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Presentasjon lastes. Vennligst vent

/s/ og /z/.

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Presentasjon om: "/s/ og /z/."— Utskrift av presentasjonen:

1 /s/ og /z/

2 Klikk på linkane for å gå til emnet
I n n h a l d Klikk på linkane for å gå til emnet Sibilantar (hysjelydar) /s/ og /z/ – ustemt og stemt Bokstav og lyd /z/ forlengar vokalane Videoar om /s/ og /z/ Información en español

3 /s/ og /z/ er sibilantar

4 Sibilantane blir kalla ”hissing sounds” (hysjelydar, freselydar)


6 Dei ustemte sibilantane Dei stemte sibilantane
/s/, /ʃ/ og /tʃ/ finst i både norsk og engelsk. Dei stemte sibilantane /z/, /ʒ/ og /dʒ/ finst berre i engelsk.

7 /s/ og /z/

8 Uttalen av /s/ og /z/ (alveolare frikativar)
/s/ og /z/ blir uttala likt … tungespissen peikar mot tannryggen (alveolum), men tek ikkje borti munnen. det blir ein friksjonslyd når lufta strøymer ut over midten av tunga. leppene blir ikkje runda. … den einaste forskjellen er at /z/ er stemt og /s/ er ustemt. Animasjon som viser uttale av /s/ og /z/: (manner > fricatives > s, z)

9 Stemte og ustemte lydar:
/z/ er ein stemt lyd, /s/ er ustemt. At ein lyd er stemt, vil seie at strupehovudet vibrerar. Test: Hald for øyrene og sjekk om du kjenner vibrasjon når du seier stemte lydar, t.d. /a – e – i - b - d – v – z/

10 I denne presentasjonen er dei ustemte lydane grøne,
og dei stemte er raude.

11 p f t θ s ʃ tʃ k b v d ð z ʒ dʒ g l n m w r ŋ h j
Stemte og ustemte lydar i engelsk At ein lyd er stemt, vil seie at strupehovudet vibrerar. Konsonantpar med stemte og ustemte lydar: p pin f free t tea θ thing s see ʃ shoe cheese k cake b big v very d dog ð the z zoo ʒ vision judge g girl Resten av konsonantane er stemte: l look n new m me w west r ring ŋ sing h hot j yes Alle vokalane (aeiou m.fl.) er stemte.

12 Lisa forklarar forskjellen på /s/ og /z/: ttp://

13 Sjå sine filmar om … /s/: /z/:

14 The snakes’ S song Grøn s blir uttalt /s/, raud s blir uttalt /z/.

15 The snakes’ S song In a sleepy southern suburb Lived a snake named Sammy South With his seven serpent sisters In a seven-story house And the house was something special For a snake it was the best Sammy South himself designed it In the shape of letter S

16 Now Sammy and his sisters They were suited to their home
The snakes’ S song Now Sammy and his sisters They were suited to their home Since they themselves were S-shaped They could slither, they could roam Up and down the S-shaped staircase Past the kitchen's curvy walls To the squiggly S-shaped bedrooms Through the squiggly S-shaped halls

17 The snakes’ S song And on Saturdays and Sundays When their suppertime was done They all would gather 'round the fire And sing this song: /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/

18 The snakes’ S song Now the neighbors were complaining 'Cause they soon got pretty tired Of the song the snakes were singing Weekend nights around the fire. For a snake can only say two sounds, The sounds of s and z: /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/

19 /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/
The snakes’ S song Then the neighbors sold their houses And a bunch more snakes moved in And now Sammy and his sisters Have a bunch of S-shaped friends And on Saturdays and Sundays If you listen you can hear Sammy singing with his sisters And his neighbors far and near: /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/ /z/


21 Forholdet mellom bokstav og lyd

22 Bokstaven z blir alltid uttalt /z/:
a dozen grazing zebras

23 Bokstaven s blir oftast uttala /s/, men i mange tilfelle /z/.
Video med døme:

24 Når seier vi /z/? Her er tre reglar 

25 Uttale av bokstaven s S i starten av ordet …
… blir nesten alltid uttala /s/, av og til /ʃ/, men aldri /z/: to start, a street, a ship S mellom to stemte lydar … … (t.d. mellom to vokalar) blir uttala /z/: business, cosmic, reason Unntak: stum –e ”tel ikkje” (påverkar ikkje uttalen av s): horse, mouse, purse S-endingar (bøyings-former) på slutten av eit ord … … blir uttala /z/ etter stemte lydar: two cars, Peter calls Mary … blir uttala /-s/ etter dei ustemte lydane p – t – k – f – θ: thanks – stops – two fifths … blir uttala /-iz/ etter s, z og ”hysjelydar”: two roses, watches Elles er det mange ord som ikkje følgjer nokon regel.

