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Supporting tourism in the bio-economy Kick-off BIOTOUR 15. 9

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1 Supporting tourism in the bio-economy Kick-off 255271 BIOTOUR 15. 9
Tina Rebecca Hov-Gylthe, The Research Council of Norway/Forskningsrådet

2 Points Present The Research Council of Norway and BIONAER; the funding programme of BIOTOUR Project BIOECONOMY Tourism Research by the Research Council of Norway Expectations and reminders

3 BIOTOUR is brought to you by…
The Research Council of Norway. What we do: Fund research Advise the goverment Network and disseminate Implement national thematic priorities Funding programme of the BIOTOUR Project: BIONAER BIONÆR/BIONAER is a Research Programme on Sustainable Innovation in Food and Bio-based Industries. Annual budget ~ 250 mill. NOK Scope: agriculture, forestry and nature-based value chains; seafood Annual calls and international collab. (EU and bilateral) seafood, from the time the raw materials are taken out of the sea until they reach the consumer

4 Bioeconomy – a global trend
Policy framework linking: Important goods, sustainability, renewable resources, economic competitiveness, research priorities and technological innovation. Expanding and transforming policy domains Sector policy/industrial policy Food, health, energy policy etc. Science and technology/Research and innovation Employment and welfare policy Bioeconomy in Norways is very much about blue and green interactions…. It’s very much about facilitation of knowledge transfer accross sectors…… A national strategy on Bioeconomy coming soon

5 Bioeconomy- a change of mindset
Because we need to- global megatrends Because we have to- future generations depends on it Because we want to- value creation and new jobs ● Change - In the future Norway needs to restructure its economy. We will need to draw on our experience and technological know how, renew existing industries and businesses and build new ones. To be successful we must invest heavily in more research, more innovation, more knowledge. ● Cooperation – Cooperation will be key to success. This includes international cooperation as well as cooperation between businesses, public sector, academia and general public. ● Involvement – To ensure that R&D activity is relevant it will be important in the future that businesses, the public sector, academia and the general public are involved in defining our R&D needs and goals. Bioeconomy- it’s all about… Facing global challenges Sustainability- team up with nature- not against nature Change towards a more green economy Change towards a more circular economy More involvement of society in R&D processes Creating new jobs- value creation, increased global competitiveness

6 The RCN national programs and instruments for the bioeconomy
BIONÆR: Sustainable economic growth in the food and bio-based industries HAVBRUK: Aquaculture - An Industry in Growth BIOTEK2021: Biotechnology for innovation ENERGIX: Energy research MARINFORSK: Marine resources and the environment MILJØFORSK: Environmental research for green society restructuring KLIMAFORSK: Climate research BIA: Complementary arena for industrial research NANO2021: Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials

7 Tourism and travel research in RCN
Wide set of instruments: programmes, User-driven Research based Innovation (BIA), Independent projects (FRIPRO), Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI), Norwegian Centres of Excellence (SFF) , SkatteFUNN:R&D tax incentive scheme Funding provided by different ministeries: The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ministry of Education and Research Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries For the last years: ~ 30 mill NOK/year Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI) Skattefunn: The SkatteFUNN R&D tax incentive scheme is a government program designed to stimulate research and development (R&D) in Norwegian trade and industry. Businesses and enterprises that are subject to taxation in Norway are eligible to apply for tax relief. FRIPRO: FRIPRO is an open, national competitive arena that covers all fields of research. Scientific quality is a criterion critical for funding. «Reiselivsforskningens» reelle omfang er nokså krevende å anslå størrelsen av. Faller mellom flere stoler: kultur, IKT, transport mm Biggest funders tourism: 1 Forskningsløft i nord (NORDSATSING) The NORDSATSING initiative will strengthen and develop research capacity and competencies for industries in the High North in areas of technology, environment and tourism. Six projects are funded under the initiative, which was established in 2009, and will end in the first half of 2017. 2 Kunnskapsgrunnlaget for reiselivspolitikken (REISEPOL) 3 BIA 4 VRI Programme for Regional R&D and Innovation (VRI) 5 Strategic Projects - University Colleges (SHP) is a funding scheme for institution-based strategic projects targeted towards accredited state and private university colleges. 6 SFI Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI) 7 BIONÆR Two governmental papers coming soon; Stortingsmelding om reiseliv & Strategi for NBT

8 Hopes, expectations and reminders
The call asked for: ‘Project concepts based primarily on renewable Norwegian resources, and framed in a climate- and environment-friendly perspective. Projects must lead to value creation for industry and society. Projects that further develop technological solutions in combination with utilisation of biological processes are encouraged. The projects were to ensure active user participation, from planning through implementation, is required to ensure the relevance of the project to industry and society’ We are curious to see results and new collaborations  

9 Hopes, expectations and reminders
We expect Wide range of activities, project efforts and progress reporting within our deadlines Immediate dialog btw project leader and us when deviations occur Continous efforts on communication and presentation throughout the project period You to allways make reference to Forskningsrådet as funder in any external - Forskerprosjekter: rapporteringsfrist hvert år 1. oktober - husk at avvik rapporteres omgående - We know large projects are more demanding

10 Reporting – why? Required -> Funding
Large value created for the society The financing ministeries ask for and expect ‘value for money’ Statistics and fact measurements Learning and improving Distribution of information and results - Rapportere på Progress, results, costs and budget, partners, fellowships grants, performance indicators, presentations and communication Måling / faktainnsamling  Forskningsrådet som kunde: Får kunden de resultater som kan forventes ut fra søknaden, som i denne sammenheng må kunne betraktes som et tilbud?  Offentlige midler: Føler vi oss rimelig trygge på at fellesskapets midler blir brukt på en fornuftig og forsvarlig måte? Læring / forbedring  Forskningsrådet representerer erfaring, og rapportering kan være grunnlaget for dialog som kan gi nyttige bidrag og innspill  Forskningsrådet kan lære som grunnlag for forbedring av egen saksbehandling.  En vesentlig del av rapporteringen fra prosjektene er ”tellekanter” som gir oppdragsgiver en oversikt over bruk av midler  Når data samles, får man også grunnlag for statistikk som gir kunnskap om hvilken effekt man får av støtten.  Rapportering er altså ikke bare for Forskningsrådets egen oppfølging av prosjektene, men aggregeres som tilbakemelding til oppdragsgiver/departementene Utbetaling -> rapportering Prosjektet tildeles midler i den takt som utgifter påløper i prosjektregnskapet. Prosjekter som ikke har pådratt seg utgifter som planlagt skal melde dette til Forskningsrådet. Vesentlige avvik skal meldes umiddelbart, jfr. Generelle kontraktsvilkår, pkt 2.1. Avvik – eksempler: Forsinkelser Manglende resultater Behov for omprioritering av ressurser Partnere inn eller ut Forskningsrådets bevilgning for første år (og tilsagn for etterfølgende år) forutsetter at prosjektansvarlig oppfyller sine kontraktsforpliktelser Automatisk utbetaling iverksettes etter at kontrakt er signert og kopi av signert(e ) samarbeidsavtale(r ) er oversendt Forskningsrådet Utbetaling tertialvis i kalenderåret hvis prosjektet er i rute i henhold til planene

11 Good luck! We have big faith in you and await the results to be of use
Kontakt oss gjerne (gjennom prosjektleder) for stort og smått – lav terskel

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