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The semantic mirror How the words in a language are translated reveals something about the semantic properties of the words. The target language is a mirror.

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Presentasjon om: "The semantic mirror How the words in a language are translated reveals something about the semantic properties of the words. The target language is a mirror."— Utskrift av presentasjonen:

1 The semantic mirror How the words in a language are translated reveals something about the semantic properties of the words. The target language is a mirror of the meaning expressed in the source language. Vice versa: the source language is a mirror of the meaning expressed in the target.

2 The translational relation

3 Relations of translation exist on two different levels: 1.on the level of linguistic usage, i.e. between items of situated language 2.on the level where language is seen in abstraction from usage, i.e. between units of language systems as well as between entire language systems

4 The translational relation is a theoretical primitive It is a concept not defined in terms of other concepts. In translation practice there is an empirical basis for identifying the translational relation without making use of any linguistic theory.

5 Semantic field A “meaning continuum” which the words in a language carve up in their own particular way. (Examples: colour terms, emotional terms) Ontology A structure of related concepts. Constant, language-independent (in contrast to semantic fields).

6 animal petfelinecanine cattiger dog wolf Concepts in a semantic field

7 animal petfelinecanine cattiger dog wolf Concepts in a semantic field Lattice structure

8 animal petfelinecanine cattiger dog wolf [anim] Concepts in a semantic field Lattice structure Feature analysis

9 animal petfelinecanine cattiger dog wolf [anim] Concepts in a semantic field Lattice structure Feature analysis

10 animal petfelinecanine cattiger dog wolf [anim] [pet][can][fel] Concepts in a semantic field Lattice structure Feature analysis

11 animal petfelinecanine cattiger dog wolf [anim] [can] [fel][can] [anim] [fel] [pet] [can] [pet] [fel] Concepts in a semantic field Lattice structure Feature analysis

12 animal petfelinecanine cattiger dog wolf [anim] [can] [fel][can] [anim] [fel] [pet] [can] [pet] [fel] [c] [t] [d] [w] Concepts in a semantic field Lattice structure Feature analysis

13 Different partitionings of the ‘same’ semantic field

14 Different partitionings of the ‘same’ semantic field

15 Hexe hag witch German English

16 Hexe hag witch German English [Hexe|hag] [Hexe|witch]

17 Hexe hag witch German English [Hexe|hag] [Hexe|witch] [Hexe|hag]

18 Hexe hag witch German English [Hexe|hag] [Hexe|witch] [Hexe|hag] [Hexe|witch]

19 Hexe hag witch German English [Hexe|hag] [Hexe|witch] [Hexe|hag] [Hexe|witch]

20 1.Semantically closely related words tend to have strongly overlapping sets of translations. Assumptions

21 1.Semantically closely related words tend to have strongly overlapping sets of translations. 2.Words with wide meanings tend to have a higher number of translations than words with narrow meanings. Assumptions

22 1.Semantically closely related words tend to have strongly overlapping sets of translations. 2.Words with wide meanings tend to have a higher number of translations than words with narrow meanings. 3.If a word a is a hyponym of a word b (such as tasty of good, for example), then the possible translations of a will probably be a subset of the possible translations of b. Assumptions

23 1.Semantically closely related words tend to have strongly overlapping sets of translations. 2.Words with wide meanings tend to have a higher number of translations than words with narrow meanings. 3.If a word a is a hyponym of a word b (such as tasty of good, for example), then the possible translations of a will probably be a subset of the possible translations of b. 4.Contrastive ambiguity, i.e., ambiguity between two unrelated senses of a word, such as the two senses of the English noun band (‘orchestra’ and ‘piece of tape’), tends to be a historically accidental and idiosyncratic property of individual words. Hence we don't expect to find instances of the same contrastive ambiguity replicated by other words in the language or by words in other languages. Assumptions

