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* 07/16/96 *Copyright 1997-99 (C) Safran Software Solutions AS.

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Presentasjon om: "* 07/16/96 *Copyright 1997-99 (C) Safran Software Solutions AS."— Utskrift av presentasjonen:

1 * 07/16/96 *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

2 Norsk Senter for Prosjekt-ledelse, 3.5.2000, Statoil
* 07/16/96 Norsk Senter for Prosjekt-ledelse, , Statoil Inge Nilsen, Safran Software Solutions as Hvem er vi? Produkter og posisjon Safran Planner Safran Project Noen egenskaper og nytteverdi Referanser. In thes presentation I’ll focus on the following key features: Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

3 Safran Software Solutions as
* 07/16/96 Safran Software Solutions as Etablert 1997 Hovedkontor med FoU i Rogaland Kunnskapspark, Stavanger Leverandør til seriøse fagmiljø Nominert til NHO’s Nyskapningspris 99 Del av konsernet Proha Oyj. In thes presentation I’ll focus on the following key features: Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

4 Vår bakgrunn Visma Safran SS Dovre Informasjons-Systemer AS Artemis
* 07/16/96 Vår bakgrunn Visma Safran SS Dovre Informasjons-Systemer AS Artemis Initial R&D Utvikling Søkefase ‘Fant’ PowerBuilder Development of Safran Project started in DIS. The company merged with two other companies, to form Visma. Shortly after, Visma got into financial trouble and needed to focus on fewer sectors. PM vas not amongst them. In September 97 we undertook a MBO, buying all rights to Safran Project from Visma. Regarding what we have been working on: DIS was founded to offer PM consultancy services and systems development, primarily based on Artemis. Some of us had a background from Metier, and therefor contacts within Metier so we fond out what was really happing there. We therefore started searching for new systems, as we saw that Metier was letting Artemis down. We ‘found’ PowerBulder 1/2 year before it was released in the States. We got the distributions rights for Norway end 91, and for Sweden early 93. As we found no substitution for Artemis, we started experimenting with PowerBuilder to se what we could develop, of the likes of “Analyze”, “Aggregate” and other central Artemis functions. Late in 93 we decided to start developing Safran Project. In 1994 turnover was about £4 mill with a healthy profit. We had grown a business from zero to 60 people in 7 years. This is an important experience (in addition to PM and, and so is the experience with the Visma merger. Now we are starting again, with Safran Software Solutions AS and this business development experience is then vital. In 94 Powersoft expressed a wish to acquire our distribution operations, and did so Feb 95. The 3 mill USD we got made the development of Safran Project possible. 1995 was spent marketing release 1.0. Aker become the first customer, December 95. We stopped marketing, to concentrate on developing release 2, the ‘useful’ version, and implementing this in Aker. This went as planned. Safran Project has been in production since late 96. Omsetning 94: 43 mill NOK 60 ansatte Aker Maritime Salg av virksomhet til Powersoft: US$ 3 mill Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

5 * 07/16/96 Posisjonering Planlegge og styre prosjekter mer effektivt og med høyere kvalitet Working Smarter Safran Project= Power In thes presentation I’ll focus on the following key features: Safran Planner= Comfort. Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

6 Safran Planner = Comfort
Kommer nå Et utvalg designkriterier: Enkelt å lære og bruke (også i praksis!) Skal la deg nå målet- hurtig Balansert (det riktige, men ikke for mye) Framdrift (riktig vekting, beregning og forståelig representasjon). Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS

7 Safran Planner = Comfort
Glasskuleprinsippet Summeringsnivåer og referansefelt Ubegrenset innsyn i planverket (ordnede utvalg uten tilbakelegging, fysj og fy..) Et eksempel……... Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS

