Welcome to the LifePak Essentials Super A Training!


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Utskrift av presentasjonen:

Welcome to the LifePak Essentials Super A Training! This training module is designed to outline the key advantages that these products can bring to your business and enhance yours and your custormers’ good health and well-being.

Hva vil du vite? Hvordan bygge opp ditt ernæringsgrunnlag Hva er LifePak Essentials Super A? Mål effekten av LifePak Essentials Super A 7 fordeler for din helse ved LifePak Essentials Super A Produktanbefalinger After a brief introduction to how should you design your own Nutritional Supplementation, you will learn how LifePak Essentials Super A constitute a solid foundation to your general needs. This training will also cover the 7 health benefits of LifePak Essentials Super A, crucial to our long term health and wellness. Finally, you will learn about product combinations that will help you get more from LifePak Essentials Super A formula and target specific needs. Let’s get started.

‘Helsehuset’ Vektkontroll Løsninger Bedre livskvaliteten din Dekke dine spesifikke behov Pharmanex produces a number of products that target different areas of health to help you live better, longer. The foundation of this health regimen provides free radical protection, LifePak Essentials Super A, and MarineOmega. Pharmanex then provides a number of targeted health products that support your body’s systems. To complete this prescription for good health and wellness, Pharmanex offers you weight management products to enhance your lifestyle. LifePak Essentials Super A MarineOmega Bygge et solid ernæringsgrunnlag

Hva er LifePak Essentials Super A? Life Pak Essentials Super A er et komplett kosttilskudds-program som gir optimale mengder av essensielle og generelt nyttige næringsstoffer til alle som er opptatt av å ta vare på sin helse og velvære på lang sikt. LifePak Essentials Super A fås i Danmark, Frankrike, Irland, Norge og Spania LifePak Essentials Super A is a nutritionally balanced combination of important dietary sources: phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and bone nutrients. LifePak Essentials Super A is a balanced multivitamin/mineral supplement that provides 20 vitamins and minerals for normal health and well being and 8 supplementary antioxidant nutrients to help support the antioxidant network. The Super Antioxidant component in LifePak Essentials Super A contains the perfect mix of antioxidants to help counteract the damaging effects of pollution, sun exposure and stress that have a detrimental effect on the antioxidant network and subsequently your general well being.

LifePak®-vitenskapen er målbar 6S-prosessen: Vitenskapelig bevis En av de første til å påvise antioksydantfordeler for hjerte-/ karsystemet i doble blindstudier 200,000+ publiserte studier om antioksydantene i LifePak Essentials Super A Nesten 800,000 publiserte studier om alle ingrediensene i LifePak Essentials Super A® LifePak Essentials Super A is one of the most comprehensive dietary supplement available. Hundreds of thousands of independent studies verify the positive effects of LifePak Essentials Super A’s antioxidants and nutrients. The LifePak Essentials Super A formula was one of the first comprehensive multivitamin/mineral supplement to be clinically tested for and exhibit positive antioxidant and cardiovascular benefits, a trend that many of our competitors have adopted in an attempt to match LifePak Essentials Super A’s superior formula.

Mål antioksydantnivået ditt Pharmanex Biophotonic Scanner En avansert, skånsom prosedyre som måler karotenoide antioksydantnivå i menneskevev. Pharmanex scientists collaborated with the university researcher Dr Werner Gellerman to develop the Pharmanex biophotonic SCANNER – a technology that produces highly sophisticated information about your anti-oxidant level through an incredibly simple procedure. Just place the palm of the hand in front of a safe, low-energy, blue light laser to obtain an immediate reading of your carotenoid antioxidant level translated into a skin carotenoid score.

Pharmanex® BioPhotonic Scanner & LifePak Essentials Super A LifePak Essentials Super A bidrar til å øke ditt generelle antioksydantnivå Du kan lett måle hvor effektivt inntaket ditt er ved hjelp av BioPhotonic Scanner Kliniske studier påviser sammenhengen mellom scorene og et sunt kosthold og livsstil LifePak Essentials Super A pengene tilbake-garanti The Scanner enables you to track your antioxidant carotenoid levels so you can measure the effectiveness of your lifestyle choices along with your Pharmanex supplementation programme, including LifePak Essentials Super A with MarineOmega. Pharmanex has completed three clinical studies, with more in progress, to validate the biophotonic measurement as an important healthy lifestyle indicator, and to validate the effectiveness of LifePak Essentials Super A intake on Scanner scores. If you have not used LifePak Essentials Super A* before, Pharmanex invites you and your customers to measure your carotenoid score with the Biophotonic Scanner. In order to prove the efficacy of LifePak Essentials Super A, Pharmanex offers you a Money Back Guarantee. Subscribe to Advantage Automatic Delivery Programme which brings LifePak Essentials Super A automatically to your door and offers you attractive price reductions! Take LifePak Essentials Super A* during 90 days and come back for a new scan. If your SCS does not show improvement after taking LifePak Essentials Super A for 90 days if taken in optimal amounts and linked to certain conditions , we will refund your purchase.