24 1.Semantically closely related words tend to have strongly overlapping sets of translations. 2.Words with wide meanings tend to have a higher number of translations than words with narrow meanings. 3.If a word a is a hyponym of a word b (such as tasty of good, for example), then the possible translations of a will probably be a subset of the possible translations of b. 4.Contrastive ambiguity, i.e., ambiguity between two unrelated senses of a word, such as the two senses of the English noun band (‘orchestra’ and ‘piece of tape’), tends to be a historically accidental and idiosyncratic property of individual words. Hence we don't expect to find instances of the same contrastive ambiguity replicated by other words in the language or by words in other languages. (More precisely, we should talk about ambiguous phonological/graphic words here, since such ambiguity is normally analysed as homonymy and hence as involving two lemmas.) Assumptions

25 1.Semantically closely related words tend to have strongly overlapping sets of translations. 2.Words with wide meanings tend to have a higher number of translations than words with narrow meanings. 3.If a word a is a hyponym of a word b (such as tasty of good, for example), then the possible translations of a will probably be a subset of the possible translations of b. 4.Contrastive ambiguity, i.e., ambiguity between two unrelated senses of a word, such as the two senses of the English noun band (‘orchestra’ and ‘piece of tape’), tends to be a historically accidental and idiosyncratic property of individual words. Hence we don't expect to find instances of the same contrastive ambiguity replicated by other words in the language or by words in other languages. (More precisely, we should talk about ambiguous phonological/graphic words here, since such ambiguity is normally analysed as homonymy and hence as involving two lemmas.) 5.Words with unrelated meanings will not share translations into another language, except in cases where the shared word is contrastively ambiguous between the two unrelated meanings. By assumption 4 there should then be at most one such shared word. Assumptions

26 L1 L2 s1

27 L1 L2 s1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 First t-image of s1

28 L1 L2 s1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 s3 s9 s10 s11 s12 First t-image of s1

29 L1 L2 s1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 s2 s3 s9 s10 s11 s12 First t-image of s1

30 L1 L2 s1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 s2 s3 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 First t-image of s1

31 L1 L2 s1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 First t-image of s1

32 L1 L2 s1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 s13 First t-image of s1

33 L1 L2 s1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 s13 First t-image of s1 Inverse t-image of s1

34 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N)

35 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken

36 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

37 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

38 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

39 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) krav lov regelverk bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

40 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) krav lov regelverk mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

41 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) krav lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

42 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

43 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

44 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) fordring påstand krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

45 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) argument begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring fordring påstand krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

46 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring fordring påstand krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

47 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring fordring påstand krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

48 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring fordring påstand krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

49 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring fordring påstand krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

50 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring fordring påstand krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

51 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring fordring påstand krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

52 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring fordring påstand krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

53 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring fordring påstand krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

54 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring fordring påstand krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

55 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring fordring påstand krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

56 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring fordring påstand krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

57 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring fordring påstand krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

58 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring fordring påstand krav rettighet adgang lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé

59 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N)

60 course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N)4 rett(N)3 rett(N)2 rett(N)1

61 Semantic fields

62 When sense individuation has been performed across the vocabulary in both languages, each sense has a t-image consisting of senses in the other language. Semantic fields

63 When sense individuation has been performed across the vocabulary in both languages, each sense has a t-image consisting of senses in the other language. On this basis senses can be collected in semantic fields Semantic fields

64 When sense individuation has been performed across the vocabulary in both languages, each sense has a t-image consisting of senses in the other language. On this basis senses can be collected in semantic fields A semantic field: Semantic fields

65 When sense individuation has been performed across the vocabulary in both languages, each sense has a t-image consisting of senses in the other language. On this basis senses can be collected in semantic fields A semantic field: A set of word senses with directly or indirectly intersecting t-images Semantic fields

66 aftens1 aftensmat1 fat1 føde1 gryte1 kar1 kopp1 kosthold1 kveldsmat1 lunsj1 mat1 matvare1 middag1 næring2 rettN4 skål1 tallerken1 barrel1bowl1 cup1 diet1 dinner1 dish3 food5 evening_meal1 lunch1 grocery1 meal1 meat1 nourishment1 pan1 plate1 pot1 specialN1 supper2 måltid1

67 aftens1 aftensmat1 fat1 føde1 gryte1 kar1 kopp1 kosthold1 kveldsmat1 lunsj1 mat1 matvare1 middag1 måltid1 næring2 rettN4 skål1 tallerken1 barrel1bowl1 cup1 diet1 dinner1 dish3 food5 evening_meal1 lunch1 grocery1 meal1 meat1 nourishment1 pan1 plate1 pot1 specialN1 supper2

