Avaya CS 1000E Fra CS1000 til Avaya Aura


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Utskrift av presentasjonen:

Avaya CS 1000E Fra CS1000 til Avaya Aura Terje Engebretsen Uninett, Trondheim 9. februar

Avaya og Nortel Enterprise Solutions… Bedre enn hver for seg Felles strategivisjon Fokus på innovasjon i bedriftsmarkedet Historie basert på pålitelighet, skalerbarhet og ivaretakelse av eksisterende investeringer Ekspertise #1 eller #2 i alle markedssegmenter © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 2 © 2009 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 2

Endringer innen kommunikasjon Forbrukerledet Brukersentrisk Mer avanserte enheter Økte muligheter for nye løsninger Fleksible arbeidsformer ROI & TCO Det er mange krefter som fører til endring i bedriftens kommunikasjon. Tidligere var endringer basert på bedriftens behov og ikke brukerbehov. Nå er det forbruker teknologi innen telefoni, data og sosiale nettverk som påvirker endringer og hever listen for ytelse i bedriftsmiljøer. Enterprise arbeidstaker er også forbrukere og de ønsker et enklere brukergrensesnitt, multi-modal knyttet samtaletråder, og tilgang til applikasjoner uavhengig av hvem som utviklet dem. Alt dette må være i sammenheng med en brukeropplevelse som er rik, givende og tilfredsstillende slik at vi får en følelse av prestasjon når vi samarbeider. Sosiale medier nettsteder har endret måten vi kommuniserer utenfor arbeidstid og vi har nå har flere måte å kommunisere med profesjonelle kontakter. Utfordringen ligger i å finne den beste måten til å "koble" med noen, er det via bordtelefon, mobiltelefon, e-post, IM eller er det best å "tweete" dem?. Med flere kontaktkataloger er det noen ganger tidkrevende prøver bare å finne ut hvordan du kobler. Så vi må endre hvordan vi gjør ting på skrivebordet, la oss se hva Avaya har nettopp fullført © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 3

Unified Communications Roadmap Strategi Beskytte Utvidelse Vokse Fortsatt dra fordel av eksisterende systemer Oppgradere til seneste SIP klare versjon Bedre support Integrere eksisterende systemer inn mot Avaya Aura™ Forenkling og kostbesparelse Deling av SIP baserte applikasjoner mellom brukere og lokasjoner Videreutvikle til en åpen og fleksibel sanntidsarkitektur Nye løsninger drives av kombinerte investeringer (ikke bare telefoni) Avaya UC roadmap strategy enables customers to Protect, Extend and Grow their communication solutions. AVAYA CONFIDENTIAL Provided under a Non Disclosure Agreement © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 4 4

CS 1000 Roadmap Q1/10 Q3/10 Q4/10 Q1/11 Q2/11 Application & Services Integration Voice/Video Services Presence Services Session Manager System Manager Økt verdi med Avaya Aura™ Bedre ROI Delte SIP applikasjoner Felles brukergrensesnitt Avaya Aura™ Session Mgr 6.0 Session Mgr 6.1 Aksess Element CS 1000 R6 CS 1000 R7.0 R7.5 (idag) R.X Oppgraderinger og utvidelser Oppgrader Meridian1 1100/1200 SIP telefoner Avaya Aura™ klare Fortsett å legge til CS 1000 telefoner og system AVAYA CONFIDENTIAL Provided under a Non Disclosure Agreement © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 5

Hva er Aura ? Aura er en smartere måte å gjøre tingene på Aura er for CS1000 hva CS1000 var for Meridian Enda et skritt videre på ”Evergreen” filosofiens uendelige sti © 2009 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.

CS 1000 Release 7.0

Provided under a Non Disclosure Agreement CS 1000 Release 7.0 innhold August 2010 Åpen IP media tjenester (MAS) SIP Line & Trunk Integrert IM og Presence Co-residente løsninger Bedre integrering med Microsoft & IBM UC IP v6 Enkelhet Sentralisert drift (høyskalerbar løsning/-TM) Økt system kapasitet IP sentralbordløsning Sikkerhet Integrert SIP Trunk Bridge Fleksibilitet Ny SIP Media Gateway Økt kapasitet Ingen begrensning på avstand Ny hardware Communication Server 1000 Release 7.0 content summary Open, Simple, Secure, Resilient solution AVAYA CONFIDENTIAL Provided under a Non Disclosure Agreement © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 8 8

Communication Server 1000 Evolution Nortel Corporate Presentation Communication Server 1000 Evolution Communication Server 1000 Release 7.0/7.5 Meridian 1 Communication Server 1000 Communication Server 1000 Release 6.0 Software / COTS Mer åpent, enklere og sikrere Økt skalerbarhet, 40,000 brukere per server Full SIP - Line, Trunk, Video, Media, Mobilitet Software sentrisk med LINUX og COTS Geografisk redundans og fleksibilitet Avaya Aura™ integrering Communication Server 1000 evolution to a more open, simple, secure and resilient solution CS 1000 Release 7.0 Achieves Full COTS Solution: Soft Media and IP Attendant © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 9 © 2007 Nortel

