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Seminar om forskerskoler - NFR, Oslo 01.04.08 CEES: A Centre of Excellence funded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary.

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Presentasjon om: "Seminar om forskerskoler - NFR, Oslo 01.04.08 CEES: A Centre of Excellence funded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary."— Utskrift av presentasjonen:

1 Seminar om forskerskoler - NFR, Oslo 01.04.08 CEES: A Centre of Excellence funded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler – forhold man ikke må glemme ved planleggingen Nils Chr. Stenseth Et foredrag med erfaring er fra: (1)en forskerskole ved UiO/CEES, (2)et nordisk nettverk (EcoClim/EcoGrad) og (3)et Maire Curie Early Stage Training Site (4)samt et Erasmus Mundus MS initiativ

2 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth … et foredrag som rapporterer både suksesser og tap ….

3 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Vi er bedt om å diskutere: Hva en nettverksskole er Hvordan få et nettverk til å fungere Hvordan kan et nettverk gi fordeler for forskerstudenter Samarbeid med utenlandske universitetet – hvordan få det til å fungere Administrative utfordringer

4 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Dette vil jeg gjøre ved å: Presentere det senteret jeg kommer fra (både den nasjonale SFF’n [CEES] og det nordiske NCoE [EcoClim]) Diskutere hva vi har fått til å fungere (UiO’s forskerskole ved CEES og vårt Marie Curie Early Stage Training Site [CEES-MCO]) Diskutere hva som var vanskelig å få til (NCoE-EcoClim) – og hva problemene bestod i Diskutere hva vi ikke fikk til (den nordiske forskerskolen og Erasmus Mundus planene våre) – og hvorfor Hva kan vi lære av disse erfaringene … og i den forbindelse besvare (indirekte) hva et fungerende nettverk er …

5 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Vår nasjonale SFF-CEES (single node)

6 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis CEES-CoE Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis CEES-CoE Eli K. Rueness (Deputy Chair) Chair: Nils Chr. Stenseth

7 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth An interdisciplinary group building upon last few decades tremendous developments within molecular biology, computational technology and, hence, statistics and informatics Centre for Evolutionary and Ecological Synthesis (CEES) Ecological and evolutionary changes in time and space Evolutionary biology Ecology Genetics Informatics Statistics Mathematics

8 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth We are, by the University, identified as an excellent research group and a research school

9 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth “Ecological and Evolutionary Response to Climatic Variation” A single nodeMarie Curie Early Stage Training Site A single node Marie Curie Early Stage Training Site

10 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth The overall scientific issues to be addressed within CEES-CoE

11 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Theme 1 : The role of population structuring in adaptive evolution Theme 2 : The potential for adaptation Theme 3 : The evolution of reproductive isolation Coll. 1: Selection and evolvability: concepts, measurements and statistics Coll. 2: Bridging the gap between molecular and evolutionary genetics Coll. 3: Ecology and evolution of mosaic genomes: the case of microbes Coll. 4: Integration of ecology and evolution: a synthesis Theme 1: The role of population structuring in adaptive evolution Theme 2: The potential for adaptation Theme 3: The evolution of reproductive isolation

12 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth In addition to an extensive international network, we will join up with other national CoE’s in the Nordic countries with expected funding through Nordforsk CEES-CoE is like a combined Research and training institute and a Centre for advanced studies Themes: the long term research activities within the centre Colloquia: focused 3-year projects comparable to what we find within “centres for advanced studies” Kristine Bonnevie professorships: attract top visiting scientist for 3+2 years CEES-CoE is like a combined Research and training institute and a Centre for advanced studies

13 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Training of young scientists

14 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Master-students PhD-students (funded through the CoE, UoO, RCN and our Marie Curie Early Stage Training Site) Post docs (funded through the CoE, UoO, RCN and the Marie Curie EU-program) The training is organized within a Research School funded through UoO (within which a yearly student conference, a Journal club, as well as research seminar/workshops is part) In collaboration with other national CoE’s in the Nordic countries we are currently developing a Nordic Research School with expected funding from Nordforsk. Training of students and young researchers:

15 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth … CEES is scientifically visible ….