LifePak Essentials Super A ® 7 fordeler for din helse Optimalt tilskudd for generelt velvære Bidrar til å avhjelpe mangel på næringsstoffer Fremmer sunn immunfunksjon Støtter hjerte-/ karsystemet Støtter forbrenningen av blodsukker Because LifePak Essentials Super A provide optimum supplementation, it has many more health supportive benefits than typical multivitamins. It combines 7 main health supportive benefits: It helps to address all possible nutrient deficiencies, It supports cardiovascular benefits, It provides complete bone nutrition, It helps to promote healthy immune function, It supports blood sugar metabolism, It helps to support against the negative symptoms of aging and it promotes your antioxidant support! Kompletterer bennæring Motvirker de negative effektene av symptomer på aldring Bygger opp antioksydantforsvaret

Avhjelper mangel på næringsstoffer Alle antioksydantvitaminene (A, E og C) Alle benmineralene kalsium, magnesium og K-vitamin Alle spormineraler Alle B-vitaminer Alle former er biotilgjengelige og lett absorberte LifePak Essentials Super A help to address all micronutrient deficiencies. They contain significant amounts of the antioxidant vitamins (A, E and C) . LifePak Essentials Super A contain optimum levels of all the essential bone nutrients (Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin K), all the trace minerals and all the B-vitamins. The B-vitamins are essential in normal energy production and nutrient metabolism. All of these nutrients are available in readily absorbable forms. When we say bioavailable we mean that the nutrients are easily used by the body. This involves absorption, uptake into tissues, and metabolic function. Even our vitamin C is a special buffered form of ascorbic acid which is more bioavailable than other forms and is much easier to tolerate in the Gastric Intestinal tract.

LifePak Essentials Super A ® fytonæringsstoffer LifePak Essentials Super A gir deg et bredt spekter av: Karotenoider (lutein, lycopen, beta-karoten) Flavonoider (sitrus bioflavonoider, curcumin, druekjerne- ekstrakt) Tilsvarer antioksydantinntak fra 5-10 porsjoner frukt og grønnsaker LifePak Essentials Super A has the one of the most comprehensive phytonutrient profile available. LifePak Essentials Super A provides multiple carotenoids and flavonoids, equivalent to 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. All these antioxidants have been shown to effectively fight free radical damage.

Fordeler for hjerte-/karsystemet Antioksydant nettverk: Naturlig beskyttelse av blodlipider (LDL) mot oksydasjon fra frie radikaler Viktige næringsstoffer for hjerte-/kar-systemet : E-vitamin C-vitamin Vitamin B6, folat, vitamin B12 Karotenoider Flavonoider Magnesium og kalsium Oksydert LDL fester seg til arterieveggen og forårsaker oppbygging av plakk LifePak Essentials Super A’s comprehensive blend of nutrients provide clinically proven cardiovascular benefits. All of these nutrients have been shown in clinical studies to promote normal, healthy cardiovascular function. ARTERIE

Fordeler for hjerte-/karsystemet Antioksydant nettverk: støtter den naturlige beskyttelsen av blod-lipider (LDL) mot oksydasjon fra frie radikaler Flavonoider: bidrar til å fremme blodsirkulasjonen (koagulasjon og mikrosirkulasjon) Kalsium & magnesium: bidrar til oppretthold normalt blodtrykk & hjerterytme Vitamins E and C as well as the carotenoids and flavonoids act as powerful antioxidants which prevent lipid oxidation and the formation of plaque in the arteries and other blood vessels. The unique blend of carotenoids and flavonoids have been shown to be much more effective in supporting the cardiovascular system than any individual antioxidant by itself. Magnesium and calcium are essential for normal heart function and help maintain and promote normal blood pressure and cardiac cell function.

Fordeler for hjerte-/karsystemet B-vitaminer: bidrar til å opprettholde normal (lavt) nivå av homocystein i blodet The B-vitamins have been shown to be essential in maintaining normal homocysteine levels, a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Homocysteine is a byproduct of amino acid metabolism (methionine).

