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Kompetansebehov og kompetanseutvikling i UH-bibliotek sett fra institutt for Datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap, NTNU. UHR B møte 25. september i Trondheim.

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Presentasjon om: "Kompetansebehov og kompetanseutvikling i UH-bibliotek sett fra institutt for Datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap, NTNU. UHR B møte 25. september i Trondheim."— Utskrift av presentasjonen:

1 Kompetansebehov og kompetanseutvikling i UH-bibliotek sett fra institutt for Datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap, NTNU. UHR B møte 25. september i Trondheim Ingeborg T. Sølvberg IDI, NTNU

2 Bibliotek i den digitale verden  Hva skjer rundt oss? Noen eksempler: –Institusjonsarkiv –Google Books, Google Scholar og lignende –EU’s forskningsprogram eContentPlus, i2010, ICT  Digitale bibliotek –DELOS modell(er)  Undervisning og forskning i DL –Curriculum Development, NSF prosjekt v/Virginia Tech; –IDI

3 Generelle krav:  Tilgang til data og informasjon uavhengig av tid og sted  People need to be able to do social stuff like comment, rate, reference, blog about, embed and mash-up the materials. That’s re-use. It requires interoperability. Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA. European digital library conference, Frankfurt, January 2008  ” Users expect the interoperable” 3

4 Digital Libraries: Områder og aktører for forskning (DELOS)

5 Ref: N. Norbert Fuhr Evaluation of Digital Libraries. International Journal on Digital Libraries. International Journal on Digital Libraries (2007), vol.8 no1. pp21-38.

6 EU forskningsprogram  eContentPlus  i2010  ICT  andre 6

7 eContentplus programme  The 4-year programme (2005–08)  a budget of € 149 million  The overall aim of the eContentplus programme is “to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable”.  tackle organisational barriers and promote take up of leading-edge technical solutions to –improve accessibility –usability of digital material –in a multilingual environment. 7

8 ERMACS: European Repository for Applied Mathematics And Computer Science  eContentplus 2008 programme Action 5.4 : Targeted Projects for Scientific/Scholarly content  The improvement of the usability and accessibility of the information is a cornerstone in the information policy of European Commission. The rationale behind the drive for the European Research Area was that centres of information are “scattered across the continent and all too often their efforts fail to add up in the absence of adequate networking and cooperation” while the eContentplus programme aims to facilitate “access to digital content, its use and exploitation, enhancing quality of content with well-defined metadata, and reinforcing cooperation between digital content stakeholders”.  ERMACS er et prosjektforslag sendt til EU, fokus på publikasjoner (interoperable Inst. Arkiv) innen fagområdene Informatikk og Matematikk.

9 i2010  ICT for sustainable growth  European Digital Libraries  Ageing Well in the Information Society  Intelligent Car 9

10 TEL  The European Library –is a free service that offers access to the resources of the 48 national libraries of Europe in 20 languages.4820 languages –Resources can be both digital or bibliographical (books, posters, maps, sound recordings, videos, etc.).  Currently The European Library –gives access to 150 million entries across Europe. –The amount of referenced digital collections is constantly increasing. –Quality and reliability are guaranteed by the 48 collaborating national libraries of Europe. –The European Library is a non-commercial organisation.  Status, fortsatt i meget tidlig fase. Tilsynelatende ingen nye losninger

11 i2010: Digital Libraries Initiative Europeana; et pilotprosjekt  Europeana – the European digital library, museum and archive – is a 2-year project that began in July 2007. –It will produce a prototype website giving users direct access to some 2 million digital objects, including film material, photos, paintings, sounds, maps, manuscripts, books, newspapers and archival papers. –The prototype will be launched in November 2008  The digital content will be selected from that which is already digitised and available in Europe’s museums, libraries, archives and audio-visual collections.  The interface will be multilingual.

12 Europeana i2010 Digital Library Initiative  Arkitektur og tekniske spesifikasjoner er utarbeidet i prosjektet  Prosjektets siste oppgave blir å anbefale en forretningsmodell som skal sikre at websidene lever videre  Prosjektet skal anbefale forskningsområder og implementasjons-oppgaver som er nødvendige for at Europas kulturarv blir helt interoperable og fullt tilgjengelige via multispråklige tjenester  Målet er at i 2010 skal den Europeiske portalen gi alle direkte adgang til mer enn 6 millioner digitale lydopptak, bilder, bøker, arkivposter og film

13 ICT Challenge 4: (2008-2010) Digital Libraries and Content  Knowledge modelling and processing. –semantic web technologies – search engines –conceptualising and producing digital content as a container of rich objects that can be individually selected and manipulated is emerging as a trend.  Preservation –planning, capturing and selection of content need to be automated –keeping the associated semantics as well as the digital objects; integrity and authenticity  Reshaping the way we learn –More abundant, accessible, interactive and usable content and knowledge, coupled with shifts in demands (future of education and training systems, productivity, time to competency, focus on intangible assets)

14 Challenge 4: Digital Libraries and Content Tentative Dates and MEuros WP 09-10Call 4Call 5Call 6 FET Open Joint Call 4. Digital Libraries and Content188 4.1 Digital libraries and preservation69 4.2 Technology-Enhanced Learning49 4.3 Intelligent information management70 Call 5 Date of publication: June 2009 Closure: September 2009 Call 6 Date of publication: November 2006 Closure: March 2010

