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Særprogrammet People Per Magnus Kommandantvold, EU-kontoret

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Presentasjon om: "Særprogrammet People Per Magnus Kommandantvold, EU-kontoret"— Utskrift av presentasjonen:

1 Særprogrammet People Per Magnus Kommandantvold, EU-kontoret
Sørlandet Kunnskapspark


3 Marie Curie Actions for an Innovative Europe
Fremmer forskermobilitet Styrker samarbeidet mellom næringsliv og akademia Gir ferdigheter som etterspørres i både offentlig og privat sektor Retter seg mot forskere på alle steg i karrieren Alle fagfelt inkludert Internasjonal, interdisiplinær og intersektoral mobilitet Dekker, i hovedsak, lønnskostnader for forskeren

4 Marie Curie Actions anno 2011
Ikke bare «stipender», i høy grad nettverkstiltak og også policy actions (Euraxess – Charter and Code, Pension funds, Researchers´Visa, Researchers´Night) Alle som bedriver forskningsvirksomhet er potensielle «kunder» Tiltak som styrker Europe 2020 (policy setting): Innovation Union New skills and jobs Youth on the move

5 Marie Curie Actions anno 2011
Internasjonal: 120 nasjonaliteter har deltatt, vertsorganisasjoner i 67 land Pr. 2010: MCA-stipender siden starten i 1996 Høy kvalitet: alle de 100 fremste universitetene i Shanghai-rankingen deltar

6 Marie Curie Actions p.t. Initial training of researchers
- Initial Training Networks (ITN) Life-long training and career development - Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) - Career Integration Grants (CIG) - Co-funding of regional/national/international programmes (COFUND) Industry-academia cooperation - Industry-Academia Pathways and Partnerships Scheme (IAPP) International dimension - International Outgoing and Incoming Fellowships (IOF / IIF) - Career Integration Grants (CIG) - International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) Specific actions - Researchers’ Night (NIGHT), other specific actions

7 Initial training of researchers
Bedriften i en ITN: Initial training of researchers - Initial Training Networks (ITN) Multipartner network Krav om næringslivsdeltakelse Nettverk, med formål å utdanne «earlystage researchers» partnere. 4 års prosjekter. For bedriften: Kan rekruttere, eller bidra til næringslivserfaring for en «PhD-student» (secondments) opp til tre år Får nettverk i Europa, bedrifter Tilgang til ny kunnskap

8 Bedriften i en ITN (forts):
Initial training of researchers - Initial Training Networks (ITN) European Industrial Doctorates Nærings-PhD i EU-setting. Komplementerer norsk ordning. Èn bedrift og én akademisk partner i to forskjellige land (EU27+assoc.states). Ansatt hos en av partene eller begge opp til tre år. Forskeren må tilbringe mest tid hos bedriften.

9 Bedriften i en ITN (forts):
Initial training of researchers - Initial Training Networks (ITN) Innovative Doctoral Programmes Én akademisk partner i EU27+assoc.states. Kan ha assosierte partnere for training-formål. Typisk «Doctoral schools» Gjerne næringslivsdeltagelse som assoc. partner

10 Life-long training and career development
- Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) - Career Integration Grants (CIG) - Co-funding of regional/national/international programmes (COFUND) IEF: Prosjekt med én vertsinstitusjon og én erfaren forsker (PhD eller >4år erfaring). Karriereutvikling for forskeren, avansert arbeidskraft med lønn dekket, nettverk og ny kunnskap for bedriften. 1-2 år. CIG: euro i året (x4) for å ansette erfaren forsker i fire år eller mer, gjerne fra utenfor Europa. COFUND: for erfarne forskere, ikke næringslivsperspektiv.

11 Industry-academia cooperation
- Industry-Academia Pathways and Partnerships Scheme (IAPP) Partnerskap mellom offentlige/private forsknings-organisasjoner og bedrifter basert på et felles forskningsprosjekt. Skal styrke kompetanseoverføringen på tvers av sektorene gjennom utveksling av personale. Må bestå av minst en deltager fra næringslivet og en fra akademia i hvert sitt land. Dekker alle fagområder. Prosjektvarighet 3 – 4 år. Dekker kostnader (100%) knyttet til medarbeiderutveksling, rekruttering av erfarne forskere utenfra nettverket og ulike nettverksaktiviteter (workshops, konferanser m.m.)

12 Industry–Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)
Objectives Foster co-operation between non-commercial research organisations & commercial enterprises based on joint research projects. Stimulate long-term collaboration between sectors through secondment of researchers between the public & private research domains. Diverse career possibilities & research experience for researchers, knowledge sharing/cultural exchange.

