Let’s GO!!! Canada og USA Se:


Liknende presentasjoner
Studier i Tyskland.

Mytene om utveksling
Lån og stipend til utdanning i utlandet
Student Exchange Programme
ANSA Association of Norwegian Students Abroad Organisasjonen for norske studenter i utlandet u Nesten 9000 medlemmer i 64 land u Informasjon om studier.
Last update: (Berkeley har egen presentasjon se lenk mot slutten)
1 Fellesveiledning UCB Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Let’s GO!!! Univ. of California – Berkeley (UCB) Dale LICATA Tlf: /5700.
Peder Inge Furseth Tilbud for BIs bachelor- og siv.-øk.-studenter om studier ved University of California, Berkeley (UCB) Invitasjon til BI-studenter,
Student Exchange Programme
1. 2 Fellesveiledning Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Internasjonal seksjon Tlf:
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
1 Fellesveiledning UCB Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Let’s GO!!! Alberta - UBC – Calgary Dale LICATA Tlf: /5700
Delstudier i utlandet Fellesveiledning Australia/ New Zealand
Let’s GO!!! Univ. of California – Berkeley (UCB)
Agenda Råd om/prosedyre for utenlandsopphold sett fra PuP (Bjørn Andersen) Råd om/prosedyre for utenlandsopphold sett fra instituttene Råd om/prosedyre.
En lettere hverdag …. Mengden – øker Prosedyrene forandre seg
1 Def. utvekslingsstudent –tar del av graden sin ved NTNU –kort opphold –ofte fra samarbeidsuniversitet –ingen finansiering fra NTNU (noen unntak) Innkommende.
Heriot-Watt University
Utveksling – for deg som vil noe mer!
Study Abroad at University of California, Berkeley (UCB) - Extension Studier innen entreprenørskap, innovasjon, og anvendelse av teknologi.
UNIVERSITETET FOR MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAP Hvordan reise på utveksling fra UMB? 1.
1 Delstudier i utlandet Delstudier = fagene som tas i utlandet må inngå som del av norsk grad.
Velkommen til informasjonsmøte for utreisende studenter studieåret 2009/2010.
Velkommen til informasjonsmøte for utreisende studenter studieåret 2008/2009.
Informasjonsmøte om studentutveksling studieåret 2011/2012 Onsdag 19. januar kl 16:15 i Aud Dag Coward Stella Gjerstad, Nina.
Velkommen til informasjonsmøte for utreisende Bachelor-studenter vår- eller høstsemesteret 2010.
Velkommen til Medisinsk bibliotek
Agenda Råd om/prosedyre for utenlandsopphold sett fra PuP (Bjørn Andersen) Råd om/prosedyre for utenlandsopphold sett fra instituttene Råd om/prosedyre.
Agenda Råd om/prosedyre for utenlandsopphold sett fra PuP (Bjørn Andersen) Råd om/prosedyre for utenlandsopphold sett fra instituttene Råd om/prosedyre.
Agenda Råd om/prosedyre for utenlandsopphold sett fra PuP (Bjørn Andersen) Råd om/prosedyre for utenlandsopphold sett fra instituttene Råd om/prosedyre.
Japan: Studier og arbeid
Utreisende studenter.
Peder Inge Furseth Tilbud for BIs bachelor- og siv.-øk.-studenter om studier ved University of California, Berkeley (UCB) Invitasjon til BI-studenter,
Utviklingsstudier - utveksling Studenter på utviklingsstudier kan ta delstudier i utlandet i 4. og/eller 5 semester Søknadsfrist (for 4. semester): 15.
Informasjonsmøte onsdag 24. november 04 Bachelorprogrammet i utviklingsstudier.
1 Delstudier i utlandet Fellesveiledning Australia/ New Zealand
28/ Informasjonsmøte 11. januar Av Una Sjørbotten.
UTVEKSLING og DELSTUDIER Info til studentambassadører, 10. november 2014.
Steinar Hafto Myre 23. januar 2007 VALPRAKS PRAKSISORDNINGEN I PRAKSIS En gjennomgang av –Opplegget –Frister –Informasjonskilder.
En gjennomgang av Opplegget Frister Informasjonskilder
ENDELIG ER DET DIN TUR!. Nødvendige verktøy Linker herfra til universitetenes egne hjemmesider Fronter –
2005 Informasjonsmøte torsdag Bachelorprogrammet i Utviklingsstudier.
VALPRAKS PRAKSISORDNINGEN En gjennomgang av –Opplegget –Frister –Informasjonskilder.
Utenlandsopphold - Midtøstenstudier med arabisk
Se: Last update: (Nytt semester: nettsiden Canada-USA nå på INNSIDA; lenkene oppdatert; presentasjon.
Informasjonsmøte om utveksling Tema Hva, hvorfor, hvem, hvordan Søkning og uttak til utveksling Godkjenning av fag og eksamener Stipend/lån.
1 Informasjonsmøte om studentutveksling fra IØT 11. oktober 2010.
Informasjonsmøte 11. februar USA og Canada Høst 2016 Internasjonalt kontor – Halvard Ones
1 Fellesveiledning Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Let’s GO!!! Canada, Korea og USA Dale LICATA Tlf: /5700
1 Delstudier i utlandet Fellesveiledning Australia/New Zealand Nina Moxnes, Internasjonal seksjon Opplev verden «Down under»
1 Delstudier i utlandet Fellesveiledning Singapore
Informasjonsmøte 12. februar USA og Australia Høst 2016 Internasjonalt kontor – Halvard Ones
1 Utveksling til Storbritannia Fellesveiledning: Storbritannia – Anja L. Valberg, Internasjonal seksjon.
1 Utvekslingsavtale mellom SVT-fakultetet, NTNU og University of California, Berkeley Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap Department of Sociology.
Delstudier i Storbritannia. 2 Ulike måter å utveksle til UK på Utveksle som Erasmusstudent Begrenset antall plasser (1-2 per år) Fullt fritak for skolepenger.
UTVEKSLING Søknad og forberedelser 26 oktober, 2016.
Delstudier i utlandet Fellesveiledning Australia/New Zealand
Nå er det like før… april 2017
Hva er internasjonalt kontor? Kontoret holder til i 3. etasje i Kitty Kiellands hus. Vi jobber med internasjonalisering av utdanningstilbudet ved.
Studier innen entreprenørskap, innovasjon, og anvendelse av teknologi
Hva nå? Gratulerer med utvekslingsplass!
Utveksling til USA og Canada
Utenlandsopphold - Midtøstenstudier med hebraisk
Student Exchange to Japan
Nå er det like før… oktober 2017
Delstudier i utlandet Fellesveiledning Australia/New Zealand
Hva nå? Gratulerer med utvekslingsplass!
Nå er det like før… oktober 2018
Nå braker det løs! 21. mars 2019.
Utskrift av presentasjonen:

Let’s GO!!! Canada og USA Se: www.ntnu.no/international/usa/dale.ppt Last update: 2014-04-29 (Ny sats fra lånekassen) Let’s GO!!! Canada og USA Dale LICATA kontor: 73-59-7879 resepsjon: 73-59-5700 dale.licata@ntnu.no www.ntnu.no/intersek Office of Int’l Relations (OIR): Gløshaugen - vest for Hovedbygget Due to the increasing number of international degree seeking students inquiring about opportunities to study abroad the comments in this presentation are now in English. When the presentation is given it will be given in Norwegian. Please note that the presentation is on-line and you can access the links by just clicking on them. Advising is by appointment only. It is easiest to call the reception to make an appointment. Most Mondays I have open advising on a first-come, first-serve basis. Usually it is from 10-1130. It is intended for those who have a quick question so I limit it to about 10 minutes per person. The Office of Int’l Relations is located on the Gløshaugen campus, just west of the Main Administration Bldg. Fellesveiledning USA/Canada

TIP!! Se www.ntnu.no/international/usa/dale.ppt Se menyen på top linje Velg VISNING – NOTATSIDE (= VIEW – NOTES PAGE) Har ikke POWERPOINT på PC’en? Se www.openoffice.org If you want to review this presentation on-line use the link www.ntnu.no/international/usa/dale.ppt and then select the viewing option for NOTES. To do this select VIEW – NOTES PAGE from the menu above the presentation. If you don’t have POWERPOINT on your computer contact the NTNU ITEA oracle or download the program available on www.openoffice.org. Note: NTNU now has a FARM of programs you can access even if you don’t have them on your computer. For more information (search for «FARM» using the search engine on www.ntnu.no)

facebook.com/NtnUtveksling Get in touch with students who have been abroad, are abroad or who are planning on studying abroad. See facebook.com/NtnUtveksling A perfect forum for discussing academics, housing, things for sale, general tips etc.

Updates 2014-04-29 (Ny sats fra lånekassen) 2013-12-19 (ny lenk for tilleggsstipend; 2013-12-02foreløpige sier Berkeley physics nei til TOEFL fritak; 11-17: fristen for innlevering av forhåndsgodkjenning er forlenget til 1. feb for en rekke universiteter, bl.a SDSU, UCSD; 1. mars for UCSB. Se oversiktstabellen.; oversikt over friplasser oppdatert) 2013-11- 17 (fristen for innlevering av forhåndsgodkjenning er forlenget til 1. feb for en rekke universiteter, bl.a SDSU, UCSD; 1. mars for UCSB. Se oversiktstabellen.; oversikt over friplasser oppdatert 2013-10-29 (Presentasjon for UC – Berkeley now on-line. See links; Revised query code check list) 2013-09-16 (flere Notater sider; ny link for powerpoint presentasjonene til universiteter i CA; PDF utgaven utgår. Bare rot med notater; se FACEBOOK lenk ) 2013-09-08 (ny link for powerpoint presentasjonene til universiteter i CA; PDF utgaven utgår. Bare rot med notater; se FACEBOOK lenk ) 2013-09-05 (PDF utgaven utgår. Bare rot med notater; FACEBOOK lenk ) 2013-09-01 (NB! Comments/Notes being added in English; PPT: bruk VIEW – NOTES command; PDF: Klikk på «ballong for detaljene) 2013-08-25 (Comments in English. Click on «balloon for details.) Overview of most recent updates

Vanlige spørsmål - studie i utlandet: Hvor kan jeg dra? Hvordan får jeg oppholdet godkjent? (fagvalg) Hvordan søker jeg? Hvordan skal jeg finansiere oppholdet? This presentation will cover the topics mentioned above. In short: I shall be going through the process of how to select a study abroad destination in the USA/Canda and how to get there. It is essentially A-Å on studying in the USA/Canada and intended to be used as a reference. There is a considerable amount of material in this presentation, but isn’t it better to have heard this at least once and go back and check that you haven’t forgotten something rather than missing something you were expected to find on some web page? Felles veiledning