68 aftens1 aftensmat1 fat1 føde1 gryte1 kar1 kopp1 kosthold1 kveldsmat1 lunsj1 mat1 matvare1 middag1 måltid1 næring2 rettN4 skål1 tallerken1 barrel1bowl1 cup1 diet1 dinner1 dish3 food5 evening_meal1 lunch1 grocery1 meal1 meat1 nourishment1 pan1 plate1 pot1 specialN1 supper2 [mat1|supper2]

69 aftens1 aftensmat1 fat1 føde1 gryte1 kar1 kopp1 kosthold1 kveldsmat1 lunsj1 mat1 matvare1 middag1 måltid1 næring2 rettN4 skål1 tallerken1 barrel1bowl1 cup1 diet1 dinner1 dish3 food5 evening_meal1 lunch1 grocery1 meal1 meat1 nourishment1 pan1 plate1 pot1 specialN1 supper2 [mat1|supper2]

70 aftens1 aftensmat1 fat1 føde1 gryte1 kar1 kopp1 kosthold1 kveldsmat1 lunsj1 mat1 matvare1 middag1 måltid1 næring2 rettN4 skål1 tallerken1 barrel1bowl1 cup1 diet1 dinner1 dish3 food5 evening_meal1 lunch1 grocery1 meal1 meat1 nourishment1 pan1 plate1 pot1 specialN1 supper2 [mat1|supper2]

71 aftens1 aftensmat1 fat1 føde1 gryte1 kar1 kopp1 kosthold1 kveldsmat1 lunsj1 mat1 matvare1 middag1 måltid1 næring2 rettN4 skål1 tallerken1 barrel1bowl1 cup1 diet1 dinner1 dish3 food5 evening_meal1 lunch1 grocery1 meal1 meat1 nourishment1 pan1 plate1 pot1 specialN1 supper2 [mat1|supper2]

72 aftens1 aftensmat1 fat1 føde1 gryte1 kar1 kopp1 kosthold1 kveldsmat1 lunsj1 mat1 matvare1 middag1 måltid1 næring2 rettN4 skål1 tallerken1 barrel1bowl1 cup1 diet1 dinner1 dish3 food5 evening_meal1 lunch1 grocery1 meal1 meat1 nourishment1 pan1 plate1 pot1 specialN1 supper2 [mat1|supper2]

73 aftens1 aftensmat1 fat1 føde1 gryte1 kar1 kopp1 kosthold1 kveldsmat1 lunsj1 mat1 matvare1 middag1 måltid1 næring2 rettN4 skål1 tallerken1 barrel1bowl1 cup1 diet1 dinner1 dish3 food5 evening_meal1 lunch1 grocery1 meal1 meat1 nourishment1 pan1 plate1 pot1 specialN1 supper2 [mat1|supper2]

74 aftens1 aftensmat1 fat1 føde1 gryte1 kar1 kopp1 kosthold1 kveldsmat1 lunsj1 mat1 matvare1 middag1 måltid1 næring2 rettN4 skål1 tallerken1 barrel1bowl1 cup1 diet1 dinner1 dish3 food5 evening_meal1 lunch1 grocery1 meal1 meat1 nourishment1 pan1 plate1 pot1 specialN1 supper2 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5]

75 aftens1 aftensmat1 fat1 føde1 gryte1 kar1 kopp1 kosthold1 kveldsmat1 lunsj1 mat1 matvare1 middag1 måltid1 næring2 rettN4 skål1 tallerken1 barrel1bowl1 cup1 diet1 dinner1 dish3 food5 evening_meal1 lunch1 grocery1 meal1 meat1 nourishment1 pan1 plate1 pot1 specialN1 supper2 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5]

76 aftens1 aftensmat1 fat1 føde1 gryte1 kar1 kopp1 kosthold1 kveldsmat1 lunsj1 mat1 matvare1 middag1 måltid1 næring2 rettN4 skål1 tallerken1 barrel1bowl1 cup1 diet1 dinner1 dish3 food5 evening_meal1 lunch1 grocery1 meal1 meat1 nourishment1 pan1 plate1 pot1 specialN1 supper2 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5]

