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Research Data Management and DMP

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1 Research Data Management and DMP
16 nov 2018 Solveig Fossum-Raunehaug (Research Support Office) Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

2 What is Research Data? Sequencing data Pictures Questionnaire
Data from the field And more… Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

3 Definition Research data is registration/ recording/ reporting of numerical scores, textual records, images and sounds that are generated by or arise during research projects (The Research Council Norway). NMBU is the owner of research data generated by researchers employed at NMBU. Master students could be owners of their research data. Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

4 Storage, Deposit and Accessibility DataManagementPlan (DMP)
(if possible) Deposit - archives Storage - servers Data in which a publication is based Data produced in onging projects Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

5 Policy and guidelines National strategy on access to and sharing of research data (Ministry of Education and Research Aug 2017) Policy for Open Access to Research Data (The Research Council of Norway Dec 2017) Guidelines Research Data Management at NMBU (Apr 2018) Plan S Hovedregelen er at alle forskningsprosjekter Forskningsrådet finansierer som genererer data skal ha en datahåndteringsplan. Prosjektansvarlig må begrunne det spesielt dersom prosjektet ikke har en slik plan

6 NMBU guidelines “Research Data should be as open as possible,
as closed as necessary” Sikkerhetshensyn: I tilfeller hvor tilgjengeliggjøring av dataene kan true enkeltmenneskers eller nasjonal sikkerhet, skal datasettene ikke gjøres åpent tilgjengelig. Personsensitive data: I tilfeller hvor tilgjengeliggjøring av dataene er i strid med gjeldende regelverk for personvern, skal datasettene ikke gjøres åpent tilgjengelig. Andre juridiske forhold: I tilfeller hvor tilgjengeliggjøring av dataene strider med andre juridiske bestemmelser, bør datasettene ikke gjøres åpent tilgjengelig. Kommersielle forhold: Data som har kommersiell verdi og er generert i prosjekter med en bedrift, kan unntas fra det generelle prinsippet om åpen tilgang. I disse tilfellene anbefales det at dataene gjøres tilgjengelig etter en periode, forslagsvis etter 3 eller 5 år. Andre forhold: I tilfeller hvor tilgjengeliggjøring av data får store økonomiske eller praktiske konsekvenser for dem som har generert/samlet inn dataene, kan datasettene unntas fra det generelle prinsippet om åpen tilgang dersom det argumenteres tilfredsstillende for dette. Dette kan for eksempel gjelde kvalitative forskningsdata. Gjelder kun offentlig finansierte data Åpen forskning Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

7 NMBU guidelines The project leader have filled in a Data Management Plan (DMP) at the start of a project. Data is stored at NMBU server or at national/ international platforms in ongoing projects. Data is tagged with metadata. Data is deposited in archives at the end of a project/ publication. Data is made open and available when/ if possible. Data is stored at the local hard drive (C: disk). Data is stored at an external hard drive. Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

8 NMBU guidelines Personal Data
The Project Manager/ Researcher is responsible: The notification of Personal data to the Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD). Describing how personal data will be handled/ processed during the research project. Document that your participants have agreed (samtykke), for example, by referring to a signature/ audio recording. Reporting associated with projects that involves personal data. To follow up own projects at the end of the project period to secure that the personal data is in line with the reported intentions. Definisjonen av person data kommer senere - Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

9 Storage of Data Research data generated in ongoing projects must be stored on NMBU server or approved platforms. Office 365 – for storing/ sharing data with external partners e/34784 Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

10 How to handle/ store sensitive data?
TSD is used to collect, store and analyze sensitive research data in a secure environment. TSD is developed and operated by UiO and is a part of NorStore, the national infrastructure for handling and storage of scientific data. TSD provides a platform for researchers working at UiO and in other public research institutions. The researcher/ research group is responsible for the costs of using TSD. Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

11 Deposit of Data Research data must be archived so that they are of value for the researcher and a wider research environment, and must be stored for a minimum of 10 years. Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

12 Deposit of Data - Examples of national archives
NMBU Open Research Data - DataverseNO: Data Archive for open research data. Is operated by UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Ask for pilots from 1 Jan 2019. NIRD (tidl. NorStore): Archive for research data, and storage and simulations of large datasets. Is operated by UNINETT/ Sigma2.  Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD): Archive for research data and person data. Is operated by NSD. Services for Sensitive Data (TSD): Research data affected by the Health Research Act, Biotechnology Law and the Personal Data Act. The Norwegian Bioinformatics Platform (NELS) og ELIXIR NO: The infrastructure develops solutions for analyses, storage, organizing or visualization of biological and medical data. Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

13 Deposit of Data - Examples of international archives is a global registry of research data repositories, covering a wide range of academic disciplines ELIXIR is a European bioinformatics e-Infrastructure provider that tries to utilize existing resources. FAIRDOM helps you to be in control of collecting, managing, storing, and publishing your data, models, and operating procedures. CESSDA - Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives provides large scale, integrated and sustainable data services to the social sciences. DRYAD is a data sharing system. Zenodo is a EU based data sharing system, widely used in humaniora. Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

14 NMBU guidelines Research data must be stored safely. The data must be stored at the institution (here: NMBU), nationally or internationally. Research data should NOT be stored on hard drives on local PC or on laptops, external hard drives, dropbox etc. Storage of and sharing research data must be according to good scientific practice, current regulations, ethical guidelines and requirements from funding sources. Research data must be archived so that they are of value for the researcher and a wider research environment, and must be stored for a minimum of 10 years. All research data must have a Data Management Plan (DMP). A DMP is a document describing how research data will be managed (storage and availability of data) both for the lifetime of a project and after completion of the project.  Research data must be stored in a way that they can be rediscovered, reconstructed and identified. The data must hence have metadata. The purpose of metadata is to define or describe other data. The metadata will enable others to search or make use of the data. Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

15 NMBU guidelines Research data must be an open and available (open access), however, there are several challenges with making simple data set open and available. A reason to limit open access may be: Safety measures: Where availability of data may harm individuals or national security, the data sets are not to be made open access. Personal data: Where availability of data is in conflict with the current privacy regulations, the data sets are not to be made open access. Other legal matters: Where availability of data is in conflict with other legal provisions, the data sets are not to be made open access. Commercial provisions: Data with commercial value generated in projects with a company may be exempt from the general principle of open access, as recommendations are for the data to be open access after a period of 3 to 5 years. Other conditions. Where availability of the data has great economic or practical consequences for those who generated/ collected the data, the data sets may be exempt from the general principle of open access if the arguments satisfy the conditions. This may apply to for example qualitative research data. Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

16 NMBU guidelines Research projects notifiable for privacy regulations (personal data) must be notified at the Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD). The Project Manager is responsible for: Reporting and expenses associated with reporting projects that involves personal data. To follow up own projects at the end of the project period to secure that the personal data is in line with the reported intentions and terms counselled/ concession given. Research data must be stored safely so as not to leak personal data. Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

17 Nettsider
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18 Questions? Tittel på presentasjon
Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

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