HVOR kan/bør jeg dra? Informasjonskilder: Vurdere akademisk kvalitet og dine interesser Informasjonskilder: Studieveilederen din Internasjonal seksjon(OIR) Student rapporter Utvekslingsstudenter ved NTNU Internett (e.g. google) ANSA There are a variety of sources you can use to find the institution that satifies your academic needs. Note that the sources listed above are LINKED to the appropriate web page. ACADEMIC QUESTIONS: Your academic advisor or a professor working in the field YOU are interested in can give you TIPS on where things are «happening». Check the web sites for YOUR program to see if a list of suggested institutions is already available. PRACTICAL QUESTIONS: The Office of Int’l Relations provides information on institutions NTNU has a formal agreement with and, should you be accepted for the exchange , help you with the application process. In the case of Canada/USA some information is also available on other popular destinations. STUDENT REPORTS: Been there, done that. Read these reports for information on what courses were taken, housing, expenses, etc. International students at NTNU: With over 900 International students starting at NTNU each fall, there may be one from the institution you plan on attending the following year. Get together discuss NTNU and the institution abroad. You’ll have a friend when you arrive. GOOGLE: try a google search for conferences or association/societies pertaining to or working with your field of interest. Use e.g. «conference, key words describing your interest». Who was the key note speaker? What Universities were represented at the conference? For associations: Is there a student chapter? (e.g. American Association of Mechancial Engineers=ASME) ANSA: Association for Norwegian Students Abroad has representatives on most continents

Tips: Lenker til hjemmesidene/ rangeringslistene University home pages Rankings1 Universities worldwide http://univ.cc/index.html http://www.arwu.org/ www.aucc.ca NY 9-2011!: www.educationau-incanada.ca Se www.studycanada.ca Canada http://oncampus.macleans.ca/education/rankings/ http://www.utexas.edu/world/univ/state/ se også usastudier.no One of many links for programs in USA: http://www.a2zcolleges.com/Majors/ http://www.usnews.com/sections/rankings http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/college_guide/ USA You can use the links above to easily come to the home pages of universities around the world. From there you can use the search engine that is usually on the home page of most universities to find e.g.: Course catalogs (catalog/bulletin; calendar (for Canadian universities.) Application procedures (exchange/non-degree) Deadlines (deadlines) Tuition costs (tuition/fees) The key words in parenthesis are suggestions 1 HUSK! Et universitet kan være på den fremste front uten at de er på toppen av rangeringslisten.

Tips: Lenker til lærestedene for dvs fagfelt www.ntnu.no/international/studentweb/links NB! Litt gamle, men gir tips om noen læresteder It’s possible to «google» your way to information and find a university that suits your interests and needs. Some samples are given. There will be no more updates of these links, so try a search yourself and see what you find. Consider: CONFERENCES: Which universities were represented? Which insitution did the «keynote speaker» come from? Ex.: GOOGLE: cybernetics, conference ASSOCIATIONS Are there any academic associations that might have information on their web site about educational opportunities for students interested in a particular field/topic? Is there a student group who can help you? Ex. 1: GOOGLE: political science, association, canada Ex. 2: GOOGLE: mechanical engineering, association, American

”Avtale”: hva innebærer den i Canada/USA? Oppfølging fra IS Evt full/delvis fritak for skolepenger Avtaler: www.ntnu.no/studier/studier_i_utlandet/avtaler Nyttige lenker for Canada/USA bl.a. studiehåndbok, søknadsskjema, noen «sample applications», FRISTER: www.ntnu.no/international/usa/tableusacanada.htm The details of the formal Agreements (=avtaler) that NTNU has with other educational institutions vary from institution to institution. If there is an agreement in place then the Office of International Relations, (OIR) will be able to advise you about the program available to you and assist you with application procedures. In this case the institution is called a «partner» university. An agreement does NOT always include a full/partial tuition waiver but it may. Tuition waivers in Canada/USA are typically based on a «balance» in the exchange ie whether there are an equal number of students coming from a university as there are NTNU students going to that particular university. For partner universities in Canada and the USA (as well as some other «popular» destinations you will find links for course catalogs, application procedures/forms, deadlines and in some cases «sample applications on: www.ntnu.no/international/usa/tableusacanada.htm

Canada: Partner Universities: Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland Queen’s University University of Alberta Université Laval Univ.of Waterloo (not open for AB/Architecture) Students have also gone to: British Columbia Inst of Tech. Concordia University Dalhousie University Malaspina Univ. College McGill University Simon Frasier University Univ. of British Columbia Univ. of Calgary Univ. of Lethbridge Univ. of New Brunswick Univ. du Québec a Montreal Univ. of Toronto Univ. of Victoria Univ. of Waterloo Univ. of Winnipeg Despite the fact that there are few formal agreements between NTNU and Canada NTNU students study abroad at numerous universities in Canada. There are excellent web sites to help to find out which university in Canada offers the program you are interested in. Remember one particularly good link for this purpose is: www.aucc.ca Remember to check the html table which is linked to from NTNU’s USA/Canada web page. Tuition waivers 2014-15 (TENTATIVE!!) Queen’s university:1-2 places (maybe) Laval – 2 places (maybe) Waterloo – 1 place (maybe) Hvor?