Den gamle - og den nye verden PBX E-mail Video Virksomhed Alle medier på samme linje Telefon Nett Video-konference Tale IP Nett Afdelingskontor Data Tale Data Nett Hjemmearbejdsplads Tale og data integrert Brukeren ser ett system Uavhengig av geografi Teknologi-øyer Brukeren ser forskjellige systemer Data

SIP survivable Media Gateway CS 1000 Release 7.0 CS1000E Coresident/SA/HA/HS CS1000E Hybrid MG1000E MG1010E COTS apps CS1000E ”Softswitch” CoRes CS/SS MAS Survivable MG 1000E SIP survivable Media Gateway 11

Communication Server 1000 Portfolio Product Offerings Nortel Corporate Presentation Nortel Corporate Presentation Communication Server 1000 Portfolio Product Offerings Communication Server 1000E SA & HA VoIP for new and growing customers Scalable up to 40k IP users Redundant and non-redundant configurations Flexible deployment configuration options Lead product in our VoIP offering Communication Server 1000E HS The Nortel VoIP offering comes in effectively two flavours…(per the chart) CS 1000E …. CS 1000E HS …. CS 1000M, Meridian 1 opt61c and 81c are still supported and upgradeable to current CS 1000 software Now lets look at some of the key product attributes of the CS 1000 portfolio…. Supports large user deployments beyond Meridian 1 opt81c Flexible deployment configuration options Scalable up to 150k IP users CS 1000M, Meridian 1 opt61c and 81c are still supported and upgradeable to current CS 1000 software 12 © 2004 Nortel © 2007 Nortel 12

Communication Server 1000 Gateway Product Offerings Nortel Corporate Presentation Nortel Corporate Presentation Communication Server 1000 Gateway Product Offerings Media Gateway 1000E Media Gateway 1000E HD PRI Centralized Call Processing TDM Resources DSP Resources Redundancy 50 per CS 1000E Centralized Call Processing PRI Resources DSP Resources No Clients 50 per CS 1000E SIP Survivable Media Gateway Various configurations supported Co-resident, SA & HA Supports optional Network Wide IP Media Services via MAS TDM Resources DSP Resources 1000 per CS 1000E (500 with an alternate call server) Not bound to 80ms roundtrip network delay with CS 13 © 2004 Nortel © 2007 Nortel 13

Nortel Corporate Presentation CS 1000 IP klienter 2000 Series IP Deskphone 1200 Series IP Deskphone 1100 Series IP Deskphone Video 1535 IP Deskphone Desktop 1110 IP Deskphone 1120E IP Deskphone 1210 IP Deskphone 1220 IP Deskphone 2007 IP Deskphone Conferencing 1140E IP Deskphone 1150E IP Deskphone 1230 IP Deskphone 2033 IP Conference Phone Expansion Module 2000 Series IP Deskphone LCD Module LED Module 1165E IP Deskphone Exp’n Module Mobility & Soft Clients WLANHandset 3100 Mobile Communicator 6120 6140 WLAN Handsets 2050 IP Softphone for Windows Mobile 2050 IP Softphone 3456 UC Client AVAYA CONFIDENTIAL Provided under a Non Disclosure Agreement © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 14 © 2004 Nortel

Nortel Corporate Presentation Simple Nortel Corporate Presentation Nortel Corporate Presentation CS 1000 Mobilitet 6100 Series WLAN & 4000 Series DECT Handsets 3100 Mobile Communicator CS 1000 Mobile Extension Single-Mode Dual-Mode Smart Phones (Cellular) Gateway-client architecture Corporate Directory Mobile Call Control Mobile Conferencing GUI Access Smart Phones MS WM 5.0 Dual-mode (Cellular/Wi-Fi) SIP VoIP over Wi-Fi On-site mobility (WLAN) Cellular/Wi-Fi Substitution Single-mode Handsets Wi-Fi or SIP DECT VPN Option (Wi-Fi) On-site mobility (WLAN/DECT) Any cell phone Clientless Single Identity Enterprise PBX Capabilities DTMF feature access Complete suite of mobile solutions VoIP Softphones and UC Clients 2050 IP Softphone 3456 UC Client AVAYA CONFIDENTIAL Provided under a Non Disclosure Agreement 15 © 2004 Nortel © 2007 Nortel 15

Post-Release CS 1000 R6.0 Additions Nortel Corporate Presentation Post-Release CS 1000 R6.0 Additions SIP (SIP Line Gateway CoRes, Carrier SIP Trunking, Secure Router, Partner Interop, SCS) Native IM & Presence UC PartnerSolutions (Lotus Notes/Sametime, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft OCS R2) Mobility (MC 3100 Release 3.1, Vodaphone Solution, DECT Handset 4075, SIP DECT) Unified Messaging (CallPilot - Visual Voice, Service, Update 7.0, UM 2000 rls 3.4, HMS 400 Rls 2.0) Platforms & Gateways (MG 1010, MG XPEC, Universal Digital Trunk Card) Clients and Firmware (IP Phone 1165E, Secure Call Recording, Integrated VPN, Unistim Software 4.0) © 2004 Nortel 16