77 aftens1 aftensmat1 fat1 føde1 gryte1 kar1 kopp1 kosthold1 kveldsmat1 lunsj1 mat1 matvare1 middag1 måltid1 næring2 rettN4 skål1 tallerken1 barrel1bowl1 cup1 diet1 dinner1 dish3 food5 evening_meal1 lunch1 grocery1 meal1 meat1 nourishment1 pan1 plate1 pot1 specialN1 supper2 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5]

78 aftens1 aftensmat1 fat1 føde1 gryte1 kar1 kopp1 kosthold1 kveldsmat1 lunsj1 mat1 matvare1 middag1 måltid1 næring2 rettN4 skål1 tallerken1 barrel1bowl1 cup1 diet1 dinner1 dish3 food5 evening_meal1 lunch1 grocery1 meal1 meat1 nourishment1 pan1 plate1 pot1 specialN1 supper2 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5]

79 aftens1 aftensmat1 fat1 føde1 gryte1 kar1 kopp1 kosthold1 kveldsmat1 lunsj1 mat1 matvare1 middag1 måltid1 næring2 rettN4 skål1 tallerken1 barrel1bowl1 cup1 diet1 dinner1 dish3 food5 evening_meal1 lunch1 grocery1 meal1 meat1 nourishment1 pan1 plate1 pot1 specialN1 supper2 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5]

80 aftens1 [mat1|supper2] [aftens1|evening_meal1] aftensmat1 [mat1|supper2] [lunsj1|meal1] [kveldsmat1|meal1] [aftensmat1] fat1 [fat1|dish3] føde1 [middag1|food5] [føde1|grocery1] gryte1 [måltid1|dish3] [fat1|dish3] [kar1|dish3] [gryte1|bowl1] kar1 [kar1|dish3] kopp1 [måltid1|dish3] [fat1|dish3] [kar1|dish3] [skål1|bowl1] [gryte1|bowl1] [kopp1|cup1] kosthold1 [middag1|food5] [kosthold1|diet1] kveldsmat1 [mat1|supper2] [kveldsmat1|meal1] lunsj1 [mat1|supper2] [lunsj1|meal1] mat1 [mat1|supper2] matvare1 [middag1|food5] [føde1|grocery1] [matvare1] middag1 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] måltid1 [mat1|supper2] [måltid1|dish3] næring2 [middag1|food5] [næring2|nourishment1] [næring2|meat1] rettN4 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] [måltid1|dish3] [fat1|dish3] [kar1|dish3] [rettN4|specialN1] skål1 [måltid1|dish3] [fat1|dish3] [kar1|dish3] [skål1|bowl1] tallerken1 [måltid1|dish3] [fat1|dish3] [kar1|dish3] [skål1|bowl1] [gryte1|bowl1] [tallerken1|plate1]

81 *barrel1 [fat1|dish3] [kar1|dish3] [barrel1] *bowl1 [fat1|dish3] [kar1|dish3] [gryte1|bowl1] [skål1|bowl1] *cup1 [skål1|bowl1] [kopp1|cup1] *diet1 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] [kosthold1|diet1] *dinner1 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] [måltid1|dish3] [kveldsmat1|meal1] [dinner1] dish3 [kar1|dish3] [fat1|dish3] [måltid1|dish3] *evening_meal1 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] [kveldsmat1|meal1] [aftens1|evening_meal1] food5 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] *grocery1 [mat1|supper2] [føde1|grocery1] *lunch1 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] [lunsj1|meal1] [lunch1] *meal1 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] [måltid1|dish3] [kveldsmat1|meal1] [lunsj1|meal1] *meat1 [mat1|supper2] [næring2|meat1] *nourishment1 [føde1|grocery1] [næring2|nourishment1] *pan1 [fat1|dish3] [kar1|dish3] [gryte1|bowl1] [pan1] *plate1 [mat1|supper2] [måltid1|dish3] [fat1|dish3] [skål1|bowl1] [tallerken1|plate1] *pot1 [kar1|dish3] [gryte1|bowl1] [pot1] specialN1 [lunsj1|meal1] [rettN4|specialN1] supper2 [mat1|supper2]

82 Assumption: Feature set inclusion expresses hyperonymy/hyponymy mat1 [mat1|supper2] middag1 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] food5 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] *lunch1 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] [lunsj1|meal1] [lunch1]

83 Assumption: Feature set inclusion expresses hyperonymy/hyponymy mat1 [mat1|supper2] middag1 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] food5 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] *lunch1 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] [lunsj1|meal1] [lunch1] The set of senses in a field can be seen as a partially ordered set, ordered by set inclusion.