USA: Delvis Fritak for Skolepenger 2014-15 LISTEN ER MED FORBEHOLD! Illinois Institute of Technology – Delvis fritak – “undergraduate” Michigan Technological University (sannsynligvis 1 plass 2014-15) Full Fritak St Olaf College, Northfield, MN (antall variere – full fritak) Univ. of Arkansas – Little Rock (antall variere – full fritak) UC-Berkeley (4 plasser) Master (hovedoppgave) eller Ph.D studenter Univ. of Kentucky (2 plasser medisin – full fritak) NB! Frist 1.12 Univ. of Maryland (muligens en plass for 2014-15)) Univ. of Minnesota (2 plasser medisin – full fritak NB! Frist 1.12) Univ. of Minnesota Betaler “resident tuition” (ca 25 plasser ) Univ. of Minnesota (Fulbright direct exchange – 1 plass – GRADUATE – NB! Frist 1.10. Søk via fulbright.no. Får også stipend for opphold!) University of Michigan – Produkt design -2 plasser? Full Fritak (University of New Orleans – Marin (antall plasser variere – mulig reduksjon i skolepenger- må sjekkes for 2014-15) University of North Dakota (mulig 2 plasser medisin + 2 plasser andre fag) Medicine (Frist 1.12) University of Oklahoma (3 plasser 2014-15) full fritak University of Washington (full fritak muligens en plass 2014-15, frist 20.jan.) The number of universities in the Canada/U.S.A. offering a full tuition waiver to NTNU students is limited. The reason for this is that NTNU partner universities can often not offer a tuition waiver unless one of their students has elected to study at NTNU (ie “balance). Typically there are more Norwegian students interested in studying in the USA than there are American students interested in coming to Trondheim. In addition, each year NTNU’s partners are dealing with a variety of budgeting issues, that will affect the number of tuition waivers they can offer. Because of these factors the number of tuition waivers will vary from year to year. The above list is updated as additional information on tuition waivers becomes available.

NB! Ingen Avtale? Bruk søkermotoren som fins på hjemmesidene til universitetene TERMINOLOGI = «nøkkelord» Studiehåndbok = catalog/bulletin (calendar (Canada)) Skolepenger = tuition Søknadsskjema for del-studier = application form for non-degree visiting student Internasjonal seksjon = feks Office of International Relations Int’l Students and Scholars Office transcript = karakterutskrift Statement of purpose =Motivasjonsessay www.ntnu.no/international/studentweb/statementofpurpose.pdf Letter of Recommendation=Anbefalingsbrev www.ntnu.no/international/recommendations.html The application process is basically the same with or w/o an agreement. The major difference is that with an agreement NTNU’s OIR will tell you which application you need to fill out, what enclosures are required and then send the application for you. Without an agreement you will need to find out which application to send and send it before the deadline. It is a relatively straightforward process and if you use the search engine typically found at the top of the university’s home page along suggested «key words», you should find what you need. Courses: Check the catalog/bulletin/calendar = studiehåndbok Costs: Check the tuition costs for international non-residents Application form/deadline: Look for infomation for non-degree visiting students/study abroad students. Without an agreement you are NOT an exchange student. Help: Contact the International Office at the university transcript = karakterutskrift Statement of purpose = motivasjonsessay ( for tips, see link) How can I get a letter of recommendation from a professor when she/he barely knows me? (for tips, see link) REMEMBER! Useful links for universities both with and w/o an agreement are found in the html table on the Canada/USA web page

Hvordan får jeg permission til å ta en del av studier i utlandet Hvordan får jeg permission til å ta en del av studier i utlandet? = Forhåndsgodkjenning 1. Sett opp en fag plan: Skap oversikt over: obligatoriske fag og valg fag se studiehåndbokene på nettet Evt snakk med studieveilederen din HUSK: De fleste forandre fagplanen etter adkomst! Varsle ditt fakultet om evt forandringer After you have decided which university you want to attend you will need to check if they have the courses you need/want and then ask your faculty for Permission to study abroad = Forhåndsgodkjenning. ASK yourself: If I attended NTNU next semester/year which required courses would I have to take (=obligatorisk fag)? Which electives (= valg fag)? In most cases you will find information on your program requirements in the NTNU course catalogs: http://www.ntnu.no/studier/studiehandbok Next find out if the university you selected offers courses which cover the material given in the required courses at NTNU. If it doesn’t you will either need to either 1) select another university or 2) see if you can «juggle» your schedule so you can take a required course at NTNU prior to your going abroad or after you’ve returned.

Forhåndsgodkjenning/fagplan: litt terminologi i studiehåndbøkene Bachelor’s Grad = Undergraduate (4 år i Canada/USA) Master/PhD Grad = Graduate Lower division = første 2 år av Bachelor grad Upper Division = siste 2 år av Bachelor grad Prerequisites= forkunnskapen som trengs for å ta et fag When you begin looking at the course catalogs for universities abroad you may find some terminology you are not familiar with. You will often see the terms above ….. See the next slide for additional information.

Fagplan: Fagkodene (for eksempel…) 100-199: 1. år Bachelor (= undergraduate) (NB!! 1. år Bachelor grad fag godkjennes ikke!!) 200-299: 2. år Bachelor 300-399: 3. år Bachelor 400-499: 4. år Bachelor >500: Master/PhD (=graduate) Unntak: bl.a. UC- Berkeley, San Diego og Santa Barbara 1-99: 1.+2. år Bachelor 100-199: 3.+4. år Bachelor >200: Master/PhD Vanligvis tar 4.års studenter en kombinasjon av 3./4. års undergraduate og graduate fag eller bare graduate fag. Bachelorstudenter kan i noen tilfeller ta graduate fag (sjekk forkunnskapskrav) Fakultet bestemmer hva som blir forhåndsgodkjent!! In most course catalogs in the USA/Canada, the course number gives an indication of the level of the course. Many universities use a system 100-499 (or 1000-4000) for undergraduate/Bachelor level courses . Courses numbered 500 or over are graduate/Master-PhD. At some popular destinations (Berkeley, UCSD, UCSB) the numbering system used is 1-99 for for 1st and 2nd year Bachelor level courses and 100-199 for 3rd and 4th year courses. Courses with numbers 200 or higher are graduate/Master-PhD courses. Course numbering systems are typically explained at the beginning of the course catalog. Students studying abroad in their 4th year of a 5-yr Master’s program will often take either all graduate courses or a combination of grad courses and 3rd/4th year undergrad courses. Bachelor degree students who have the necessary prerequisites may be interested in taking a graduate course. Your faculty decides what will be approved.