CS 1000 Release 7.0 Performance Improvements Component Release 6.0 Release 7.0 CS 1000 22.5K IP Endpoints 40K per HA Group 150K IP Endpoints per HS SIP Trunks per SS 1800 per server 3700 per server Branches 50 SMGs per CS 1000 1,000 SIP Media Gateways per HS 1,000 SIP Media Gateways per HA (500 can be Survivable) 50 SMGs per CS 1000 IP Set Registration 5 sets per sec 100 sets per sec maximum NRS Routing Entries 50K 300K NRS Calls 300Kcph 500Kcph UCM Elements 1000 5000 AVAYA CONFIDENTIAL Provided under a Non Disclosure Agreement © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 17

CS 1000E High Scalability (HS) Redusering av antall elementer Nortel Corporate Presentation CS 1000E High Scalability (HS) Redusering av antall elementer Utstyr som kreves for 100K IP brukere med Release 7.0……. CS 1000 HA CS (x3) – 40k per CS CS 1000 TPS COTS Servers (x21) – 5000 brukere per server CS 1000 VTRK COTS (x5) – 3700 SIP Trunks per server Assuming 20% trunking. 18 © 2007 Nortel 18

CS 1000E High Scalability Arkitektur Nortel Corporate Presentation CS 1000E High Scalability Arkitektur UCM primær server Element Manager HS UCM Primary Server Element Manager HS UCM Backup Server UCM Backup Server Network Media Service Media Server HA Group 1 CS (CPU 1) PD TPS CS (CPU 0) SIPL SIP GW Survivable Media Gateway Survivable SIP Media Gateway HA Group 2 CS (CPU 1) PD TPS CS (CPU 0) SIPL SIP GW CPMG - SIP Media Gateway Controller PRI CPDC - Survivable Server IP Network Survivable SIP Media Gateway Survivable SIP Media Gateway HA Group n CS (CPU 1) PD TPS CS (CPU 0) SIPL SIP GW CPMG - SIP Media Gateway Controller PRI CPDC - Survivable Server High Availability (HA) grupper HA Groups for CS1000E HS Subscriber Manager Subscriber Manager intern NRS External NRS Ekstern NRS Internal NRS Chart 19 19 19 © 2007 Nortel 19

Nettverksbaserte IP Media tjenester Tar i bruk MAS teknologi Reduserte hardwarekostnader (MIRAN, DSP) Redusert båndbreddekost Geografisk redundant/ Failover Leverer lokale mediatjenester via soner Leverer tone, Music On Hold, meldinger, Ad-hoc konferanse Kan Co-eksistere med eksisterende TDM løsning NRS - Redirect MAS Bergen INVITE URI=svc+vpni+zone MAS Oslo Signalling Server 300/302 CS1000 PBX Link Media Controller Application SIP RFC 4240 MAS Trondheim UniStim Speech Path Control RTP SIP Phone SIP Trunk UniStim Phone SDP

CS 1000 Release 7.0 IP sentralbord Developer Partner Produkt supporterer eksisterende CS1000 sentralbordfunksjoner 100% IP løsning på COTS Konsollfunksjoner tunnelert i SIP Windows GUI Fjerner behov for Digital Line Cards, Media Gateways Muliggjør at sentralbord kan operere fra hvor som helst i nettet Presence integrasjon Intuition operator console (3rd Party) AVAYA CONFIDENTIAL Provided under a Non Disclosure Agreement © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 21

Redundant IP sentralbord eksempel Redirect: NRS, Multiple Signaling Servers og 1 Call server Call Server Signalling Server 1 ELAN TLAN MAS Signalling Server 2 NRS Primary IP Attendant Console client

Provided under a Non Disclosure Agreement IPv6 Tre ulike modus IPv4 IPv6 IPv4 og IPv6 brukerdual Stack CS 1000 TLAN: Dual-stack ELAN: IPv4 System Management: IPv4, men med support for konfigurering av både IPv6 og IPv4 adresser CS1K bruker ANAT (Alternative Network Address Types) til forhandling på IPv4 eller IPv6 addresser for media tilknytninger IPv6 Supporter Dual-Stack SIP enheter– valg mellom IPv4 elelrIPv6 Stort antall IPv6 supporterte tjenester Meets governments purchasing requirements AVAYA CONFIDENTIAL Provided under a Non Disclosure Agreement © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 23 23

CS 1000 Release 7.0 SIP DECT forbedringer SIP DECT fungerer på samme måte som SIP LINE SIP DECT har samme funksjoner som DMC basert DECT SIP DECT og standard DECT kan mikses i samme nettet/løsning Roaming mellom DMC basert DECT og SIP DECT i CS 1000 basert nett Talebeskjeder og MWI supportert fra hjemmesystemet SIP DECT anbefales i nye og eksisterende systemer Mindre hardware, mindre strømforbruk Enterprise IP Network DECT Access Points Ethernet Switch SIP Access Port Communication Server 1000 Release 7.0 SIP DECT enhancements 4075 DECT Handset CS 1000 7.0 DECT Messenger AVAYA CONFIDENTIAL Provided under a Non Disclosure Agreement © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 24 24

