Gruppemedlemmer Gruppa består av: Magnus Strand Nekstad – s156159


Liknende presentasjoner

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Utskrift av presentasjonen:

Gruppemedlemmer Gruppa består av: Magnus Strand Nekstad – s156159 Jørgen Rønbeck – s135779 Begge tilhører linjen Ingeniør Data

Bakgrunn? Oppdragsgiver Situasjon Grunn til oppgave Kontakt med oppgave Hvorfor valgte vi denne?

Oppgaven? Deloppgaver Mål? Går ut på?

Planlegging Hvilken rolle har planleggingen spilt? Arbeidsplan Fremdriftsplan Holdt vi fremdriftsplanen?

Utviklingsprosessen Utvikling Utfordringer Løsninger Scrum Dropdown Selfdefined Models Støtte for 3D Plugin Løsninger

Are F. Tjønn, Managing Director DNV Software: We are confident that the Sesam Showroom will be of help in our marketing efforts of Sesam Sesam is a market leader worldwide for strength assessment and sea keeping analysis of marine and offshore structures. To use it – as well as to sell it – the engineers need to have competence in both how to use our software as well as domain knowledge (to appreciate the challenges within our market segment). In today’s situation, many of those who graduate from universities do not have such competence. The benefits of the Sesam Showroom are multiple. First of all it will give young sales personnel an easy and appealing way of showing Sesam’s capabilities. Secondly, those who search for information on internet will have a unique opportunity to graphically and in 3D see typical Sesam models and their analysis results – no other tools in the world can do this. A unique benefit of Sesam is its support of parametric modeling. The Sesam Showroom allows the unfamiliar audience (as well as younger sales personnel) to easily understand this concept by altering model parameters and immediately see the result – again using the plug-in component facilitating for 3D viewing and manipulation. Finally, for those who are existing Sesam users the Sesam Showroom also opens up for download of parametric script files and model view files – by this they can modify the script files to their own design needs. The Sesam Showroom will be part of

Oppsummering Utvidelser og endringer? Produktets betydning Kunne vi gjort noe annerledes? Svarer løsning til kravene som er satt? Resultat Gruppas utbytte Oppdragsgivers reaksjon?

Are F. Tjønn, Managing Director DNV Software: We are confident that the Sesam Showroom will be of help in our marketing efforts of Sesam Sesam is a market leader worldwide for strength assessment and sea keeping analysis of marine and offshore structures. To use it – as well as to sell it – the engineers need to have competence in both how to use our software as well as domain knowledge (to appreciate the challenges within our market segment). In today’s situation, many of those who graduate from universities do not have such competence. The benefits of the Sesam Showroom are multiple. First of all it will give young sales personnel an easy and appealing way of showing Sesam’s capabilities. Secondly, those who search for information on internet will have a unique opportunity to graphically and in 3D see typical Sesam models and their analysis results – no other tools in the world can do this. A unique benefit of Sesam is its support of parametric modeling. The Sesam Showroom allows the unfamiliar audience (as well as younger sales personnel) to easily understand this concept by altering model parameters and immediately see the result – again using the plug-in component facilitating for 3D viewing and manipulation. Finally, for those who are existing Sesam users the Sesam Showroom also opens up for download of parametric script files and model view files – by this they can modify the script files to their own design needs. The Sesam Showroom will be part of



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