26 Bokstaven –s på slutten av ord blir uttalt /-s/, /-z/ eller /-iz/.
Denne videoen forklarar uttaleregelen når –s er ei bøyingsform (grammatisk form):

27 Fleire videoar som forklarar regelen for
/-s/, /-z/ eller /-iz/ i bøygde former: 1. /-s/ 2. /-iz/ 3. /-z/

28 Fleire døme: -s som bøyingsform … Substantiv Verb … blir uttala /-z/ etter stemte lydar: pencils dogs trains clothes windows arrives comes goes … blir uttala /-s/ etter dei ustemte lydane p – t – k – f – θ: books maps months hats pops bats bikes laughs thanks eats takes speaks … blir uttala /-iz/ etter s, z og ”hysjelydar”: waxes oranges lunches washes

29 Ord som sluttar på /-z/-lyd:


31 Practise /z/ with this poem: Raud s og z blir uttala /z/.
Grøn s blir uttala /s/. - 1 - There once was a kid Named Zachary Zavala But everyone just called him Zack And whenever his teacher would say, "Line up children" She would always put Zack at the back

32 - 2 - Now Zack did not mind This arrangement at first But it stayed this way year after year Because both of his names Began with a Z He forever would bring up the rear

33 - 3 - "It just isn't fair," He would say to himself "Why must I be last every day?" And he dreamed of a world Where the alphabet started With Z and it ended with A

34 - 4 - Then something quite wonderful Happened to Zack He landed in Miss Zulu's class And she could remember When she was a student She always would have to be last

35 - 5 - So whenever Miss Zulu would Line up the children She'd do the whole thing in reverse She'd read off the names Starting right at the bottom And Zachary would always be first

36 - 6 - This year in Miss Zulu's class Seemed like a dream But all good things surely must pass In a world where they organize Things A to Z I guess that's the way That it just has to be When your name just happens To start with a Z You're probably going to be last


38 /z/ forlengar vokalane

39 /z/ gjer at vokalar som står lenger framme i ordet
blir forlenga: /s/ /z/ ice eyes racer razor dice dies kort vokal lang vokal / vokalar

40 Sei desse orda: /S/ /Z/ price prize peace peas place plays ice eyes
hiss his close to close a use to use rice rise lang vokal / vokalar kort vokal

41 … og desse orda: /S/ /Z/ pace pays lacey lazy thirsty Thursday bus
buzz dust does face phase sue zoo Videoar om forlenging av vokalar (lengthening of vowels):


43 Zachary the Zebra A lazy Thursday at the zoo
found the zebras grazing on zinnias, posing for pictures, and teasing the zookeeper, whose nose was bronzed by the sun. The biggest zebra’s name was Zachary, but his friends called him Zack.

44 Zack was a confusing zebra
whose zeal for reason caused his cousins, who were naturally unreasoning, to pause in their conversations. While they browsed, he philosophized. As they grazed, he practiced zen. Because they were Zack’s cousins, the zebras said nothing, but they wished he would muzzle himself at times.


46 Fleire videoar med /s/ og /z/
Rachel comparing /s/ and /z/: The same video, on a different site: Comparing /s/ and /z/: Comparing /s/ and /ʃ/:

47 Signe’s /s/ and /z/ video (with subtitles):
Video about /z/ at the end of words: (1:14) Practise /z/ with Andrew: Meg speaks about sibilants - /s/ - /z/ - /ʃ/ -/ʒ/ - /tʃ/ - /dʒ/: Sibilants in sentences: Cullen and Gator: /s/: /z/: Sesame Street videos on /z/:


49 VIDEOS EN ESPAÑOL /s/ + consonante: Consonantes sordas y sonores –
Consonantes sordas y sonores – entre otras /s/ y /z/: Aprende a pronunciar en ingles - Spanish-language video on English pronunciation:




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