16 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth … also through comments being published on CEES work …. The Evolutionary Synthesis Nils Chr. Stenseth Research Highlights of 2007 by Nature

17 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth CEES er en vellykket og vel fungerende forsknings- og utdanningsenhet

18 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Vi tiltrekker oss gode PhD kandidater (og Post doc kandidater) Vi er synlige i den internasjonale litteraturen og på konferanse Vi er blitt vurdert av CHE Centre for Higher Education Development gGmbH (Germany) som en "Excellence group“ innen biologi ( –… den eneste i Norge og blant de 7 beste i de nordiske land (4 i Sverige og 2 i Danmark)

19 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Vårt nordiske CoE – NCoE EcoClim (tre noder)

20 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth A Nordic Centre of Excellence - focusing on the dynamic effects of climatic variation on ecological systems University of Oslo (Nils Chr. Stenseth) University of Lund (Per Lundberg) University of Helsinki (Esa Ranta) Ecoclim core- participants: 6 Professors and associate professors 1 Senior researcher 8 Postdocs 10 Postgraduate students 1 Administrator

21 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Mange startproblemer: Initial utilstrekkelig administrativ struktur Manglet reell integrering … og for liten mobilitet mellom de tre nodene Ble kritisert for bare å gjøre mer av det samme Tok lærdom av dette …. og gjorde noe med det ved å restrukturere det virtuelle senteret slik at vi gjensidig styrket hverandre

22 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Og det gav resultater

23 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Achievements – EcoClim mobility

24 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Achievements - EcoClim publications

25 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth 30% publications of the EcoClim in high impact journals – 3 in Nature – 2 in Science – 4 in PRSB – 1 in TREE Achievements - EcoClim publ’s ( continued )

26 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth UiO forskerskolen ved CEES

27 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Forskerskolen ved UiO (CEES) Arrangerer en årlig samling der studentene legger fram sine arbeider (som om det var en ordinær konferanse) Møteplikt for alle CEES-lærerne Ukentlige presentasjoner av studentenes arbeider (”Friday Lunch Talks”) Journal Clubs Arrangerer egne seminarer og kurs (med gjestestudenter) Som CEES leder legger jeg stor vekt på studentene progresjon

28 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Marie Curie Early Stage Training Site – CEES- MCO (single node)

29 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth The CEES-MCO Marie Curie Early Stage Training (EST) Site 4 PhD stipend (3 years) 7 shorter (4 months to a year) stipends

30 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth CEES-MCO 7 short-term PhD-stipends (4-12 months) – altogether 144 months 4 full-time PhD-stipends (3 years) The 4-year period: Jan. 2007 Jan. 2008 Jan. 2010 Jan. 2009

31 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Altogether we have over the years had good success in the Marie Curie programme (a success rate above 50-75%) – using it is part of our strategy of continuously becoming better Marie Curie fellowships at CEES: Previous (starting: 1996-2007): 1996: Jean Marc Fromentin 1997: Torstein Linstrøm [2002: Eckhard Finke] 2003: Nathalie Pettorelli 2002: Joël M. Durant 2004: Lorenzo Ciannelli 2004: Jean Francois Le Galliard [2005: Alexandre Robert] 2006: Stephanie Carlson – short term 2007: Thor Veen – short term Current: 2006: Marcos Llope 2007: Alexander Sadykov 2007: Tristan Rouyer – 16 months 2007: Claudia Junge 2007: Tamara Benari 2007: Philippe Sabarros 2007: Donald Griffin – short term 2007: Anke Stüken – short term 2007: Varvara Yashchenko – short term 2008: Troy Hegel – short term Coming (+ one currently on the waiting list): Joris Cromsigt Arnaud Le Rouzic

32 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Vår nordiske forskerskole – EcoGrad (tre noder) En skole vi aldri fikk til pga. oppstartsproblemene med NCoE EcoClim Våre planer var ambisiøse (og meget gode) Structure of the Nordic Graduate School of Ecological Dynamics (EcoGrad):