8 Safran Planner = Comfort
Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS

9 Safran Planner = Comfort
Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS

10 Safran Project = Power For komplekse prosjekt Designkriterier:
Flere aktører og faser Betydelig innslag av engineering Overlapp/ parallellitet mellom faser Middels til stort scope, detaljering, baselineproblematikk, varighet Aktivitets- og timetetthet pr. framdriftsprosent Designkriterier: Håndterbarhet av komplekse planverk Arbeidspraksisforbedringer for fagpersonen Rik og riktig funksjonalitet Ekstrem ytelse, maksimal teknologiutnyttelse. Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS

11 Safran Project = Power Noen egenskaper utenom de vanlige:
* 07/16/96 Safran Project = Power Noen egenskaper utenom de vanlige: VO- håndtering Prosjektenes historie og sporbarhet Ekte multi aktør planlegging (partnering enabling) Det beste fra begge verdener Safran Details. In thes presentation I’ll focus on the following key features: Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

12 VO- håndtering, Safran Project
* 07/16/96 VO- håndtering, Safran Project Activities VO Res-1 Res-2 Res-3 Res-1 Res-2 Res-3 Variation Control is essential in projects, particular in large projects. Variation Orders or whatever one are used to call these things, often come as a Document. It could be internal changes, i.e. ‘things’ that the contractor has forgotten, or need to re-do. It might be changes or additional work required by the owner, and so on. In any case, the change is registered in Safran Project. Often, such changes influence more than one activity, and/or more than one resource. Activities in Safran Project can each have an unlimited number of resource records. Since VO-items need to be linked to activities AND resources, Safran Project add the VO-item data to at the resource level. Item Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

13 VO- håndtering, Safran Project
* 07/16/96 VO- håndtering, Safran Project Activities VO Res-1 Res-2 In fact we use the same table within the database. VO-items are of course distinguished from ‘ordinary’ resources, and are clearly and unambiguously linked to the VO record. This method ensures that a VO-Item alvays has the same attributes as an ordinary resource, it gives us almost unlimited possibilities to perform calculations which need to include and/or exclude certain resources & VO-items. The owner of a plan (network) can set a parameter that forces all users to enter all changes to the resource level via VO-items. This enforces full tracking. Res-3 Res-1 VOI-1 Res-2 Res-3 VOI-1 VOI-2 Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

14 Historie og sporbarhet Safran Project
* 07/16/96 Historie og sporbarhet Safran Project .. det riktige bildet og dets årsaker, til enhver tid Safran Project stores detailed, historical data. Before I explain why this is important, I’ll explain briefly how it works. First, when you are satisfied with the initial plan for the new project, the plan is stored in the historical tables as the “Original Plan”. As the weeks go by, you are: re-scheduling, progressing activities, adding VO’s (as we saw on the last slide), sometimes even splitting activities, or changing the codes i.e moving from one sub-contractor to an other, from one department to an other… A weekly cut-off is the most common in projects. Almost all data from the activity and from the resource table is stored in the historical tables on a weekly basis. Often, major re-scheduling (new baseline) takes place say once every 6 months. Again these data are stored. Clearly, Safran Project over time builds up a huge database. It even stores all the VO-item records. This database can be interrogated by experienced users who master SQL, or users of Executive Information Systems. But is outside of Safran Project. Within Safran Project, the database is used in reporting. In creating correct historical curves. I’m not saying that looking back at history is more important that looking forward. I’m just saying that looking forward is done much better and in a more qualified manner, when supported by historical correct data. Historie- tabeller Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

15 Safran Project, multi aktør planlegging (partnering enabling)
* 07/16/96 Safran Project, multi aktør planlegging (partnering enabling) You might have come across other systems that claim they allow multiple users to access and update the same plan at the same time. How to develop SQL-based multi-user applications is rather well-known. However, typically such applications deal with a record at at time, or a limited sets of records, typically one PO record with a limited number of PO-Item records. As we all know, a network plan contain activity records and constraints records that linked together in a fashion such that the whole network can be seen as one record. Obviously, it is no problem for several users to update different activities within the same network, if one has no need for continuos network analyses. *** OBS: Her må det skrives mer *** Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