13 Industry–Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)
At least one non-commercial organisation At least one commercial enterprise Participants Non-Commercial participants Universities/research centres Non-profit or charitable organisations International European interest organisations Joint Research Centre of European Commission International organisations (WHO, UNESCO) Commercial participants Commercial enterprises of ALL sizes (incl. SMEs, spin offs, start ups) National organisations if commercial

14 Industry–Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)
At least one non-commercial organisation At least one commercial enterprises Minimum 1 from each sector from MS/AC Additional participants from anywhere in world Participants 4 categories EU Member States (MS) Associated Countries (AC): Switzerland, Israel, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia- Herzegovina and The Faroe Islands International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC): based on three categories according to income per capita (low-income, lower-middle-income, or upper-middle-income) Other Third Countries (OTC)

15 Industry–Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)
Main activities Compulsory Secondment of staff Majority of support in IAPP Always inter-sector Normally 2-way with in-built return Up to 30% for secondments within 1 country Optional Recruitment of experienced researchers Not substitute for secondment Networking activities Workshops & Conferences: participants' own research staff & external researchers

16 Industry–Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)
Activities & participants

17 Industry–Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)
Eligible researchers Secondment Early-stage/Experienced researchers (2-24 months) Must be staff members for at least 12 months Reintegration into the home institution for at least 1 year Recruitment Experienced researchers from any country (12-24 months) Early-stage researchers (ESR) Research experience ≤ 4 years No PhD Experienced researchers 2 pay scales 4-10 years of research experience (ER) >10 years of research experience (MER)

18 Industry–Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)
Nationality rules Secondment No nationality restrictions Recruitment Hosts in ICPC or OTC can only recruit MS or AC nationals Researchers not residing / having main activity in country of the host > 12 months in last 3 years before recruitment

19 Industry–Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)
Typical IAPP Activities Joint Research Project Research of mutual interest to all partners Milestones & deliverables Secondments underpin co-operation between partners in different sectors Possibility to recruit experienced researchers Networking Activities Organisation of scientific/managerial network meetings Invitation of external experts Attendance at international conferences and workshops Electronic networking (internet webpages, , video conferencing)

20 Community contributions
Gross amounts (rates for 2011) Living allowance*: € / per year (ESR: post-graduates) (only secondments) € / per year (ER: 4-10 years) € / per year (MER: > 10 years) Mobility allowance*: € 700 or per month Research/training/networking costs : € per researcher-month Overheads :10% of direct costs Management costs : max. 10% of total contribution Small equipment expenses for SMEs : max. 10 % of the SME contribution Fellows’ expenses Hosts’ expenses *Correction Coefficients apply

21 IAPP: Number of proposals/funded projects
2007 2008 2009 Submitted 103 141 358 Evaluated 102 356 Selected 41 51 59 Budget (M Euro) 38.5 45 65 Success rate 40 % 36 % 16.6 % Average project size 2009: 1,1 million €, normally 2-3 participants, max. 4-6 Budget for the 2011 call: 80 million € Call open: 20. July 2010 Deadline: 7 December 2010, 17:00 h Brussels time

22 International dimension
- International Outgoing and Incoming Fellowships (IOF / IIF) - Career Integration Grants (CIG) - International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) IOF: Midler som en erfaren forsker/PhD kan søke for opphold på 1-2 år i et europeisk land eller tredjeland. IIF: Rekruttér en god, erfaren forsker til din bedrift for 1-2 år fra et tredjeland

23 Fasit: Her er Marie Curie-ordningene en norsk bedrift kan bruke:
Initial training of researchers - Initial Training Networks (ITN) JA! Life-long training and career development - Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) JA! - Career Integration Grants (CIG) JA! - Co-funding of regional/national/international programmes (COFUND) Industry-academia cooperation - Industry-Academia Pathways and Partnerships Scheme (IAPP) Ja! International dimension - International Outgoing and Incoming Fellowships (IOF / IIF) JA? - Career Integration Grants (CIG) JA! - International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) Specific actions - Researchers’ Night (NIGHT), other specific actions


25 The Marie Curie Actions
Applicants Individual fellowships Industry/Research Institutions Research funding bodies Senior Post-docs > 10 years IEF IOF IIF CIG COFUND Post-docs > 4 years Profile of recruited researchers IAPP ITN Post-graduates < 4 years

26 Hvem deltar? Sektordeltakelse i søknader
Sektordeltakelse i innstilte prosjekter


28 Tilleggsstøtte for Marie Curie actions fra Forskningsrådet
Toppfinansiering Skal dekke mellomlegget mellom MCA-satser og tilsvarende nasjonale satser (tariff-lønn) for innkommende forskere Enkel saksbehandling Skal sikre attraktivitet (økonomisk) Prosjektetableringsstøtte (PES) For kostnader til prosjektetablering: NFR dekker opp til 50% innen gitte rammer av PES-ordningen.

29 Fremtiden for Marie Curie Actions
Fremtiden har allerede startet: WP 2012 European Industrial PhD European Innovative Doctoral Programmes Et alumni-nettverk Etter 2013? Cofunding av early-stage researchers? Forenkling? Alle MCA ESR, ER og Staff exchange

30 Kontaktpersoner og info: Marie Curie actions
National Contact Point (NCP): Per Magnus Kommandantvold, EU-kontoret i NFR Telefon / , E-post Terje Strand, Vitenskapsdivisjonen Telefon , E-post Ta alltid kontakt før du søker Marie Curie, vi hjelper gjerne! For mer informasjon om “People”-programmet:


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