Fagplan tip: obligatoriske fag Lag en tabell med oversikt over obligatoriske fag Bruk gjerne engelsk beskrivelsen (se LINKS) Fin fag i utlandet som har ca. tilsvarende emner Har en kommentar felt - feks pris, +/- med stedet mm NTNU fag Emne (Fagbeskrivelse på engelsk) Fag i utlandet UC-San Diego Emne UBC Delft TMM4140 Mat.teknikk 2 material properties, plasticity, deformation- strengthening mechanisms, fatigue and fracture, by means of mechanics…. Dev’t and optimalisation of products …. … two Cases…. training in teamwork ..3 imp’t groups: aluminium, steel and stainless steel. Aim apply the theoretical models+ present practical industrial-related knowledge of these materials ?? By using a table format you can quickly see which university offers the courses you need to fulfill your requirements at NTNU. Comparing the English course description of the mandatory course at NTNU with the English course description from the course catalog of the university abroad is often easier than trying to compare the Norwegian description with the English description. If you also add columns for expenses, leisure activities etc you will have an excellent tool for helping you decide which university best matches up with what you are trying to achieve both academically and personally.

Forhåndsgodkjenning: Hvor mange fag må jeg ta? OBS! Krav om full studiebelastning pr. semester Skal ta fag tilsvarende 60 studiepoeng (et år)/ 30 SP(et semester) Konverteringsnøkkelen =GNAG databasen gir oversikt over antall credits/units som tilsvarer 60 studiepoeng. http://db.intersek.ntnu.no/gnag One of the most frequently asked questions is «How many courses do I have to take?» In order to be entitled to funding from the State Educational Loan Fund you must take a course load that corresponds to 60 ECTS credits (=studiepoeng(SP)) for one academic year/ 30 SP for et semester. Information on how many courses are required to fulfill this requirement is found in the GNAG database: http://db.intersek.ntnu.no/gnag

Forhåndsgodkjenning: 2. Bruk skjema: http://www.ntnu.no/studier/studier_i_utlandet/soknadsskjema Skriv ut skjemaet og lever det til fakultetet med fagbeskrivelsene NB!! Sjekk med fakultetet ditt om innleveringsfristen! (TIP!: Gjerne skrive ut 2 eks Teknologiprogrammene/5årig programmene: få din studieveilederen til å se på det først og skriv «faglig godkjent» eller noe lignende HG/SVT/evt NT: Bare ber noen på fakultetskontoret å skrive «mottatt» After you have decided where you want to study abroad, when you want to go and what courses you want/need to take, applying for permission to study abroad will take less than 30 minutes. Use the on-line application form: http://www.ntnu.no/studier/studier_i_utlandet/soknadsskjema Input: your contact infomation, name, address,email etc, study abroad destination, a list of the courses you want to take, etc PRINT OUT the application form=«forhåndsgodkjenningsskjema» Give this and a description of the courses you selected to your faculty TIP : : cut and paste the course descriptions you found on-line into a WORD/TEXT document. TIP: In order for the Canada/USA coordinator (ie Dale) to send your application she will need to see that 1) either your advisor has approved your course selection or 2) in the case of the HF/SVT and in some cases the NT faculty, that you have actually handed in the application. So, print out 2 copies of the permision to study abroad application and have it signed. Hand in one to your faculty and submit/show the other to Dale when you either hand in your application/request a «letter of permission» to study at university NTNU doesn’t have an agreement with.

Hvordan søker jeg til universitet i utlandet? Avtale: søk gjennom NTNU (exchange student) Uten avtale: søk selv non-degree/visiting student (study abroad student) If you apply to one of NTNU’s partner universities the Office of Int’l Relations (OIR) will advise you about the application process and send your application. If there is no agreement between NTNU and the University you are applying to you will have to find out which application form to use, what enclosures to send, when the deadline is and then send the application. In most cases you will apply as a non-degree/visiting/special student, although in some cases you need to apply as a transfer student. If you are applying on your own, don’t panic! The application process is basically the same as with partner universities, except you have to do the work. Using the standard list of enclosures and checking if you need to send any additional materials you will find the application process quick simple. In all cases start by gathering your enclosures in a folder and then when the time comes to send the application you can just sort the enclosures and send them. http://www.ntnu.no/studier/studier_i_utlandet