Avaya SBC vs. CS1000 SIP Trunk Bridge To programvarelementer for SIP trunk til operatører Avaya SBC Full sikkerhet Full SBC CS1000 STB SIP Interoperabilitet Erstatter dagens dedikerte SSG SIP signallering interworking og MobX Hovedforskjeller Sikkerhet SIP signallering beskyttelse på SBC Media sikkerhet på SBC Plassering SBC parallel til brannmur STB bak brannmur Spesifikke applikasjoner – MobX STB konverterer RFC2833 fra SIP trunk til in-band Edge Security Yes Media Anchor/ NAT Traversal Yes Yes SIP Mediation Yes Yes Session Routing Yes Server Platform/ MSRP S8800/ $7500 COTS2/ $3400 Software Pricing MSRP Per port $200 S/W App $3300 SA $8000HA

CS 1000 Release 7.0 Integrert IM og presence Open CS 1000 Release 7.0 Integrert IM og presence IP Softphone 3456 Soft Client Telefonisamtalevindu på topp Adresse bok Videovindu for video samtaler CS 1000 IM og presence Leverer presence til enhver telefon på CS 1000 Web Browser Window viser Presence, IM og Chatrom for brukerne Analog/Digital/TDM/IP og mobile klienter IM vindu ‘Scroll-over’ vindu gir informasjon om ‘venner’ - Delivering IP Softphone 3456 softclient on CS 1000 AVAYA CONFIDENTIAL Provided under a Non Disclosure Agreement © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 26

CS 1000 Release 7.0 IBM og Microsoft integrasjon IBM Desktop integrasjon Microsoft Desktop integrasjon Notes Email CS1000, App Suite AD IP Phones Office Communicator Mobile Client TDM Phone OCS Client LCS OCS Exchange UM Office Suite Sametime IM Notes Contact List ACE another option for IBM (or MSFT) integration Additional Click to Conference capability for IBM Additional Extended Telephony Presence for MSFT Also has other applications – Office Add-in, Web Browser Add-in, Hot Desking etc. Microsoft OCS 2007 R2 (Wave13) continued support Call recording with OCS Exchange 2010 UM under validation Planning underway for OCS Wave 14 Softphone IP Phone 1165E Samtale i IBM Sametime ved bruk av Plug-in 3457 Click to Call og Telephony Presence bruker ACE som mellomvare CS1000 og IBM Lotus Sametime Connect 8.0.2 Tett integrert telefoni med Microsoft OCS og Exchange 2007 UM Ny løsning med ACE og SIP plugin for erstatning av taledelen i LYNC (7.5) AVAYA CONFIDENTIAL Provided under a Non Disclosure Agreement © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 27 27

CS 1000 Release 7.0 System Management - UCM UCM sikkerhetsrammeverk Element Manager Åpent systemgrensesnitt UCM Common Services - Konfigurasjon - Patch Manager - sentralisert log viewer NRS Manager Subscriber Manager CS 1000 Release 7.0 UCM TM ikke tilgjenglig for Release 7.0 Supporterer tidligere versjoner av CS1000 Telephony Manager 4.0 AVAYA CONFIDENTIAL Provided under a Non Disclosure Agreement © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 28

CS 1000 Release 7.5

CS 1000 Release 7.5 Versjon 7.5 vil knytte CS1000 tettere inn mot Avaya Aura. Blant annet vil Release 7.5 legge til: MCDN Feature åpenhet mellom CS 1000 noder. Full Avaya Aura ™ integrasjon med Session Manager for multisite distribusjon Funksjonsrik interworking mellom CS 1000 og Avaya Communication Manager brukere Felles managementløsning inkludert single sign-on til System Manager. Applikasjonssekvensiering for CS 1000 brukere Tilstedeværelse på tvers av nettverket med Presence Server. IP Media Server over den integrerte Avaya nettverket for programmer som MOH, Tone, Kunngjøringer, ad-hoc konferanse etc. Ta i bruk11xx og 12xx IP telefoner i det integrerte nettverket. Nettverkssentralisering av applikasjoner som: Avaya Aura ™ konferanse - Funksjonsrik, multimodal, sentralisert “Collaborationservice, skalerbarhet. Avaya Aura ™ Messaging - Neste generasjons sentralisert Unified Messaging. ACE-programmer - kommunikasjonsaktivert forretningsprosesser. © 2009 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.