84 A semilattice (upper): A partially ordered set in which each pair of elements has a least upper bound.

85 A semilattice (upper): A partially ordered set in which each pair of elements has a least upper bound. Applied to our case: For each pair of feature sets, either one set includes the other, or there is a third element consisting of the intersection of the two sets.

86 A semilattice (upper): A partially ordered set in which each pair of elements has a least upper bound. Applied to our case: For each pair of feature sets, either one set includes the other, or there is a third element consisting of the intersection of the two sets. Constructing a semilattice allows us to compare the distances between all senses

87 If two feature sets intersect without inclusion, busy2 [full5|bright2] [effektiv2|excellent1] [livlig1|brisk2] [opptatt1|busy2] alive2 [full5|bright2] [levende3|fresh3] [livlig1|brisk2] [alive2] Constructing a semilattice:

88 busy2 [full5|bright2] [effektiv2|excellent1] [livlig1|brisk2] [opptatt1|busy2] alive2 [full5|bright2] [levende3|fresh3] [livlig1|brisk2] [alive2] a «virtual» mother node with the intersection of the two feature sets is constructed: X1 [full5|bright2] [livlig1|brisk2] If two feature sets intersect without inclusion, Constructing a semilattice:

89 Part of the derived lattice for the food field

90 plate1 and dish1 combine ‘food’ and ‘vessel’ meanings

91 *barrel1 [fat1|dish3] [kar1|dish3] [barrel1] *bowl1 [fat1|dish3] [kar1|dish3] [gryte1|bowl1] [skål1|bowl1] *cup1 [skål1|bowl1] [kopp1|cup1] *diet1 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] [kosthold1|diet1] *dinner1 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] [måltid1|dish3] [kveldsmat1|meal1] [dinner1] dish3 [kar1|dish3] [fat1|dish3] [måltid1|dish3] *evening_meal1 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] [kveldsmat1|meal1] [aftens1|evening_meal1] food5 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] *grocery1 [mat1|supper2] [føde1|grocery1] *lunch1 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] [lunsj1|meal1] [lunch1] *meal1 [mat1|supper2] [middag1|food5] [måltid1|dish3] [kveldsmat1|meal1] [lunsj1|meal1] *meat1 [mat1|supper2] [næring2|meat1] *nourishment1 [føde1|grocery1] [næring2|nourishment1] *pan1 [fat1|dish3] [kar1|dish3] [gryte1|bowl1] [pan1] *plate1 [mat1|supper2] [måltid1|dish3] [fat1|dish3] [skål1|bowl1] [tallerken1|plate1] *pot1 [kar1|dish3] [gryte1|bowl1] [pot1] specialN1 [lunsj1|meal1] [rettN4|specialN1] supper2 [mat1|supper2]

92 SynsetLimit (integer) Given the feature set F of a sense s:

93 SynsetLimit (integer) Given the feature set F of a sense s: For a feature f  F, if the cardinality of f’s denotation exceeds SynsetLimit, then its members are not included among possible synonyms or related words (except if denoted by other features).

94 SynsetLimit (integer) Given the feature set F of a sense s: For a feature f  F, if the cardinality of f’s denotation exceeds SynsetLimit, then its members are not included among possible synonyms or related words (except if denoted by other features). The sense from which such a feature was constructed is considered a hyperonym of s.

95 Synonyms (close) and related words (less close): Defined in terms of feature sharing (number and kind of shared features)

96 Related subsenses: The division of a given sense into related subsenses does not have a unique solution.

97 Related subsenses: The division of a given sense into related subsenses does not have a unique solution. We may want to vary the granularity of such divisions according to our purposes.

