Det digitale samfunn? Professor Tor G Syvertsen Institutt for konstruksjonsteknikk og Studio Apertura.


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Utskrift av presentasjonen:

Det digitale samfunn? Professor Tor G Syvertsen Institutt for konstruksjonsteknikk og Studio Apertura

Cyberspace William Gibson, Neuromancer, 1984 “Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts... A graphic representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity”

Hvordan blir fremtiden? “Heavier than air flying machines are impossible.” Lord Kelvin, President Royal Society, 1885 “Everything that can be invented has been invented.” C.H. Duell, US Patent 1899 “Who the hell want to hear actors talk?” HM Warner, Warner Bros. Pictures 1927

Hvorfor ting går galt? “I think there is a world market for about 5 computers” TJ Watson Chairman of IBM 1943 “There is no reason for an individual to have a computer in their home” Ken Olsen, President of DEC 1977

Du er nå på vei inn i en PAPIRFRI SONE You are now entering a PAPERLESS ZONE Tor G Syvertsen, 1993

The First Paperless Airplane

Augmented Reality

Mellomledd i informasjonsarbeid: en truet art? aktør Bruker/prosusentav informasjon informasjon mellomledd formidler av informasjon automatisertprosess

MACHINES THAT THINK AND MACHINES THAT FLY On the issue of whether the chess-playing computer that beat world champion Garry Kasparov can "really think," Yale computer science professor Drew McDermott says: "Saying that Deep Blue doesn't really think is like saying an airplane doesn't really fly because it doesn't flap its wings." (New York Times 14 May 97)

The first manned flight in history: December 17, At 10:35 a.m. Orville Wright takes off into a 27 mph wind. The distance covered was 120 feet, time aloft was 12 seconds. Wilbur is seen at right. Picture was taken with Orville's camera by John T. Daniels.

Avstander forsvinner

Road Project E18 through Kristiansand Arendal Kristiansand Skien Oslo Valle Kongsberg

elektronisk Informasjonsteknologi Stormaskin: sentralisert Minimaskin: desentralisert Arbeidsstasjon: personlig Lokalnett : samarbeid Globalnett:kunnskapsrom

CRD Manufacturing Technology WWW (World Wide Web) Addressing Schemes (URL) Common Protocol (HTTP) Format Negotiation (MIME) Document Format (HTML) ClientsBrowsers TTY Mac UNIX PC Servers Gateways HTTPServerGopherServerFTPServerNewsServer WAISGateway XFINDGateway Courtesy of Joe Erkes, GE Corporate R & D, WWW-technology: digital medium simple standardized inexpensive

Kampen om det digitale markedet

Moore’s Law Revisited Performance/Cost for Computing Nathan Myhrvold’s 1st Law: Software is a gas - it expands to fit the container it is in The digital medium MS Word 2.0: 311 commands MS Word 97: 1033 commands

Moderne ordrikdom De ti bud: 40 ord De ti bud: 40 ord Den amerikanske grunnloven: 4837 ord Den amerikanske grunnloven: 4837 ord EU-direktiv om import av karameller: ord EU-direktiv om import av karameller: ord

“Knowledge has already become the ‘primary’ industry, the industry that supplies to the economy the essential and central resource of production”. (Peter Drucker, 1969) “Knowledge constantly makes itself obsolete, with the result that todays’s advanced knowledge is tomorrow’s ignorance”. (Peter Drucker, 1997) “Knowledge constantly makes itself obsolete, with the result that todays’s advanced knowledge is tomorrow’s ignorance”. (Peter Drucker, 1997)

Kapital, land, arbeid? J P Morgan Kunnskap er den sentrale økonomiske ressursen

Forbes: Richest People in America Gates, William Henry III (40), 18.5 $bill: Microsoft Corp. Buffett, Warren Edward (66), 15.0 $bill: Stock market du Pont, family, 10.5 $bill: Inheritance (Du Pont Co) Allen, Paul Gardner (43), 7.5 $bill: Microsoft Corp. Kluge, John Werner (82), 7.2 $bill: Metromedia Co Rockefeller, family, 6.5 $bill: Inheritance (oil) Ellison, Lawrence Joseph (52), 6.0 $bill: Oracle Corp. Mellon, family, 5.8 $bill: Inheritance Knight, Philip Hampson (58), 5.3 $bill: Nike, Inc. Source: March, 1997

Kunnskap Før K n a p p h e t p å k u n n s k a p NÅ R i k e l i g m e d k u n n s k a p

The Global Division Of Labour Magnetic Disk: Storage: 2 Gigabyte Price: USD 250 Made in: Thailand Difficult to manufacture: NO Vendor: Division of Labour: IBM: Development of: technology product production process Thailand manufacturer: trained to perform according to predefined standards

VisualAge PartPak Global, ‘virtuell’ organisasjon basert på digital kommunikasjon: reduksjon i tid: 35% reduksjon av kostnad: 70%

Richochet Wireless Internet Access DISH Network Home Service on Call Long Distance Electronic Town Square Home Electronics Sale Appliance Protection Informasjonsforsy ning: ‘Information at Your Fingertips’

Arenaer for kunnskapsarbeid? Boligen Kontorbygget Hotellet Universitetet Fysisk eller virtuelt? Lokalt eller globalt? Hvem bygger ut? Hvem befolker?

Digital Informasjon Innhold Struktur Form Informasjon Formen skapes av prosesser

agenter bruker-modus: kunnskapsprosess AKTIV SEND AKTIV Kommunikasjonsansv ar sender-modus: informasjonsprosess Sender Mottaker Bruker HENT Produsent Konsekvenser?? $uperdistribusjon

Datamaskinen Boktrykk E n keltypog rafi J OHANNES G UTENBERG Ikonet Fra inkunabler til Alt i en bit:

Connections “The secret of what anything means to us depends on how we've connected it to all the other things we know. That's why it's almost always wrong to seek the "real meaning" of anything. A thing with just one meaning has scarcely any meaning at all.” - Marvin Minsky “The secret of what anything means to us depends on how we've connected it to all the other things we know. That's why it's almost always wrong to seek the "real meaning" of anything. A thing with just one meaning has scarcely any meaning at all.” - Marvin Minsky The LINK is the FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTY of the digital medium (WWW)

Lese Skrive Lære utenat Gjengi Finne fram til kunnskap Organisere relasjoner Kombinere og skape Boktrykk og tradisjonell organisering Grunnkompetanse og læringsformer Digitale nettverk i nye organisasjoner Individuelt arbeid Enfaglighet Passiv læringsmodus LagarbeidFlerfaglighet Aktiv læringsmodus

Fire nye egg Digitale media Kunnskaps- økonomi Nye arbeids- former Nye lærings- former

CLARKE'S LAWS: WWhen a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong AAny sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic AAs three laws were good enough for Newton, I have modestly decided to stop there Arthur C. Clarke (1917-)

Produsert og presentert av den norske DIGITALMISJON Takk for oppmerksomheten!