Session Border Controller Avaya CS 1000 rls 7.5 som et avansert Avaya Aura™ aksesselement AA Contact Center Collaboration Solutions Interaction Solutions Performance Analytics SIP PSTN Session Border Controller Microsoft applications IBM applications Avaya Agile Communication Environment (ACE) Application & Services Integration Meeting Exchange Multimedia Application Services Voice/Video Services Presence Services UCM / System Manager AA Unified Messaging Session Manager SIP SIP CTI Presence Indirekte bruker SIP Communication Manager Heritage Nortel Applications One X Fordeler Funksjonsrike applikasjoner – Avaya Aura meldingssystem, SIP konferansesystem, Sekvensielle Apps, ACE, UC, Presence, One X, MAS, AACC Felles web basert managementplattform Løsning for alle installerte elementer Full SIP MCDN support mellom CS 1000 systems Hva innebærer dette? Oppgradert M1/CS 1000 blir et avansert aksesselement i Avaya Aura™ Direkte SIP konnektivitet til UC applikasjoner Session Manager erstatter Network Routing Server (NRS) 31 31

CS 1000 Release 7.5 Nytt innhold Aura Integrasjon Support for Avaya Aura™ Session Manager 6.1 Avaya SIP Peering - CS 1000 Peer Interworking med Aura Aura Session Manager erstatning/utvikling/ interworking for NRS Felles Management løsning- UCM/System Manager Support for applikasjonssekvensiering CS1000 gjør bruk av Avaya Aura™ Presence Server Support for One-X Mobile/Soft klient Integrasjon av CS 1000 IP Media Services med Avaya Aura Media Server Support for Avaya Meeting Exchange Avaya Unified Messaging ACE 2.3 Andre forbedringer IBM Integrasjon Microsoft Integrasjon – interoperabilitet med Microsoft OCS 2007/ 2010 (Wv 14) PI PEP Integrasjon i 7.5 © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 32

Avaya Aura™ Presence Solution – CS1000 IM/Presence Subscriber Manager Avaya Aura TM Presence Services 6.1 Avaya Aura™ Presence Services 6.1 og System Manager 6.1 leverer IM og presence til CS 1000 brukere System Manager benytter Subscriber Manager Presence Services 6.1 gir IM/P til alle CS1000 brukere Muliggjør federation mellom CS 1000 og CM brukere over nettet uavhengig av telefontype Avaya One-X® Communicator klient for IM/Presence SIP Line for tale og Video IM og Presence klient Punkt til punkt Video Integrasjon mot samhandlingsløsning System Manager Presence Engine Instant Messaging CS1000 sender Telefon-presence til Presence Server Session Manager CS1000E CS1000E CS1000E SIPL SIPL CPPM CPPM CPPM CPPM – – – – Call Svr. Call Svr. Call Svr. Call Svr. CPPM CPPM CPPM CPPM – – – – Sig. Svr. Sig. Svr. Sig. Svr. Sig. Svr. MGC with DSP DB MGC with DSP DB MGC with DSP DB MGC with DSP DB Avaya Aura™ Presence Services is now the IM and Presence solution for CS 1000 users and replaces the 3456 UC Client solution Expected to be available mid 1Q2011, this solution will enable federation for all CS 1000 and CM users 3456 UC Client licensing will upgraded to One-X Communicator® for IM and Presence One-X® Communicator XMPP til PS 6.1 for IM og Presence One-X® Communicator. SIP Line til CS1000 Tilgjenglig:1Q2011 33

Avaya one-X Communicator for CS 1000 Supportert med CS 1000 R7.5 Klient for Windows PC SIP soft phone funksjonalitet Kontakter, meldinger og audio/video konferanser og presence Søk/vis bedrifts eller personlig katalog Samtalelogger

One-X Mobile Lite for iPhone One-X® Mobile Lite løsning for kompatible OS3/4 iPhone Avaya Aura™ Presence statusoppdateringer for CS 1000 iPhone brukere Mobilt grafisk grensesnitt for CS 1000 Katalog/kontakt søk og klikk for å ringe Mobilnummer skjult – kontor CLID vist for iPhone samtaler Ett nummer Enkelt trykk for funksjonsaktivering Simultanring på/av Call forward på/av Konferanse Et felles talepostsystem CS 1000 CDR for mobilsamtaler Gratis nedlasting fra Apple store New as well for CS 1000 users is the One-X Mobile Lite solution for iPhones ideal with the current CS 1000 Mobile Extension feature In addition Avaya Aura™ Presence status updates is provided This new solution significantly reduces Enterprise mobility costs from Toll avoidance on long distance calls Other benefits include: Single button feature activation Simultaneous ring on/off Call forward on/off Conferencing Free download from Apple Appstore for configured Mobile Extension account 35

Avaya Aura™ Conferencing supportert i CS1000 R7.5 Leverer neste generasjons konferanseløsning Direkte tilkobling til CS 1000 eller via SM 6.1 Avaya Aura™ Conferencing 6.0 Standard Edition Meeting Exchange 5.2 Enterprise Edition Enklere konferanseløsning og bedre brukeropplevelse Avaya Aura™ Conferencing fordeler for CS 1000 Port reservering/planlegging Avaya Web Conferencing, i tillegg til MSFT / IBM / Adobe UC integrasjon Skalerbar og fleksibel With Release 7.5, CS 1000 users can experience the latest Avaya Aura™ Conferencing solutions Simpler conferencing, better voice quality and lower operating costs are some of the benefits to Enterprises Greater Scalability is available: Up to 4,000 participants on a single bridge Up to 32,000 participants in a single call Carrier class scalability to 100’s of thousands Options for CS 1000 R7.5 users are: Avaya Aura Conferencing 6.0 Standard Edition One box solution Up to 500 ports audio (G.711) and Avaya Web Conferencing Other UC integrations also supported System Manager inskins Meeting Exchange 5.2 Enterprise Edition Increased scale, resiliency, support of additional audio codecs Avaya Web Conferencing and other UC integrations supported 36