Søknadsprosedyren:send innen fristen on-line (få referanse nummer) eller pdf søknad Betal søknadsgebyr (USD/CAD 0-200) Send elektronisk eller skriv ut søknaden – undertegn Send VEDLEGGENE (akademiske og for immigrasjon) As mentioned previously application routines vary from university to university, but are basically the same whether you apply through an NTNU agreement or on your own. The basic difference is who sends the application: NTNU, Office of Int’l Relations (OIR) or you. In all cases you either apply on-line and send or upload the supporting materials (= enclosures) or apply using a pdf form/word document which then, along with the enclosures, is either sent by email, mail, fax or uploaded. In most cases you will have to pay a non-refundable APPLICATION fee. If NTNU has an agreement with a university, the Office of Int’l Relations (OIR) will tell you what the application procedures are and send the application. In some cases the application procedures are so well described on the university’s web site that you will just be given a link. If NTNU does NOT have an agreement with the university you are applying to you need to find out what the procedures are, apply on your and make certain you meet the application deadline. It is NOT difficult! The enclosures are basically the same no matter where you apply. The supporting materials (= enclosures) are so standard that they can be catagorized as either for 1) academic purposes or 2) for immigration purposes

Vanlig Vedlegg: Akademiske Karakterutskrift på engelsk (kontakt studentservice) Oversikt over ”Courses in progress” skriv selv A4 ark: (Course code – course title – number of credits(studiepoeng)) Statement of Purpose = motivasjonsessay CV? (dersom du ha vært på flere universiteter) Anbefalingsbrev? The «Academic Enclosures» give the univeristy you are applying to an idea of your academic abilities. A description of these enclosures can be accessed through NTNU’s web page for study abroad in Canada/USA http://www.ntnu.no/international/studentweb/outgoingvedleggeneflex.doc  Transcript in English (sometimes you will also be asked to send the Norwegian version). List of courses in progress (These do not appear on your NTNU transcript so you need to prepare a list with course code and title. Some of these courses may be prerequisites for courses you would like to take when you are abroad and this way the university knows that you have the necessary background. A standard set-up is available on the Canada/USA web page or just make one yourself.) Statement of Purpose – Most, but not all, university’s want to know what you’re background is and why you are applying to their university. A one – max two page essay is enough. For tips see the link at the end of this presentation. CV Only a a few universities ask for a CV and typically it is for students who want to do research on the master’s/PhD level. However if you have attended several universities a CV gives a nice, concise overview of your academic history. Letters of Recommendation – usually not needed, but if so, see link at the end of the presentation or on the Canada/USA web page.

Vanlig Vedlegg: Immigrasjon til Canada/USA Rett kopi av pass Bevis for engelsk kompetanse - TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language - IELTS: International English Language Testing Service - Fritak? > 4 i engelsk fra vgs Bevis for tilstrekkelig finansiering - Lånekassen (Skriv ut foreløpig uttalelse om støtte (nye satser i januar!) - Egen midler - Andre støtte feks slektninger - Stipend og legater The «Immigration Enclosures» provide the univeristy you are applying with the documents necessary for immigration (Study permit – Canada/Visa – USA). A description of these enclosures can be accessed through NTNU’s web page for study abroad in Canada/USA http://www.ntnu.no/international/studentweb/outgoingvedleggeneflex.doc  Certified copy of your passport (make certain that that you copy you have is LEGIBLE or it will delay your application. The Office of Int’l Relations can copy your passport and stamp it «certified copy». Documentation of English Proficiency For both Canada and the USA you will, in most cases, need to document your English proficiency before you can be accepted. This can be done by a standardized test (TOEFL or IELTS) or in some cases using your grade in English from upper secondary school (=v.g.s.) Alt.1: TOEFL = Test of English as a Foreign Language The Educational Testing Service (ETS) administers this test. Currently this test is given in Drammen & Moss (see toefl.org) Alt. 2: IELTS = International English Language Testing Service IELTS is administered by the British Council. Offered in Trondheim. (Note: IELTS is more expensive than TOEFL, but if you take it in Trondheim there are no travel expenses.) Alt 3: TOEFL/IELTS waiver: Some universities offer NTNU students a TOEFL/IELTS waiver. See list on next slide. Proof of sufficient financing : The State Educational Loan Fund, Norway (Lånekassen=LK) provides a preliminary statement which can be used to document your support from them. (NB! New rates each January) If the funding you receive from LK is not sufficient to cover your expenses you will need to document that you have additional funding (eg support from relatives, other stipends etc. A letter from a bank should be written on the bank’s letter head and specify the amount available. (see the link sat end of this presentation)

TOEFL Fritak 13/14 USA/Canada KRAV: Engelsk karakter av 4 eller bedre fra videregående skole (ellers se: http://www.ntnu.edu/studies/international/toefl) CANADA University of Alberta Queen’s University Ikke avtale ved University of British Columbia, men søk selv! https://you.ubc.ca/ubc/vancouver/elaswaiver.ezc?pageID=1249. Kontakt Int’l seksjon vedr. brev om engelsk kompetanse. Ta med vitnemål fra vgs.) USA Colorado School of Mines Illinois Institute of Technology Montana State University Michigan Technological University (MTU) San Diego State University (søk fritak selv) Texas Tech University UC – Berkeley (bare SOCIOLOGY og BYGG) (Physics has said NO!) UC – Irvine, Santa Barbara, San Diego UC – Los Angeles (maybe – waiting for an answer) University of Arkansas, Little Rock University of Hawaii, Manoa University of Minnesota University of Oklahoma University of Wisconsin Regulations governing immigration to North America (visa to the USA/study permit to Canada) require that non-native speakers document their English language proficiency. In some cases students may be granted a waiver from the standardized tests (TOEFL*/IELTS**) used to document English language proficiency. You can be granted a TOEFL/IELTS waiver for example: directly from a university in the USA/Canada e.g. UC – Berkeley agreement with Dept. of Sociology based on your grade in English from upper secondary school being at least 4 If you have not been granted a waiver you will have to take either the TOEFL (www.toefl.org) or IELTS (www.ielts.org) *TOEFL = Test of English as a Foreign Language ** IELTS = International English Language Testing Service