98 Related subsenses: The division of a given sense into related subsenses does not have a unique solution. We may want to vary the granularity of such divisions according to our purposes. The parameter OverlapThreshold allows us to do this.

99 Related subsenses: The division of a given sense into related subsenses does not have a unique solution. We may want to vary the granularity of such divisions according to our purposes. The parameter OverlapThreshold allows us to do this. OverlapThreshold [0,1]: Specifies the minimal overlap degree of two feature denotations for the features to be counted as belonging to the same subsense.

100 [mat1|supper2] [måltid1|dish3] [fat1|dish3] [skål1|bowl1] [tallerken1|plate1] diet1 evening_meal1 food5 grocery1 lunch1 meat1 supper2 dinner1 meal1 dish3 barrel1 pan1 bowl1 The features of plate1 and the senses (apart from plate1) to which they are assigned plate1

101 Derived thesaurus entry I

102 Derived thesaurus entry II

103 Derived thesaurus entry III

104 Entry based on automatic word alignment (P ≈ 84%, R ≈ 62%) (a) No filtering

105 Entry based on automatic word alignment (P ≈ 84%, R ≈ 62%) (b) Correspondences occurring only once filtered out

106 Evaluation Automatic (a-) vs. manual (m-) word alignment PrecisionRecallF-score a-alignment vs. m-alignment (estimated) 84%62%71% 43 a-entries vs. 43 m-entries (adjectives) 35%14%20% Results from Martha Thunes

107 Evaluation PrecisionRecallF-score a-alignment vs. m-alignment (estimated) 84%62%71% 43 a-entries vs. 43 m-entries (adjectives) 35%14%20%  The method is vulnerable to imperfect word alignment Automatic (a-) vs. manual (m-) word alignment Results from Martha Thunes

108 Evaluation 60 random entries in Mirrors (a-), Merriam-Webster and WordNet F-scores Mirrors vs. Webster Mirrors vs. WordNet Webster vs. WordNet 20 adjectives 9,2 %12,1 %22,7 % 20 nouns9,1 %10,7 %30,1 % 20 verbs5,9 % 20,1 % Results from Martha Thunes

109 Evaluation 60 random entries in Mirrors (a-), Merriam-Webster and WordNet F-scores Mirrors vs. Webster Mirrors vs. WordNet Webster vs. WordNet 20 adjectives 9,2 %12,1 %22,7 % 20 nouns9,1 %10,7 %30,1 % 20 verbs5,9 % 20,1 % 43 m- adjectives 16 % Results from Martha Thunes

110 genuine Sense 1 (lattice) (Translation: ekte, virkelig, egentlig. ) Synonyms: actual‹1›, authentic‹1›, honest‹1›, legitimate‹1›, proper, sincere, true‹1›, truthful‹1›. Related words: light‹1›, regular‹1›. How good are the gold standards?

111 genuine Sense 1 (lattice) (Translation: ekte, virkelig, egentlig. ) Synonyms: actual‹1›, authentic‹1›, honest‹1›, legitimate‹1›, proper, sincere, true‹1›, truthful‹1›. Related words: light‹1›, regular‹1›. How good are the gold standards? Words shared with Merriam-Webster’s in the entries for genuine

112 The End

113 Evaluation of the Mirrors output Work by Martha Thunes, Aksis, Bergen

114 Mirrors Webster dulcet enjoyable idyllic pastoral WordNet pleasing pleasurable attractive charming fair good pretty beautiful good-natured fine grateful gratifying nice agreeable alluring cheerful cheering cheery clarion clear cloudless congenial convivial engaging favorable glad joyful joyous pleasureful sunny sunshine sunshiny unclouded undarkened welcome all right amiable benign comfortable cosy cute delightful dishy enchanting fancy friendly gentle good-humoured graceful handsome happy jolly kind kindly lovely magnificent mild ornate picturesque polite smiling soft sweet well Intersections between the R- sets of pleasant in respectively Mirrors, Webster, and WordNet.