LifePak Essentials Super A® klinisk studie LDL beskyttelse E-vitamin Beta-karoten LifePak Essentials Super A was subject to 2 double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies. Results from these studies showed that LifePak Essentials Super A significantly increases serum levels of our antioxidant vitamins, verifying their bioavailability by and absorption into the body, and was also shown to decrease LDL cholesterol oxidation, a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease. LifePak Essentials Super A is one of the first comprehensive dietary supplement/multivitamin to have clinically-proven cardiovascular benefits. Smidt CR, Seidehamel RJ, Devaraj S, Jialal I. FASEB Journal Vol.13 No.4, p.A546, mars 1999.

Næringsstoffer for ben og skjelett Kalsium: Viktig benmineral; ADD: 1000-1300 mg/dag; vanlig inntak: 800 mg/dag Magnesium: ADD: 280-320 mg/dag D-vitamin : Regulerer kalsium & magnesium opptak; mangel i nordlige land LifePak Essentials Super A’s comprehensive formula contains all of the essential bone nutrients, such as Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin D. The first two are major bone mineral and Vitamin D helps to regulate the metabolism of Calcium and Magnesium. Calcium is the major bone mineral and it helps to both promote strong bones and to slow the loss of bone density. Most individuals do not meet the minimum Recommended Daily Average (RDA) of calcium, especially as more people consume sodas, coffee, tea, etc. instead of milk. LifePak provides 500 mg of Calcium, almost twice that of 1 glass of milk.

Næringsstoffer for ben og skjelett K-vitamin : Transporterer kalsium inn i benet Silikon, sink og kopper: Benkalsifisering & opptak av collagen

OMTRENTLIG kalsiumopptak Etterhvert som veksthastigheten avtar, vil opptaket av kalsium også avta. Barn 75% Tenåringer 20-40% Voksne 10-15% STADIUM OMTRENTLIG kalsiumopptak It has been shown that adults aren’t the only ones who are deficient in calcium. Children are consuming less milk and calcium-rich foods. Additionally, calcium absorption in general decreases dramatically as we get older, making Ca supplementation even more vital. As our growth decreases, so does our Ca absorption.

Støttefunksjon for immunsystemet LifePak Essentials Super A™ gir langsiktig støtte til immunsystemet LifePak Essentials Super A ™ støtter normal immunfunksjon med A, C & E-vitamin Multi-karotenoid blanding Vitamin B6, sink & selen LifePak Essentials Super A’s nutrients are essential in normal immune function. Vitamins A, C and E are all potent antioxidants. In addition to antioxidant functions, however, these vitamins also play important roles in various immune functions. Vitamin A helps promote overall immune function, vitamin C helps support the body against common infections and vitamin E has been shown to enhance the body’s cell-mediated responses. Vitamin B6, zinc and selenium have all been shown to support the immune system and deficiencies of any of these lead to a compromised immune system.

Blodsukker & insulin LifePak Essentials Super A™ fremmer normalt blodsukker, glykosetoleranse og forbrenning av insulin. Inneholder høye nivåer av antioksydanter: Alfa-lipoinsyre, C & E-vitamin og beta-karoten Inneholder krom, magnesium og sink. The same antioxidant vitamins which support other aspects of our health also help maintain normal glucose metabolism. Alpha-lipoic acid easily crosses the blood-brain barrier where it can exert is antioxidant capabilities in the central and peripheral nervous systems. There it can promote normal peripheral nerve function and vitamin E antioxidant function. These have been shown to benefit those with compromised glucose metabolism mechanisms. Magnesium, Zinc and Chromium all play integral roles in normal glucose digestion, absorption, metabolism and utilisation in cells. Levels of these nutrients have been found to be lower in individuals with Type I and II diabetes and metabolic syndrome X.

Hva påvirker oksydasjonsprosessen? Frie radikaler fra dine mitokondria Frie radikaler fra miljøforurensing (ozon) Stråling: sollys (UV-lys), røngtenstråler, kosmisk stråling (flyreiser), radioaktivitet Røyking: 10,000,000,000,000,000 frie radikaler per sigarett! (10,000 trillioner) Studies have shown that the ageing process is caused by free-radical attack which leads to the death our our cells. Cellular health is essential to our vitality and well being, so the way in which we tackle free radicals affects how we age and how we feel. Free radical damage can be attributed to many causes. Smoking, sun exposure, pollution and toxic chemicals in the environment, all have their part to play. The very air we breathe creates free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals can damage proteins, fats and even DNA in the body. Skadet DNA etter angrep fra frie radikaler

Antioksydantforsvar & aldring Retter seg mot symptomer på aldring Beskytter mot skade fra frie radikaler bidrar til å sikre sunn cellefornyelse Beskytter mot annen skade fra frie radikaler Flere typer antioksydanter arbeider i synergi for å gi effektiv beskyttelse mot frie radikaler LifePak Essentials Super A provide the most potent anti-aging antioxidant formula available. These antioxidants address the symptoms of ageing and help to support against the destructive free-radical damages. The combination of such a broad range of different antioxidants has been shown to support and boost our body’s “Antioxidant support System”. Their synergistic mechanisms ensure that our bodies are supported against the harmful effects of common free radicals and the aging process.