Avaya Aura Conference 6.0 Supportert i CS1000 R7.5 Conferense 6.0 med blant annet Port reservering/planlegging Avaya Web Conferencing, i tillegg til MSFT / IBM / Adobe UC integrasjon Skalerbar og fleksibel Mulighet for håndtering av samtaler via Audio Console web grensesnitt i tillegg til standard telefon (Telephony User Interface (TUI)) Skalebarhet Opp til 4,000 deltagere på en felles bro Designet for høy trafikk (top of hour traffic bursts) Støtter sentralisert konferansebro hvis flere lokasjoner har egen bro Lavere wan båndbredde Bedre talekvalitet © Avaya Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. 37

CS1000 løsning konsolidert på Avaya Aura Applikasjonsplattform Vmail CRM CC AD Hosted Services Mob. ? ? ? Email CDR Avaya ACE System Management Internet Session Border Controller Aura Core Connection Vest Session Manager Midt Session Manager Øst Session Manager SIP Trunks Service Providers TDM Trunks Media server klient / aksess lag Surv. Gateway Surv. Gateway Survivable Branch Survivable Branch Branch

Tjenester som vil tilbys fra applikasjonsplattformen via ACE Notes Based Softphone Event Response manager Hot Desking Mobile Cost Optimizer Quality Monitoring Contact Center CDR - Billing SIP Dect Paging / Broadcast Location Services Call Recording Speech analytics Workforce management Presence Call Back IVR Customer Survey VoWLAN Mobile Extension Attendant console / IF Auto Attendant Voice Mail Email Vmail CRM AD Mob. CC CDR Avaya ACE

TDM, Analog, IP telefoner Topologi Avaya Aura System Manager Flare experience one-X® Communicator SIP Phone We Alive one-X Mobile video Messaging 6.0 Uninett Voice/video Presence 6.0 Conference Server 6.0 SP One-X Attendant Video GW Tandberg, Polycom .. Session Border Controller Session Manager 6.0 CM-Feature Server 6.0 Avaya SIP Peer with CS1K 7.5 Uninett One-X Communicator IM&Presence SIP Softphone Sip Video PSTN One-X Mobile Conference PSTN TDM, Analog, IP telefoner

CS 1000 Release 7.5 og Avaya Aura™ – A Compelling Value Proposition CS 1000 videreutvikling og integrasjon med Avaya Aura™ Meridian 1 / CS 1000 Session Manager – Skalerbar og robust nettverksarkitektur for konsolidering, aksess til sekvensielle applikasjoner, avanserte rutingagenskaper, adaptere for ulike PBX’er Avaya Aura™ Conferencing – Funkjsonsrik, multimodal, sentraliserte samhandlingstjenester, skalerbar Avaya Aura™ Messaging – Neste generasjon sentralisert unified messaging Avaya Aura™ Presence solution – Funksjonsrik IM & presence løsning, federasjon med MSFT/IBM, løsningen inkluderer telefonstatus for CS1000 og kommer med Exchange integrasjon One-X® Communicator klient – Funksjonsrik, felles klientopplevelse for soft og mobil klienter, twinned (samme telefonnummer) for M1/CS 1000 desktoptelefoner System Manager/UCM – Ett felles sentralisert funksjonsrikt management verktøy CS 1000 integrated into Avaya Aura™ Session Manager System Manager Presence Services Voice/ Video Services CS 1000 Avaya CM This chart provides a high level view on the compelling value that CS 1000 Release 7.5 brings to customers. Integration of Session Manager for a highly scalable and robust network architecture Integration of next-generation Avaya Aura™ applications including Conferencing, Messaging, IM, Presence and more Common UC client One-X communicator clients Converged management framework for the easy end-to end solution administration Reduce Total Cost of Ownership while increasing customer responsiveness Innovative Avaya Aura™ SIP architecture that delivers the migration flexibility you require Now is the ideal time to upgrade to CS 1000 Release 7.5 Transition to Avaya Aura Contact Center - Natalie Keightley 41

Avaya Agile Communication Environment Integrasjon Avaya Agile Communication Environment

Applikasjonstilkobling med Avaya ACE™ Line of Business Nye3.-parts applikasjoner 3.-Parts CTI applikasjoner Avaya Agile Communication Environment™ (Avaya ACE) AVAYA ACE Pakketerte og kundetilpassede applikasjoner Høynivå IT-sentriske Web Service Toolkits Lavnivå Developer Foundation Toolkits Tradisjonell CTI 43 43