115 Mirrors Webster dulcet enjoyable idyllic pastoral WordNet pleasing pleasurable attractive charming fair good pretty beautiful good-natured fine grateful gratifying nice agreeable alluring cheerful cheering cheery clarion clear cloudless congenial convivial engaging favorable glad joyful joyous pleasureful sunny sunshine sunshiny unclouded undarkened welcome all right amiable benign comfortable cosy cute delightful dishy enchanting fancy friendly gentle good-humoured graceful handsome happy jolly kind kindly lovely magnificent mild ornate picturesque polite smiling soft sweet well Mirrors precision relative to Webster Strictly quantitative: 18,4% (7 out of 38)

116 Mirrors Webster dulcet enjoyable idyllic pastoral WordNet pleasing pleasurable attractive charming fair good pretty beautiful good-natured fine grateful gratifying nice agreeable alluring cheerful cheering cheery clarion clear cloudless congenial convivial engaging favorable glad joyful joyous pleasureful sunny sunshine sunshiny unclouded undarkened welcome all right amiable benign comfortable cosy cute delightful dishy enchanting fancy friendly gentle good-humoured graceful handsome happy jolly kind kindly lovely magnificent mild ornate picturesque polite smiling soft sweet well Mirrors precision relative to Webster Strictly quantitative: 18,4% (7 out of 38) Qualitatively adjusted: 78,9% (7+23 out of 38) Qualitative adjustment: another 23 Mirrors R-words, in red, fall within the sense description given in the Webster entry.

117 Mirrors Webster dulcet enjoyable idyllic pastoral WordNet pleasing pleasurable attractive charming fair good pretty beautiful good-natured fine grateful gratifying nice agreeable alluring cheerful cheering cheery clarion clear cloudless congenial convivial engaging favorable glad joyful joyous pleasureful sunny sunshine sunshiny unclouded undarkened welcome all right amiable benign comfortable cosy cute delightful dishy enchanting fancy friendly gentle good-humoured graceful handsome happy jolly kind kindly lovely magnificent mild ornate picturesque polite smiling soft sweet well Mirrors precision relative to WordNet Strictly quantitative: 10,5% (4 out of 38)

118 Mirrors Webster dulcet enjoyable idyllic pastoral WordNet pleasing pleasurable attractive charming fair good pretty beautiful good-natured fine grateful gratifying nice agreeable alluring cheerful cheering cheery clarion clear cloudless congenial convivial engaging favorable glad joyful joyous pleasureful sunny sunshine sunshiny unclouded undarkened welcome all right amiable benign comfortable cosy cute delightful dishy enchanting fancy friendly gentle good-humoured graceful handsome happy jolly kind kindly lovely magnificent mild ornate picturesque polite smiling soft sweet well Mirrors precision relative to WordNet Strictly quantitative: 10,5% (4 out of 38) Qualitatively adjusted: 92,1% (4+31 out of 38) Qualitative adjustment: another 31 Mirrors R-words, in green, fall within the sense description given in the WordNet entry.

119 Mirrors Webster dulcet enjoyable idyllic pastoral WordNet pleasing pleasurable attractive charming fair good pretty beautiful good-natured fine grateful gratifying nice agreeable alluring cheerful cheering cheery clarion clear cloudless congenial convivial engaging favorable glad joyful joyous pleasureful sunny sunshine sunshiny unclouded undarkened welcome all right amiable benign comfortable cosy cute delightful dishy enchanting fancy friendly gentle good-humoured graceful handsome happy jolly kind kindly lovely magnificent mild ornate picturesque polite smiling soft sweet well Mirrors recall relative to Webster Strictly quantitative: 21,2% (7 out of 33)

120 Mirrors Webster dulcet enjoyable idyllic pastoral WordNet pleasing pleasurable attractive charming fair good pretty beautiful good-natured fine grateful gratifying nice agreeable alluring cheerful cheering cheery clear cloudless congenial engaging favorable glad joyful joyous sunny welcome all right amiable benign comfortable cosy cute delightful dishy enchanting fancy friendly gentle good-humoured graceful handsome happy jolly kind kindly lovely magnificent mild ornate picturesque polite smiling soft sweet well Mirrors recall relative to Webster Strictly quantitative: 21,2% (7 out of 33) Adjusted: 26,9% (7 out of 26) Adjusted recall: 7 Webster R-words do not occur in the corpus; hence, cannot be included in Mirrors.