16 Safran Project, det beste fra begge verdener
* 07/16/96 Safran Project, det beste fra begge verdener De to verdener: Ferdiglagede applikasjoner Tilpasninger til fundamentale endringer i forretningsprosess. Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

17 Safran Project, det beste fra begge verdener
* 07/16/96 Safran Project, det beste fra begge verdener Klart til bruk og fleksibelt: Passer i kundens infrastruktur Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server Intergrerer lett og tett Kommandolinje Safran Enterprise Developer Safran Details Developer. Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

18 Safran Details Eksempler: Arbeidsordrer/Tasks Dokumenter Materialer
* 07/16/96 Safran Details Eksempler: Arbeidsordrer/Tasks Dokumenter Materialer Rekvisisjoner / PO’s Sertifikater Detaljplaner. Network Activities Details Safran Database Ekstern (?) database Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

19 Referanser Offshore & Marine ASA Bentec Norge Statoil
* 07/16/96 Referanser Offshore & Marine ASA Bentec Norge Datterselskap av Deutag, som igjen er datterselskap av Preussag, 70 verksteder, ansatte Statoil Kværner Oil and Gas (konserndekkende) Aker Maritime (konserndekkende). In thes presentation I’ll focus on the following key features: Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

20 References * 07/16/96 Copyright 1997-99 © Safran Software Solutions AS
*Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

21 Referanser Testimonial 1
* 07/16/96 Referanser Testimonial 1 1,5 år inne i prosjektet konverterte vi til Safran Project, og etablerte en felles plan med Aker Engineering 5 måneder seinere hadde vi økt detaljeringen fra til aktiviteter, som satte oss i stand til å avdekke ytterligere 1.2 mill. timer En mye bedre håndterbarhet gir oss sterk økning i kvaliteten på både prosjektstyrings-arbeidet og selve planverket. Sigurd Moss, Senior Project Planner, Åsgard Project Aker Stord Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

22 Referanser Testimonial 2
* 07/16/96 Referanser Testimonial 2 Prosjekter i framdrift var veldig skeptiske til å skifte under løpet Vi ville imidlertid dra nytte av effektivi-seringsgevinsten raskt Erfaringen viser at vi gjorde riktig ved å skifte tidligst mulig. Vi avslutter med mer sitater, denne gangen fra John Solhein, AOP. John Solheim, Project Control Manager Aker Offshore Partner Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

23 Referanser Testimonial 3
* 07/16/96 Referanser Testimonial 3 Based on our then-current PM-solution and work practice we estimated a need for three planning engineers on a project the size of Oseberg Now, Safran Project has provided the power to cope with only one. Vi avslutter med mer sitater, denne gangen fra John Solhein, AOP. Archie McKendry, Project Manager Oseberg Gas, Bentec Norge Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

24 Referanser Safran Project i aksjon:
* 07/16/96 Referanser Safran Project i aksjon: Forbedret planleggingspraksis (Aker) 50% innsatsreduksjon i dag til dag planlegging 75% innsatsreduksjon i planarbeid ved tilbudsprosesser Økt håndterbarhet/ kontrollerbarhet (eksempel fra ferdigstilling av Åsgard A-skipet hos Aker Stord) Aktiviteter Bindinger Ressursrader 15 planleggere, på flere geografiske lokasjoner. Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

25 Evolusjonen, slik vi ser den…..
* 07/16/96 Evolusjonen, slik vi ser den….. Profesjonell nytte Tid Safran Working smarter Artemis 6/9000 Artemis 7000 Andre proffprodukt In the late 60’ties and the 70’ties, computers programs to perform network analyses appeared. Optima was a Norwegian system, other systems existed in other markets. Technology was mainframe & punch card. When Artemis appeared in 77 it was received as a big leap. In our opinion, systems like Artemis 7000, Prima Vera and Microsoft Project represent dead ends in the evolution of PM systems. We present Safran Project as a leap in the right direction. Microsoft Project Punched Cards Copyright © Safran Software Solutions AS *Copyright (C) Safran Software Solutions AS

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