Pakketerte ACE applikasjoner Samhandling Mobilitet BPI OCS & Sametime Integration Office & Web Browser Add-ins Hot Desking Mobile Cost Optimizer Event Response Manager Savings of $300/user/yr on travel and conferencing Savings of $230/user/yr on real estate Savings of $540/user/yr on call charges Reduce downtime: $K to $M / hr depending on industry Sales Portal Corporate Portal Mobile Business / Verticals Message Drop and Blast Contact Center Integration Increase revenue $190/user/yr Savings of 5 min/user/day Industry and Business Specific Save 1 hr/day in client updates. $13K/user/yr Savings of 10 min / day / agent 44 44 44

Reduces real-estate and mobile phone costs Avaya ACE™ Hot Desking Assigns a temporary phone in any location to make or receive office phone calls Integrates with multi-vendor PBX environments Presents one number to callers Integrates with UC desktop applications Expands flexible working options Reduces real-estate and mobile phone costs 45

Avaya ACE™ Microsoft OCS Integration Avaya Corporate Presentation Avaya ACE™ Microsoft OCS Integration Remote call control of desk phone from OCS client Adds desk phone presence to OCS Multi-vendor PBX support Single client (MOC) and identity across all devices Increases user & team productivity Enhances OCS by integrating multi-vendor PBX-grade telephony 46 © 2004 Avaya 46

Avaya ACE™ Web Browser Add-In Avaya Corporate Presentation Avaya ACE™ Web Browser Add-In Click-to-call within Web pages Click-to-call using any phone No soft client needed Presence status and click-to-IM with Microsoft OCS integration Multi-vendor PBX support Web Browser Add-In Improves productivity by communication-enabling Web applications 47 47

Avaya Corporate Presentation Avaya Corporate Presentation Avaya ACE™ Office Add-In Click-to-call names within Microsoft Outlook Click-to-call numbers within Microsoft Office applications Click-to-call using any phone No Microsoft OCS/Lync client needed Multi-vendor PBX support Improves productivity with low-cost entry-level UC solution 48 48 48 48 48 © 2004 Avaya © 2004 Avaya 48 48

Avaya ACE™ Message Drop and Message Blast APIs Communication-enable CRM and other business tools Click-to-dial within CRM system Record and store messages Drop messages in live conversations Blast messages to large groups View call statistics Event-driven notification User controlled Multi-vendor PBX support On demand or automated user driven notification 49

Avaya Flare Experience Samhandling Avaya Flare Experience

Hva er Avaya Flare Experience ? The power of Avaya Aura™ video collaboration … at your fingertips! Avaya’s Desktop Video Device is a breakthrough collaboration user experience delivered on a swipe and flick touch screen based user interface. It is an aggregator, which provides an integration solution to manage multiple interactions over various communications modes into a single simple effective communication interface. Users can now communicate in any media (Voice, Video, IM, eMail, Social media) through any channel, from one unified/integrated user interface. The intuitive touch user interface uses a signature spotlight that makes gathering of people as easy as drag and drop. Stay focused and contribute with true multi tasking collaboration from your person cockpit. Communicate more effectively, with HD video and voice built in. This provides for an enhanced experience and improves real time communications by leveraging gestures, body language, posture, facial expressions and eye contact. Focus on what needs your attention by easily identifying and managing time sensitive voice, video, IM, email and social media communications. Leverage status indicators, history logs, instant messages, alerts and calendar reminders. Reduce decision time with a people centric collaboration controller. Gatherings are set up in less time and with relevant context from the history logs and PC integrations. Increase productivity with an always on multi-modal communications, like a telephone, non blocking Accessible, consistent, and synchronized user data from the user’s PC or their smartphone provides best-in-class multi-media communications and collaboration. Third party applications are enabled because the next generation collaboration workspace is built on the Android™ software stack and applications can be downloaded and integrated into your customer’s business processes. An important thing to note here is that the name “Desktop Video Device” is a temporary name. We will be replacing it with and exciting new name at the time of our public launch, so stay tuned.

Flare video

Hva er Flare Experience? Handlingsorientert Personsentrisk It is a cool, contextually aware touch interface. That is, it links people and information together to make your collaborative gathering more effective. It is a natural way to communicate and is people centric so your actions are based on the people you want to collaborate with and you simply touch and swipe them into the spotlight. High definition video calls are built right in. now you can improved your communications with a rich “look them in the eye” conversation. The built in History feature presents you with the relevant log of calls, IM sessions, email messages social media interactions, all the context is there, at your fingertips. The experience is media transparent, you no longer have to think about the steps needed to make a video call or how do you share a document. You just touch flick the contacts fan and swipe a person into the spotlight, voice and video calls just happen. What a conference in another, just swipe them into your gathering and you now have a multi-party video conference call. No bridge telephone numbers to dial, no access codes, no asking people to hang up and dial into the bridge. It simply happens. Our notification bar helps keep you tuned into upcoming meetings, alerts and network status, all designed so you can take action when and where needed. That’s the power of the Desktop Video Device and SIP Media Transparent Sammenhengsbevisst Naturlig samhandling Social Media bevisst It is your perceptions and responses that result from use 53

1:Many Contextual Experience © 2009 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 54

Roadmap items and their schedules subject to change Avaya Video løsninger AVCS 6.0.1 Enhanced Experience AVCS 6.1 Enhanced Productivity Soft Flare Windows Endpoints / Skype End User Choices Conference capacity improvement Integration between Avaya Aura ® Session Manager & Polycom RMX MCU Internet calling Competitive large scale video solution when connected to Polycom RMX Support for standard android apps & application marketplace Conference control app Soft Flare Windows client with outstanding SVC video content sharing Cisco /Tandberg interop for AVCS REMOVE [Video encryption enabling B2B video] Video through the Flare experience across device types Skype federation – Audio • IM • Presence • Video CY11 Q1 CY11 Q2 CY11 Q3 CY11 Q4 + beyond Roadmap items and their schedules subject to change 2010 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.