Etter opptak – Visum/Study Permit Mottar Certificate of Eligibility (I-20 /DS-2019) Betal SEVIS gebyr ($200) (SEVIS= Student and Exchange Visitor Information System) Visum intervju i Oslo Bestill time : http://norway.usembassy.gov CANADA: Mottar opptaks brev Søk om Study Permit (opphold over 6 måneder) elektronisk søknad på nett! Vedlegg sendes til London USA: After you have been accepted a university in North America you will need to apply to the immigration authorities for permission to study in the USA/Canada ie obtain a visa (USA) or study permit (Canada). USA - The university you applied to will send you a document stating that you are ELIGIBLE to study in the U.S.A. Consider this document to be equivalent to an acceptance letter. Not surprisingly it is called a CERTIFICATE of ELIGIBILTY. This form will either be an I-20 or DS-2019 depending on the type of visa you will be applying for. After you receive this document you must pay the SEVIS fee (USD 200,-). SEVIS= Student Exchange Visitor Information System. Once you have paid this you can make an appointment for a visa interview in Oslo. (http://norway.usembassy.gov) When you go for the interview bring as little as possible with you since you will not be allowed to take much into the embassy. Remember to bring an umbrella since you may have to wait outside on line. Early appointments are nice since you’ll be done before any delays propagate down the line… CANADA Going for less than 6 months? You’ll just need your passport. More than 6 months? Apply on-line for the study permit and then send the paperwork to London. NB!! Apply early since it can take up to 8 weeks to get the study permit. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/index.asp

Hvordan skal jeg finansiere oppholdet? Lånekassen Stipend Egne midler

Lånekassefinansiering (14/15) Basis støtte: NOK 97 850/akademiske år (utdanningsstipend og lån) Reisetillegg :for 2 reiser tur/retur (< 6 måneder = 1 t/r) (70 % stipend / 30 % lån) Skolepengestøtte - kr 120 433/år (2014-15) (maks) Stipend 43 113; Lån: 77 320 PLUSS - Tilleggsstipend: kr. 65 119 til utvalgte læresteder Språkstipend NOK 17 675 til ikke-engelsk forberedende språkkurs Varighet: min. 4 uker (intensivt). Se krav Gjelder ikke språkstudier. The support from the State Educational Loan Fund, Norway consists of support to – Living expenses Travel Tuition + premium tuition to selected institutions Language courses For amounts see above and www.lanekassen.no Note TUITION: 70% stipend and 30% loan av the actual tuition costs up to NOK 61 590. Tuition expenses above this are given as a loan. Maximum total tution payment for 2014-15 is kr 120 433. NOTE: You will need to presents receipts for all travel, tuition and language courses. You will not receive more than you paid Application fees are considered «tuition» If the language of instrution is English you are not entitled to the language course stipend

Andre finansiering NTNU-Stipend kr. 10.000/år eller ca. 7.000,/semester. Feltarbeid over 1 måned: 1.500/måned(min/maks:4500/10 000kr) NB! Link: www.intersek.ntnu.no/soknadsskjema/ Brukes også for: - forhåndsgodkjenningsskjema - å bli tatt i betraktning for studieplasser ved avtale universiteter Andre kilder: Legater/Sponsorer Legater: http://www.legathandboken.no/ Andre Stipend: http://www.ntnu.no/studier/studier_i_utlandet/finansiering Stipend fra ditt hjemme kommune? You are advised to explore all options for additional financing. NTNU offers a stipend which you have actually applied for when you submit the on-line application for study abroad. (see link above). You might also want to take a look at the links above and see if you find any stipends you can apply for. Some muncipalities offer stipends for their residents. If you google the web pages of the muncipality where you are officially registered in you may find a stipend/legat you are eligible for. Try searching with «legat» and/or «stipend».

Andre finansiering (USA) Fulbright stipend – www.fulbright.no Master, PhD or post-doc frist 1.10 Norge-Amerika Foreningen (www.noram.no) Graduate study/research stipend frist: tidlig januar (må være ferdig med cand.mag/bachelor. dvs 3. års teknologi studenter kan IKKE søke) Undergraduate stipend – frist: RULLERENDE! University of Minnesota - Fulbright stipend frist 1.10 - Torske Klubben frist 1.3, men bør starter prosessen om høsten - Lakselaget – for kvinner som svømmer mot strømmen (klikk navnene for links!) Finansiering

Søknadsfrister NTNU-stipend (=forhåndsgodkjenningskjema) 1. mars (utreise høst) og 1. oktober (utreise vår) Innlevering av forhåndsgodkjenningsskjema Canada/USA 1.desember: DMF plasser i USA 20. januar: Queen’s, Georgia Tech, Iowa State, TAMU, UH-Manoa, U. Michigan, U. Washington ellers SJEKK oversiktstabellen! Innlevering av søknaden til partner universiteter SJEKK oversiktstabellen! Remember to meet all deadlines! The application for study abroad and the NTNU stipend are the same application form, but remember to find out: - When does the faculty require that I submit the study abroad application http://www.ntnu.no/studier/studier_i_utlandet/soknadsskjema - When does Dale require that I submit the on-line application for the partner university that I would like to attend in the USA/Canada? check on-line table: http://www.ntnu.no/international/usa/tableusacanada.htm When do I have to submit the application materials for the partner university in the USA/Canada? check on-line table: http://www.ntnu.no/international/usa/tableusacanada.htm Note: the reason Dale often requires the application for study abroad early is that she must often send all the application materials to USA/Canada in February/March. -