33 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth At EcoGrad aldri kom i gang, hadde sammenheng med at EcoClim (NCoE) tok tid å få i gang Våre planer var klart for ambisiøse …. og kombinert med at det tok tid å komme i gang med forskernettverket (EcoClim), ble det umulig å komme i gang med forskerskolen (EcoGra) som planlagt innen en rimelig tidsfrist Men reelt sett har vi trent studenter innen nettverket som om vi var en nettverksskole forskerskole Studentene har bl.a. kommet med som sentrale forfatterer i papers i Science og andre gode journaler Nå vil vi være modne for et slikt ambisøst opplegg som vi la opp til med EcoGrad …. og det forsøker vi nå å få til med Nordforsk finansiering (enten i år eller neste år)

34 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Vårt Erasmus Mundus initiativ Fikk til gode avtaler på høyt nivå mellom universitetene (Oslo, Paris 6 og Oxford) Men strandet på inkompatibilitet mht lokale opplegg

35 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth En pekefinger til de som vurderer Skal vi lage forskerskolenettverk, må vi (dvs. de som vurderer forslagene) ta inn over oss de ulike regelverk som eksisterer ved de ulike institusjoner Vårt forslag mht til å forholde oss til disse forskjeller, var at studentene brukte hele år ved hver av institusjonene Men det ble for lite integrasjon for de som skulle vurdere vårt opplegg

36 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Hva kan vi lære av dette? … av det som har lykkes: CEES-forskerskolen og Marie Curie EST … og av det som ikke har lyktes: den nordiske EcoGrad og Erasmus Mundus nettverket Det er klart mye lettere å få til single site enheter enn nettverk Innen EcoClim (og egentlig EcoGrad) har vi lært at vi gjennom fungerende nettverk (som EcoClim etterhvert ble) vil kunne gi studentene en bedre komplementær utdannelse enn hver enkelt enhet ville kunne gi Men, for at det skal fungere må det være et godt administrativt apparat (vi har på EcoClim en admin person som bistår admin av nettverket) Det er vanskelig for forskerne (=lærerne) å lage gode nettverk, men det er (etter min mening) også vanskelig å vurdere slike nettverk-opplegg (Erasmus Mundus)

37 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Konklusjon Nettverksløsninger vil klart gi et bedre tilbud til studentene … om vi utnytter komponentenes komplementaritet Nasjonale nettverk er lettere å få til å fungere – men internasjonale vil klart være bedre enn nasjonale … dette fordi et internasjonalt nettverk vil kunne gi en enda større bredde – og dermed et bedre trengingsgrunnlag for studentene … og fordi et internasjonalt nettverks-opplegg vil tiltrekke seg et større spektrum av (gode) studenter

38 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Helt til slutt Det holder ikke å være gode forskningsmiljøer om man skal bli en god forskerskole (nettverk eller ikke) I tillegg må man sørge for at det er en god administrativ infrastruktur … dette stiller krav til institusjonene som sådan Men for at det skal bli gode forskerskoler, må det i bunnen ligge solide/topp forskningsmiljøer … og for nettverksforskerskoler, komplementære – og solide – forskermiljøer

39 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Får vi til gode nettverksforskerskoler Vil vi kunne utdanne bedre forskerkandidater enn vi ellers kan gjøre Vi vil kunne tiltrekke oss bedre kandidater enn vi ellers ville kunne tiltrekke oss Og forskningsmiljøene vil i annen omgang styrkes på denne måten Lett er det ikke Men det er verdt strevet Vi lyttet på de rådene vi fikk innen nettverket EcoClim mht bedre integrering …. og vi tjente stort på det (med flere gode papers for studentene og de ansatte)

40 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Et PS Ha store ambisjoner for opplegget Men være realistisk og husk at ting tar tid Sørg for at den administrative infrastrukturen er på plass Er det på plass, har vi mulighet for å lykkes

41 Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis; A Centre of Excellence founded by the Research Council of Norway Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Forskerskoler v/Nils Chr. Stenseth Jeg imøteser forskerskolenettverk med stor interesse og glede

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