Styrk antioksydantforsvaret ditt med mer enn 40 antioksydanter Alle de 8 formene for naturlig E-vitamin : 300 IU C-vitamin : 500 mg Alfa-lipoinsyre 30 mg Selen, sink, mangan Karotenoider 14.5 mg : Βeta-karoten 12,500 IU, lutein 2mg, lycopen 5mg Mer enn 20 flavonoider: 6 katekiner, (grønn te) naringenin, hesperidin (sitrus bioflavon), kversetin Over 10 polyfenoler fra druekjerner LifePak Essentials Super A provide a wide range of antioxidants to combat multiple free radical types - more than any other supplement. They promote your entire antioxidant support network by providing clinically-significant doses of the antioxidant vitamins, mineral cofactors, carotenoids from multiple sources, over 20 flavonoids, and novel antioxidants, such as alpha-lipoic acid. In all, LifePak Essentials Super A provide over 40 different antioxidants.

Få mer ut av kosttilskuddet ditt LifePak Essentials Super A kombinert med Marine Omega for et komplett og allsidig ernæringsgrunnlag. MarineOmega støtter opptaket av antioksydanter og næringsstoffer i LifePak Essentials Super A. For a complete and comprehensive nutritional foundation Pharmanex recommends taking Marine Omega with LifePak Essentials Super A. MarineOmega is a dietary supplement of ultra-pure omega-3 fatty acids developed and marketed by Pharmanex to promote wellness and longevity. MarineOmega is an excellent source of essential omega-3 fatty acids typically lacking in people's diets. Fatty acids help the body absorb carotenoid antioxidants and other nutrients, allowing you to get the most out of LifePak Essentials Super A comprehensive formulas. MarineOmega is available for sale in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and UK.

Produktkombinasjoner Alle Pharmanex-produktene kan kombineres med LifePak Essentials Super A og Marine Omega LifePak Essentials Super A er kjerneproduktene som du kan bruke som underlag for andre Pharmanex-produkter for å imøtekomme dine ernæringsbehov. Vektkontroll Løsninger All Pharmanex products can be combined with LifePak Essentials Super A and MarineOmega. Remember that this combination of products help you set a solid foundation for your nutritional needs, what we illustrated in the beginning of the presentation as the “House of Well-Being”. For your specific health needs, Pharmanex offers you a variety of solution-oriented products. Don’t forget that the fat content in your body impacts your health and well-being. To enhance your lifestyle, consider using our weight-management programme. Consult the Pharmanex catalogue to find out the right products to build your own “House of Well-Being”. LifePak Essentials Super A MarineOmega

LifePak Essentials Super A® -Hovedfordeler Meget potent antioksydant-kombinasjon med C- and E-vitamin Biotilgjengelig multi-vitamin med balansert B-vitamin and E-vitamin Fytonæringsstoffer med kilder til karotenoide og flavonoide antioksydanter, i tillegg til katekiner (fra grønn te) Let’s recap the key benefits of LifePak Essentials SuperA - the most comprehensive nutritional products available in the industry. Delivers high potency antioxidant formula with vitamins C and E; Provides Bioavailable multi-vitamins including balanced B vitamins and vitamin E; Exclusive Phytonutrient formula with sources of carotenoid and flavonoid antioxidants, as well as catechins (from Green Tea, broccoli and cabbage concentrates); (continue in the next slide…)

LifePak Essentials Super A® - Hovedfordeler Gir omfattende næring til ben og skjelett med mineraler (kalsium, magnesium, sink), D-vitamin og mange andre benstoffer Komplett sporelement-tilskudd Optimale næringsnivåer for bedre velvære Allsidig tilskudd som gir 7 helsefordeler Provides complementary Bone nutrition with minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc), vitamin D and many other bone nutrients It is a complete trace element supplement, offering optimum nutrient levels for supporting your well being It supports your health in 7 ways to help you live better, longer: It helps to address all possible nutrient deficiencies, It supports cardiovascular benefits, It provides complete bone nutrition, It helps to promote healthy immune function, It supports blood sugar metabolism, It helps to support against the negative symptoms of aging and it promotes your antioxidant support!

LifePak Essentials Super A Add life to your years. exit home LifePak Essentials Super A Thank you for learning about LifePak Essentials Super A! We hope that this training helps you gain clear understanding of the superior health benefits of Life Pak Essentials Super A and how you it can help you and your customers in the quest for a long and healthy life.