Avaya Flare™ Experience Overgang fra Avaya one-X ® Integrated Clients Avaya Flare Experience on PC, iPad Avaya Flare Experience Avaya one-X Mobile Avaya one-X ® CS1K Support Microsoft OCS Add-In, Headless Client , Avaya one-X ® Communicator on Macintosh OSX Avaya one-X ® Portal (Browser) Avaya one-X ® Communicator MOC Integration CY10 Q3 CY11 Q1 CY11 Q3 CY11 Q4 & beyond Platform Consolidation Platform Consolidation Client Enablement Services/ACE Portal Server Mobile Server ACE one-X Client Enablement Services ACE Client Enablement Services / ACE

Web.Alive Web samhandling Samhandling Møter Konferanser Opplæring Undervisning

Dagens utfordring MEET SELL LEARN Audio conferencing Web collaboration “La meg prøve å finne ut hvordan jeg kan konferanse inn Maksim” “Jeg ønsker å snakke med de som er inne å handler på min Web side?” “Mitt opplæringsprogram blitt veldig dyrt siden stadig færre er fysisk tilstede” “Jeg har ingen mulighet til å veilede og lære mine ansatte/studenter “Er det videoløsning på deres side?” “Jeg trenger en måte å fremheve meg i sosiale media” “Er alle fortsatt her?” “Hvordan skal jeg få den yngre generasjonen til å bruke min bank?” “Jeg kan ikke være tilstede på forelsning I dag” Audio conferencing Single mixer Lack of meta data Presence / attention Web collaboration Non-persistent Passive participation Unintelligent Telepresence Cost and setup Availability Multi-function challenge MEET SELL LEARN

Web.alive video

Terje Engebretsen terjeengebre@avaya.com Takk Terje Engebretsen terjeengebre@avaya.com

Midsize Specifications UC in-a-box with Avaya Aura® at the core Applications Avaya Aura® Session Manager Avaya Aura® System Manager Avaya Aura® Presence Services Avaya Aura® Session Border Controller (in April) Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services Communication Manager Utility Services Avaya Aura® Communication Manager and Communication Manager Messaging Avaya Aura® System Platform on an HP Server, SAL, VPN Avaya Aura® Solution for Midsize Enterprise Uses System Platform technology Avaya Aura Solution for Midsize Enterprise is a single server, end-to-end solution that streamlines Unified Communications roll-outs. It enables businesses to rapidly enhance staff productivity and to offer differentiated customer service with powerful applications. Leveraging System Platform virtualization technology, Avaya Aura Solution for Midsize Enterprise also simplifies management and lowers energy costs. Key applications virtualized to a single server are noted on the left. Each of these applications maintains the same capabilities as when running on separate servers. In fact it is the same license bundles found in standard and enterprise editions. Installation: single path, fast and less costly than installing everything separately. Adds simplicity of administration Such as putting in IP addresses once, consolidated single form for initial install (all IP addresses) Services: fully training on System Platform environments. Avaya Common Server Target 250 to 1000 users, 10’s of locations Single path install, fast, less costly Utility Server including Enterprise Directory Server Secure remote monitoring (SAL) Media Gateways 61 61

Eksempel #1: oppgrader & videreutvikle It’s easy to add Avaya Aura value Oppgrader til CS 1000 R7.5 & legg til Avaya Aura kjerne og Contact Center Legg til Avaya Collaboration for utvalgte brukere I dag Conferencing 6.x Ingen avgift for nye SIP aksess porter eller Session Manager lisenser ved oppgradering til R7.5 Premium CM 6.0x including ME AA Contact Center Avaya Aura Conferencing $120/port, 80% less than new CS 1000 to Avaya Aura Enterprise Edition for select users $58 per user, 80% less than new AA Contact Center NES Contact Center SBC 6.x SBC 6.x MCS 5100 Conferencing Presence Services 6.x Presence Services 6.x Session Manager 6.x NRS This is one example of an evolution and upgrade to Avaya Aura, I will only spend a moment on this slide Customer adds Session Manager, then migrates applications to Avaya Aura and select users to Avaya Aura Communication Manager. Example shows transactional pricing. Entitlements can also be under subscription contract ($0 at time of purchase) Transparent experience for users registered to CS 1000 Handoff to Stephane Cliché to review the branch solution Session Manager 6.x 62 CS 1000 CS 1000 R7.5 CS 1000 R7.5 Upgrade and Evolve with Maximum Investment Protection Continued support for existing investments Evolve with Avaya Aura at your own pace 2010 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 62