilknyttede tjenester LISBOA strategiens tre hovedelementer Konkurransekraft Bærekraftighet Sosiale forhold

4 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management Challenges for European manufacturing

5 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management Traditional IndustryScale Intensive Industry Specialized Supplier Industry Science Based Industry

6 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management Nasjonale MANUFUTURE plattformer

7 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management High Level Objectives Competitiveness in manufacturing industries Leadership in manufacturing technologies Eco-efficient products and manufacturing Leadership in products and processes, as well as in cultural, ethical and social values

8 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management Manufuture Norge Etablere norsk teknologiplatform for vareproduksjon Øke andelen norsk industrideltagelse i 7FP Bidra til økt internasjonalt fokus i nasjonal finansiert FoU Etablere bindeledd mellom EU og nasjonal forskning Roadmap for norsk vareproduserende industri sett i sammenheng med satsninger i Europa Følge med og påvirke den videre utviklingen av Manufuture Posisjonere relevante norske kunnskapsmiljø og industri i forhold til Manufuture

9 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management Manufuture 2005 Nye produkter med høy verdiskapning (High Added Value) Nye business modeller Avansert industriutvikling Adaptivt Produksjonsystem Produkt og fabrikk livsyklus Digital fabrikk

10 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management Cleaner Production to Advancing Sustainable Manufacturing in Europe"

11 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management Manufuture working groups MINAM, The Working Group Micro- and NanoManufacturing AET Agricultural Engineering and Technologies Rapid Manufacturing

12 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management

13 Issues of the 2008 MANUFUTURE conference The importance of SMEs in developing the competitiveness and innovation in the European industry. The role of regions and clusters in the development of Manufacturing European R&D. The best governance organisation for successful implementation of R&D priorities in European manufacturing industry.

14 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management BROKERAGE EVENTS Brokerage events are opportunities to meet potential partners and draw up consortia for European projects. Direct contacts give the possibility to evaluate knowledge and skills for project draw up. Presentations of draft projects: Meet persons proposing a project "web brokerage room"

15 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management Joint Technology Initiatives (JTI), a new EU research initiative Europeisk forsknings initiativ som skal styrke offentlige/private partnerskap; øke samarbeidet mellom industri, forskningsmiljø og det offentlige for å løse felles målbevisste forskningsmål JTIs støtter forsknings samarbeid i Europa på områder som er strategisk viktige innen industri forskning, hvor det er felles teknologiske og økonomiske målsetninger JTI skaper en felles strategisk forsknings agenda for å adressere viktige forsknings og teknologiske utfordringer i fremtiden JTI vil bli gjennomført som store, selvstendige, industriledede prosjekter Industri drevet forskning; med fokus på å etablere Europa som ledene innen bestemte teknologi områder som er strategisk viktige for Europas fremtidige konkurranseevne og vekst

16 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management JTI Startet i november 2007, varer over en 10-års periode JTI er et stort nytt element i EU's 7 th Research Framework Programme According to the 7 th Framework Programme, each JTI candidate must demonstrate that is can effectively: address an area of strategic importance for Europe, with clearly identified outcomes address an identified market failure demonstrate the added value of action at European level muster a long-term commitment from the industry concerned

17 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management De 5 første JTI områdene Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Embedded Computing Systems (ARTEMIS) Aeronautics and Air Transport (Clean Sky) Nanoelectronics Technologies 2020 (ENIAC) Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH) (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES))

18 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management A JTI developing enabling technologies for the manufacturing industries ? Planned brochure: Manufacturing Matters

19 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management Members: Engineering Industry + its customers

20 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management MANUFUTURE prepares Joint Technology Initiative On 17 October 2008, the High-Level Group of MANUFUTURE decided to prepare together with the European Commission the establishment of a Joint Technology Initiative on Production Technologies. The objective is to create a new programme agency, which will publish its first call for proposals in Autumn 2011. Kilde: VDMA, (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau - German Engineering Federation) is one of the key association service providers in Europe and offers the largest engineering industry network in Europe.

21 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management Timing and budget 2 years preparation time (2009-10) and then the JTI runs for 7 years (2011-2017) Running costs (for financing staff and space): 40 meu in total (for 7 years), of which 20 mio from industry: 4 meu through membership fees and in kind contribution of manpower 16 meu from project fees 960 MEU for projects The European Engineering Industries Association

22 RTIM Raufoss Technology & Industrial Management

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