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Det tar år å innføre smidige metoder i store organisasjoner… english inside™ Smidig2010 2010-11-17.

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Presentasjon om: "Det tar år å innføre smidige metoder i store organisasjoner… english inside™ Smidig2010 2010-11-17."— Utskrift av presentasjonen:

1 Det tar år å innføre smidige metoder i store organisasjoner… english inside™ Smidig2010 2010-11-17

2 About me • Fellesdata, 09.1996 – 09.2001 • EDB Fellesdata, 10.2001 - 03.2007 • Nordic Integrator, 04.07 – 12.07 • Bouvet, 01.2008 – 07.2008 • EDB Bank & Finance, 08.08 – 10.10 • EDB ErgoGroup, Financial Services, 11.10 – 12.10 •, 01.2011 - ? • • +47 48054339

3 “Scrumbut” in EDB ErgoGroup • Lack of training • Lack of tools • Too big teams, people only allocated like 10,20,40,50% • No formalized planning, no review, poor / no estimation of tasks…. • “Why bother”?

4 Seminar: Agile Testing – What went right? and What went wrong? EDB Consulting Group inviterer til: SEMINAR Agile Testing – What went right? and What went wrong? EDB Consulting Group, et ledende konsulentselskap innenfor test og kvalitetssikring, inviterer deg til en inspirasjonsdag innen ”Smidig testing” Ønsker du å lære av andres feil og dermed bli bedre? Til å inspirere oss denne gangen har vi invitert Ray Arell fra Intel, USA. Ray Arell er en erfaren og populær foredragsholder som benyttes både i USA og i Europa. Han er blant annen kjent fra EuroSTAR 2009 (Se kort biografi under) Nå får vi alle muligheten til å lære mer om hva som kan gå galt med Smidige metoder i kvalitetssikringsarbeid, samt høste av andres erfaringer slik at vi kan bli bedre. Seminaret er egnet for de som jobber med test i mellomstore og store seleskaper. Seminaret er vel egnet for ledelsen fordi implementering av Smidig testing involverer hele organisasjonen

5 Seminar: Agile Testing – What went right? and What went wrong? Program •08.30: Kaffe og registrering •09.00:Getting a Big Company to Think Small The single most critical component in agile software development is “team culture”. Without a well nourished agile mindset the whole thing just falls apart. So to be successful we need to be able to understand the key tenets of what make up the agile mindset and how we can grow those traits within our teams. In this topic we will explore both as we look some key learnings about “team culture” and how we motivate change. •10.15: Kaffe og beinstrekk •10.30: Scrum Testing Strategies In this tutorial Ray Arell will walk through the creation of a validation test strategy that fits the Agile SCRUM development life-cycle. This will include an overview of SCRUM and the benefits/pitfalls for validation teams, a sample test framework, a deeper dive into customer personas and how to use them effectively in sprint deliverables, defect management, a breakdown of test methods that work well and ones that don't and why, test architecture impact, training, and key measurements. This tutorial should be helpful for both managers and individual contributors. •11.45: Lunsj •12.30: Scrum Testing Strategies forts. •13.45: Kaffe og beinstrekk •14.00: Scrum Testing og Strategies forst. •16.00: Matservering og diskusjoner om testfaglig problematikk •18.00 -> Pubtur til Oslo?

6 Key tenets • Getting a Big Company to Think Small – “team culture” – mindset – “motivate change” – celebrate success  better software with higher quality and fewer defects!

7 Facing the Reality of Constraints • Some things you’ll just need to accept… – You can’t create time • …need an environment where people can unlearn what they have learned…

8 Dark side • Know your opponents and approch them • Constructive confrontation • Action Required (AR) • Are you in or are you out?



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