15 EU-programmene, eksisterende teknologi - utvikling av ny teknologi? Korte, og uvitenskapelige, kommentarer om programmene:  eContentPlus –Forutsetter bruk av ’gammel’ teknologi. Ikke forskning. Fokus på å gjøre Eksisterende Innhold tilgjengelig  I2010 (DL) –Fremmer samarbeid mellom store, europeiske aktører. Bruk av eksisterende teknologi, lite forskning. –Skal gi anbefalinger for viktige innsats områder, forskningsfelt.  ICT –Forskning innen IT, men innhold i begrepet Digitale Bibliotek er endret 15

16 Hvor er vi?  Brukerne ønsker ”one stop shopping”  Utviklingen i våre bibliotek tar ikke hensyn til dette –frittstående systemer –ulike løsninger –lite samarbeid mellom bibliotek og mellom bibliotek og den ”ytre verden”  Bibliotekene må fokusere på Interoperabilitet: –skjema nivå, repository nivå, system nivå  Trenger bibliotekene mer bredde i kompetansen blant sine ansatte? 16

17 Digital Libraries. Curriculum Development  Prosjektet er finansiert av NSF –Hoved-partnere: Virginia Tech Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 



20 Informasjonsforvaltning ved IDI  Digitale bibliotek – i vid betydning: –Digitale objekter skal samles og lagres med henblikk på at de skal gjenfinnes og gjenbrukes  Vi utdanner ikke bibliotekarer, men vi utdanner personer som også bibliotekene trenger

21 Relevant Areas (IDI) i MSc utdanningen:  Metadata and ontologies  Information Management  Search and Information Retrieval  Georeferenced Information  Preservation –Basert på en Bachelor-grad med min. 120 studiepoeng (fire semester) informatikk 21

22 Metadata, Information Management (IDI)  Metadata and ontologies –New information models for traditional biblographic data (library catalogues) interpretation of legacy data in the context of the new models retrieval and discovery, mediation of metadata –Automatic metadata generation ( from existing collections)  Information Management –Models and services for management of intellectual assets –Institutional Repositories, development, use, impact, interoperability eLearning, Learning Objects Management of multi-media collections Management of Multilingual content University repository ERMACS 22

23 Search and Information Retrieval (IDI)  Bio-Medical Retrieval –Indexing techniques, document classification, personalisation  Multimedia Retrieval –Search and retrieval of images based on context information (indexing algorithms)  Search and retrieval of geo-referenced and temporal information –Metadata, thesauri, gazetteers  P2P web search  Text-mining, independent repositories –Interoperability (information, collections) 23

24 BioMedical Information Retrieval (IDI)  Focuses: –Finding optimal document model –Finding optimal indexing techniques –Document classification –Personalisation  Project: BioTracer –A system supporting search and retrieval of biomedical information

25 Geo-referenced information (IDI)  Search and IR of geo-referenced and temporal information  Gazetteers; syntactic and semantic mapping Syntactic: identify pairs of entries describing the same place Semantic: alphabet, spelling, time-variations, subsets ao.  Geo-references in newsarticles => references to maps Somewhere between Atlanta and Norfolk, Va., a band from Chicago named Bound Stems was in its van, barreling along a rainy highway on the way to the 26th annual CMJ Music Marathon, which starts today. Bound Stems are one of more than 1,000 bands appearing over the next five nights in more than 60 clubs around Manhattan and Brooklyn, hoping that half an hour onstage could change their lives.  Mobile applications; how can objects in library collections be used in distributed and mobile environments, by different user groups? Hand held devices. 25

26 26 Cooperative Mining of Independent Document Repositories (IDI)  Document repositories contain a wealth of knowledge that can be discovered through text-mining techniques  New types of repositories have emerged, e.g., personal document repositories like email folders  Typical approach to mine collections from several repositories: –Logically merge the collections before performing the mining process  For many application areas this is not possible due to: –Legal reasons, –Risk of revealing classified information –Use of different schemas or ontologies, making merging non-trivial  Challenge: –Independent processing of collections at each repository, creating sufficient intermediate data to perform global mining

27 Preservation – Records Management over Decades (IDI) Primary objective:  Persistent, reliable and trustworthy long-term archival of digital information records, with emphasis on availability and use of the information –Regard the digital representation as the original version and use this in digital work processes even for information that must be available and in use over decades –Explore the potential for commercial products/services in this area Research Topics: a)Records transition survival (survival of the “bits/files) b)Search and retrieval (how to actually find relevant information) Temporal language models Temporal ranking Temporal data mining c)Preservation of evidential value (trust and security aspects) –Long-term digital storage of ship drawings (Det Norske Veritas) –Validation and notary services 27

28 Overordnet krav:  Brukerne vil ha @one/stop shopping@  ” Users expect the interoperable” 28

29 Min hovedmelding  Biblioteksektoren står foran store utfordringer  Kampen om å bli beste tjenesteyter er i gang  UH-bibliotekene må være i tet for å finne nye, kreative løsninger (=> flere do’ers, færre view’ers)  Både dagens og fremtidens utfordringer krever samarbeid mellom personer – og organisasjoner - med mange ulike fagspesialiteter  For å være reelle bidragsytere til samfunnet må UH bibliotekene øke antallet av personer med dyp IT- kompetanse

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