121 Mirrors Webster dulcet enjoyable idyllic pastoral WordNet pleasing pleasurable attractive charming fair good pretty beautiful good-natured fine grateful nice agreeable alluring cheerful cheering cheery clear favorable glad joyful joyous sunny welcome all right amiable benign comfortable cosy cute delightful dishy enchanting fancy friendly gentle good-humoured graceful handsome happy jolly kind kindly lovely magnificent mild ornate picturesque polite smiling soft sweet well Mirrors recall relative to Webster Strictly quantitative: 21,2% (7 out of 33) Adjusted: 26,9% (7 out of 26) Further adjustment: disregarding another 4 Webster R-words because the Mirrors method cannot identify them as R-words due to their translational properties in the ENPC.

122 Mirrors Webster dulcet enjoyable idyllic pastoral WordNet pleasing pleasurable attractive charming fair good pretty beautiful good-natured fine grateful nice agreeable alluring cheerful cheering cheery clear favorable glad joyful joyous sunny welcome all right amiable benign comfortable cosy cute delightful dishy enchanting fancy friendly gentle good-humoured graceful handsome happy jolly kind kindly lovely magnificent mild ornate picturesque polite smiling soft sweet well Mirrors recall relative to Webster Strictly quantitative: 21,2% (7 out of 33) Adjusted: 26,9% (7 out of 26) Among the remaining 15 Webster R-words missed by Mirrors, 11 words, in blue, represent meanings covered by the Mirrors R-set.

123 Mirrors Webster dulcet enjoyable idyllic pastoral WordNet pleasing pleasurable attractive charming fair good pretty beautiful good-natured fine grateful gratifying nice agreeable alluring cheerful cheering cheery clarion clear cloudless congenial convivial engaging favorable glad joyful joyous pleasureful sunny sunshine sunshiny unclouded undarkened welcome all right amiable benign comfortable cosy cute delightful dishy enchanting fancy friendly gentle good-humoured graceful handsome happy jolly kind kindly lovely magnificent mild ornate picturesque polite smiling soft sweet well Mirrors recall relative to WordNet Strictly quantitative: 33,3% (4 out of 12) No adjustment as all WordNet R-words occur in the ENPC.

124 Mirrors Webster enjoyable idyllic WordNet pleasing pleasurable attractive charming fair good pretty beautiful good-natured fine grateful nice agreeable alluring cheerful cheering cheery clarion clear cloudless congenial convivial engaging favorable glad joyful joyous pleasureful sunny sunshine sunshiny unclouded undarkened welcome all right amiable benign comfortable cosy cute delightful dishy enchanting fancy friendly gentle good-humoured graceful handsome happy jolly kind kindly lovely magnificent mild ornate picturesque polite smiling soft sweet well Mirrors recall relative to WordNet Strictly quantitative: 33,3% (4 out of 12) No adjustment as all WordNet R-words occur in the ENPC......but 3 WordNet R-words may be disregarded as they are missed by Mirrors due to their translational properties in the corpus.

125 Mirrors Webster enjoyable idyllic WordNet pleasing pleasurable attractive charming fair good pretty beautiful good-natured fine grateful nice agreeable alluring cheerful cheering cheery clarion clear cloudless congenial convivial engaging favorable glad joyful joyous pleasureful sunny sunshine sunshiny unclouded undarkened welcome all right amiable benign comfortable cosy cute delightful dishy enchanting fancy friendly gentle good-humoured graceful handsome happy jolly kind kindly lovely magnificent mild ornate picturesque polite smiling soft sweet well Mirrors recall relative to WordNet Strictly quantititative: 33,3% (4 out of 12) The remaining 5 WordNet R-words missed by Mirrors represent meanings covered by the Mirrors R-set, indicated with blue print.



128 Results for 42 adjectives, with Merriam-Webster’s Thesaurus as gold standard (after Thunes):

129 Qualitative adjustment of precision and recall for 3 adjectives (after Thunes):

130 Manual vs. automatic word alignment: Results with Webster as gold standard (after Thunes):

Laste ned ppt "The semantic mirror How the words in a language are translated reveals something about the semantic properties of the words. The target language is a mirror."

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