Viktige linker: www.ntnu.no/international/usa/dale.ppt Delstudier i utlandet (med oversikt over avtaler) http://www.ntnu.no/studier/studier_i_utlandet Søknadsskj.: brukes til godkjenning/ stipend/avtaler plasser http://www.ntnu.no/studier/studier_i_utlandet/soknadsskjema NB!! Sendes elektronisk, godkjenningsskjema skrives ut og leveres til fakultet med evt. vedlegg Rapporter http://www.ntnu.no/studier/studier_i_utlandet/erfaringsutveksling Reisemål sidene http://www.ntnu.no/studier/studier_i_utlandet/land USA/Canada OVERSIKT med lenker til studiehåndbøkene mm, frister og mye mer http://www.ntnu.no/studier/studier_i_utlandet/land/nord_amerika www.ntnu.no/international/usa/tableusacanada.htm Lenker med tips om læresteder www.ntnu.no/international/studentweb/links Konvertering units/credits til studiepoeng http://db.intersek.ntnu.no/gnag Engelsk fag beskrivelser: www.ntnu.edu/studies/search_courses Above is a summary of the important links. Kontakt andre på: Facebook.com/NtnUtveksling

Flere viktige linker: Legathåndbok Andre stipend TOEFL http://www.ntnu.edu/studies/international/toefl Lånekassen søknad om foreløpig vurdering av retten til støtte skrives ut selv! http://app.lanekassen.no/forelopiguttalelse/ Tilleggsstipend: http://www.lanekassen.no/tilleggsstipend Statement of Purpose www.ntnu.no/international/studentweb/statementofpurpose.pdf Recommendations: www.ntnu.no/international/studentweb/recommendations.html Fulbright / Norge-america foreningen Legathåndbok www.fulbright.no; www.noram.no www.ntnu.no/international/usa/scholarships/umnfulbright.pdf http://www.legathandboken.no/ Andre stipend http://www.ntnu.no/studier/studier_i_utlandet/finansiering/stipend_geografisk Study Permit til Canada http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/index.asp Visum til USA http://norway.usembassy.gov/non-immigrant_visas.html More useful links

Andre Nyttige Hefter (powerpoint presentasjoner) San Diego State Univ. UC - Davis UC - Irvine (UCI) UC – Los Angeles (UCLA) UC - Santa Barbara (UCSB) UC - San Diego (UCSD) www.ntnu.no/international/usa/california.pptx UC-Berkeley www.ntnu.no/international/usa/berkeley.pptx (Alternativ: www.ntnu.no/international/usa/berkeley.pdf) ISS studenter se også: http://www.ntnu.no/svt/studier/berkeley Univ. of North Dakota (medisin) www.ntnu.no/international/usa/und.ppt (Oppdateres høsten 2013) Univ. of Louisville (Medisin) Sample application og skjema: (12-2010) http://www.ntnu.no/international/usa/ulsampleapplication.pdf Alberta, Calgary + UBC www.ntnu.no/international/usa/canada.ppt (Oppdateres høsten 2013) There are also some powerpoint presentations for specific universities. If you have questions give me a call or set up an appointment. If it’s a quick question I usually have open advising on Mondays from 10-1130 so just stop by.

Sjekklisten Bestem hvor vil du dra og hvor lenge. Skaff informasjon Sett opp en fag plan og få den godkjent NB! Bruk elektroniske søknad , skriv ut skjema. Samtidig søker du NTNU stipend og avtalestudieplasser. Søk andre stipend og legater Søk til universitetet (enten gjennom IS eller selv) Ta TOEFL/IELTS (om nødvendig) Noen universiteter akseptere at du har 4 eller bedre i engelsk fra v.g.s. Søk visum (USA) or evt. Study permit (Canada) Søk om lån fra lanekassen (Husk D skjema) Skaff deg bolig Skaff reise/innboforsikring – (norsk statsborgere har medisinsk forsikring) Bestill flybillett Meld deg på www.facebook.com/NtnUtveksling Husk studentrapportene for praktiske tips! Registrere at du har kommet til utlandet! So, now that you’re dealing with information overload, let’s recap. Decide where you want to go and for how long. Use the information channels mentioned and any others you can think of. Once you have decided where you want to go, look at the universities on-line course catalog. Do they offer the courses you want need? If so, submit the on-line study abroad application. - Remember to check deadlines! - This application is also the NTNU stipend application Check other stipend and legat options. There is more out there than you might think. Submit your application materials to a partner university through the Office of Int’l Relations/Dale. If NTNU does not have an agreement with the university you are applying to then apply on your own. Take the TOEFL/IELTS if it is required. After you have been accepted apply for a visa (USA)/study permit (Canada) Apply to “Lånekassen”. Remember “Enclosure D” Remember travel insurance and insurance for your belongs Buy your ticket and off you go! (southwest/carnival/jetblue and more for cheap flights in USA) Remember there are thousands who have “been there, done that”. Contact them on facebook for tips on courses/housing/where to go, what to see and what to skip. Don’t forget to read the student reports! When you arrive abroad, let us know you got there. Just put your city in the on-line registration form and we can register you as “studying abroad”. (see links)

Let’s Go Canada/USA!!